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    Advances in Parasitology, Volume 63 (Advances in Parasitology)

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    Advances in Parasitology, Volume 63 (Advances in Parasitology)
    Rp 2.856.000
    First published in 1963, Advances in Parasitology contains comprehensive and up-to-date reviews in all areas of interest in contemporary parasitology.

    A Colour Handbook of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
    oleh Elizabeth Rozanski, John Rush
    Rp 1.700.000      
    Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology (8th Edition)
    oleh Allan H. Ropper, Robert H. Brown
    Rp 1.037.000
    A new take on the classic, definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology. Reflecting a modern approach to neurology, Adams and Victorâs Principles of Neurology, 8/e new format ... 

    Advances in Parasitology, Volume 63 (Advances in Parasitology)
    Rp 2.856.000
    First published in 1963, Advances in Parasitology contains comprehensive and up-to-date reviews in all areas of interest in contemporary parasitology.

    Allergy and Asthma: Practical Diagnosis and Management (Lange Medical Books)
    oleh Massoud Mahmoudi
    Rp 800.000      
    Clear, authoritative guidance for your day-to-day allergy and asthma practice
    Allergy and Asthma: Practical Diagnosis and Management is a concise guide that puts the most ... 

    Anatomy and Physiology Revealed Version 2.0 CD
    oleh Medical College of Ohio
    Rp 581.000
    Anatomy & Physiology Revealed is the ultimate interactive cadaver dissection experience. This state-of-the-art tutorial uses cadaver photos combined with a layering technique that ... 

    Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology
    oleh William D. James, Timothy Berger, Dirk M. Elston
    Rp 1.856.000
    Appleton & Lange's Quick Review : Physician Assistant
    oleh Richard R. Rahr, Salah Ayachi, Bruce R. Niebuhr
    Rp 474.000
    This best selling test prep delivers results for students taking Physician Assistant certification or recertification exams. Over 1,000 questions and answers cover all components of the NCCPA exam. ...  

    Asian Facial Cosmetic Surgery
    Rp 3.637.000
    This unique how-to atlas presents in-depth, detailed, richly illustrated coverage of cosmetic surgical procedures that apply specifically to the Asian patient. Dr. Park, a pioneer in this field,

    Atlas of Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
    oleh C. Mel Wilcox, Miguel Munoz-Navas, Joseph Jy Sung
    Rp 3.218.000
    Accurately identify a full range of gastrointestinal disorders using endoscopy! This high-quality atlas equips you with more than 2,400 state-of-the-art GI endoscopy images capturing every facet of ... 

    Atlas Of Clinical Ophthalmology, Third Edition
    oleh David J. Spalton, Roger A. Hitchings, Paul Hunter
    Rp 4.825.000
    "A definite visual feast, this book is a prize for any bookshelf." (American Journal of Ophthalmology, review of the last edition) The 3rd Edition of this critically acclaimed source offers ...

    Atlas of Facial Nerve Surgery
    oleh DS Grewal, Bachi T Hathiram
    Rp 2.212.000
    Atlas of Lift-Laparoscopy: The New Concept of Gasless Laparoscopy (Encyclopedia of Visual Medicine Series)
    oleh Daniel Kruschinski
    Rp 3.614.000
    Physiologically, gasless laparoscopy is less invasive than pneuomoperitoneum insufflation, allowing the surgeon to perform laparoscopic surgery in high-risk patients with conditions such as heart ... 
    Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology (MacDonald, Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology)
    Rp 1.987.000
    Thoroughly revised and updated to include the latest information on caring for the sick neonate and now in an easy-to-open flexible binding. This new edition provides step-by-step directions for 50 ... 

    Atlas of Transesophageal Echocardiography
    oleh Navin C Nanda, Michael J Domanski
    Rp 3.682.000
    Thoroughly updated and greatly expanded for its Second Edition, this highlyacclaimed atlas is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference on all aspects of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). It ... 

    Atlas of Transnasal Esophagoscopy
    oleh Gregory N Postma, Peter C Belafsky, Jonathan E Aviv
    Rp 2.296.000
    Written by leaders in the emerging area of transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE), this full-color atlas is the first comprehensive how-to reference on this technology. The authors define the indications ... 

    Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology: Text with CD-ROM
    oleh Wallace Peters, Geoffrey Pasvol
    Rp 1.816.000
    Increased global travel has changed the way we think about disease distribution. Diseases once considered of localised interest can be disseminated more readily than ever due to the increased speed ...  
    Basic Biomechanics
    oleh Susan J. Hall
    Rp 400.000      

    Basic Biomechanics
    oleh Susan Hall
    Rp 371.000
    Benign Diseases of the Vulva and Vagina
    oleh Dale Brown
    Rp 2.054.000
    Benign diseases of the vulva and vagina covers all aspects of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of benign disease of the lower genital tract for ob/gyns and all physicians who deal with ...  

    Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology and Applications
    oleh R. S. Khandpur
    Rp 1.997.000
    One of the most comprehensive books in the field, this import from TATA McGraw-Hill rigorously covers the latest developments in medical imaging systems, gamma camera, PET camera, SPECT camera and ... 

    Biopolymers for Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications: Humic Substances, Polyisoprenoids, Polyesters, and Polysaccharides
    Rp 6.250.000      
    Biopolymers remain a hot topic, with major medical and pharmaceutical industries turning to natural materials and their unique properties with regard to biodegradability and resorbability. This ... 

    Bioterrorism Preparedness: Medicine - Public Health - Policy
    Rp 2.168.000
    Meeting the acute need for a book determining the crucial elements of bioterrorism preparedness, this is a global perspective of the history and current concepts for bioterrorism, integrating the ... 

    Cancer Complicating Pregnancy, An Issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics (The Clinics: Internal Medicine)
    oleh K. Leslie
    Rp 1.421.000
    Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Text reviews the known literature on diagnosis and management of cancer during ... 

    Cancer Pain Management
    oleh Michael Fisch, Allen Burton
    Rp 1.744.000
    Introducing the first definitive guide to pain management in the cancer patient
    This pioneering book is the first to provide in-depth coverage of all the interventional and medical ...  

    Case Files Internal Medicine (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, John T. Patlan, Fabrizia Faustinella, S. Elizabeth Cruse
    Rp 250.000      
    Sixty Internal Medicine cases with complete discussion offer the most outstanding clerkship and USMLE Step 2 review possible
    Case Files: Internal Medicine, 2e presents sixty ... 

    Case Files Obstetrics and Gynecology (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Benton Baker III, Patti Jayne Ross, Larry C. Gilstrap
    Rp 250.000      
    Sixty obstetrics and gynecology cases with complete discussions offer the most effective clerkship and USMLE Step 2 review possible
    Case Files: Obstetrics and Gynecology 2e, ...  

    Case Files Pathology (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Margaret O Uthman, Edward Uthman, Earl J. Brown
    Rp 250.000      
    This book presents 55 clinical cases emphasizing the basic science aspects of pathology and is âthe closest you can get to the wards without seeing patients.â Each case includes an

    Case Files Pediatrics (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Robert J. Yetman, Margaret C. McNeese, Mark D. Hormann, Sheela L. Lahoti, Rebecca Greenlee Girardet, Mark Jason Sanders
    Rp 250.000      
    Sixty Pediatrics cases with complete discussions offer the most effective clerkship and USMLE Step 2 review possible
    Case Files: Pediatrics, 2e presents sixty clinical cases ... 

    Case Files Pharmacology (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Gary C. Rosenfeld, David S. Loose, Donald Briscoe
    Rp 250.000     

    Case Files Physiology (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Norman W. Weisbrodt, William P. Dubinsky, Edgar T. (Terry) Walters, Konrad P. Harms, Roger G. O'Neil
    Rp 250.000      
    This book presents 50 clinical cases emphasizing the basic science aspects of physiology, traditionally one of the most difficult basic science subjects. Each case includes an extended discussion ... 

    Case Files Psychiatry (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Debra L. Klamen
    Rp 250.000      
    Sixty Psychiatry cases with complete discussions offer the most effective clerkship and USMLE Step 2 review possible
    Case Files: Psychiatry, 2e presents sixty clinical cases ... 

    Case Files: Neurology (Lange Case Files Series)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Ericka P. Simpson, Ron Tintner, David Rosenfield, Milvia Pleitez
    Rp 250.000      
    You need exposure to cases to pass the USMLE and shelf exams and that's exactly what this innovative resource ... 

    Case Files: Psychiatry
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Debra L. Klamen, Eugene Toy, Debra Klamen
    Rp 512.000
    The closest a student can get to the wards without seeing patients! Designed to teach through clinical cases, this text offers 60 of the most common clinical problems in psychiatry along with ... 

    Case Files: Surgery (Lange Case Files)
    oleh Eugene C. Toy, Terrence H. Liu, Andre R. Campbell
    Rp 250.000      
    Sixty Surgery cases with complete discussions offer the most outstanding clerkship and USMLE Step 2 review possible
    Case Files: Surgery, 2e presents sixty clinical cases ... 

    Clinical Anesthesiology (International Students Edition)
    oleh G.Edward Morgan, Maged S. Mikhail, G. Edward Morgan Jr
    Rp 424.000
    This new edition is thoroughly updated and revised, and features "Profiles in Anesthetic Practice." Written by leading clinicians and academicians, the Profiles will address subjects directly ... 

    Clinical Chemistry
    oleh William J. Marshall, Stephen Bangert
    Rp 1.450.000      
    The new edition of this extremely successful text explores the clinical application of biochemistry. It explains what happens to the body's chemistry when affected by disease...which laboratory tests ...

    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
    Rp 3.494.000
    Designed for daily practice, CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY presents clinically focused, evidence-based coverage on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the digestive tract. An ... 
    Clinical Gynecologic Oncology (Clinical Gynecologic Cncology)
    oleh Philip J. DiSaia, William T. Creasman
    Rp 2.481.000
    Thanks to improved detection technologies, early diagnosis and treatment, and innovative research, the outlook for gynecologic oncology patients is steadily improving every day. Offer your patients ... 

    Clinical Malignant Hematology (McGraw-Hill Just the Facts)
    oleh Mikkael A. Sekeres, Matt Kalacyio, Brian Bolwell
    Rp 3.246.000
    The only comprehensive guide to the clinical management of hematologic and lymphatic cancers
    Filling an unmet need in the clinical literature, this commanding, just-in-time ... 
    Clinical Reproductive Medicine and Surgery: Text with DVD
    Rp 2.631.000
    Clinical Reproductive Medicine and Surgery is the new, definitive resource in reproductive medicine. This unique text offers detailed discussion on both the medical and surgical management of ... 

    Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Pulmonary Medicine
    oleh Michael E. Hanley, Carolyn H. Welsh
    Rp 512.000
    The best quick reference for diagnosing and managing patients with pulmonary disorders. Authored by clinicians from the leading academic pulmonary program, this text covers essentials of the ... 

    CURRENT DxTx Ready Reference for PDA : Clinical Highlights from CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment (CMDT) 2003
    oleh Maxine A. Papadakis, Stephen J. McPhee, Lawrence M. Tierney
    Rp 475.000
    Features over 200 key diagnostic and treatment tables culled from Tierneyâs CURRENT MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT. This unique and accessible product allows users to tap on a topic or organ ... 

    Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology
    oleh S. Mitchell Lewis, Barbara J. Bain, Imelda Bates
    Rp 1.014.000
    Often referred to as "the bible of hematology," this highly successful, practical manual is the place to turn to for every aspect of laboratory hematology. The book covers all of the techniques used ...  

    Delmar's Veterinary Accu-Calc: A Comprehensive Dosage Calculations Learning System
    oleh Thomson Delmar Learning
    Rp 850.000      This unique CD-ROM provides an interactive learning system for anyone who needs to master dosage calculations in a veterinary environment. The three most common methods of calculation - formula, ... 

    oleh Francisco A. Kerdel, Francisco Jimenez-Acosta
    Rp 347.000
    This useful quick-reference presents all of the key concepts physicians and residents need to know for board certification, re-certification, and general review. Provides a quick synopsis of the most ...  

    Diabetes Management in Primary Care
    oleh Jeff Unger
    Rp 1.025.000
    This book offers primary care physicians evidence-based guidelines for evaluating and treating all patients with diabetes. It covers all aspects of outpatient and hospital-based diabetes care for all ... 

    Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Diagnostic Medical Sonography)
    oleh Mimi C Berman, Harris L Cohen
    Rp 2.526.000
    Completely revised and updated, the second edition of this invaluable text examines the most current trends and technologies in the field of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound. In addition to a ...

    Diagnostic Neuropathology Smears
    oleh Jeffrey T Joseph
    Rp 2.807.000
    This textbook provides practical information on how to perform and interpret smears and use smears for diagnostic intraoperative neuropathology. The book covers most aspects of brain biopsies that ...

    Drug Benefits and Risks: International Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology
    Rp 4.027.000
    This is an inclusive reference exploring the scientific basis and practice of drug therapy. The key concept is to look at the balance between the benefits and risks of drugs but in this context also ...  

    Effective Health Risk Messages: A Step-By-Step Guide
    oleh Kim Witte, Gary Meyer, Dennis P. Martell
    Rp 808.000
    Winner of the Distinguished Book Award by the Applied Communication Division of the National Communication Association, 2001
    Effective Health Risk Messages provides ... 

    Clinical Respiratory Medicine
    oleh Richard Albert, Stepehn Spiro, James Jett
    Rp 3.368.000
    Completely revised and updated to reflect the newest advances in the field, this clinically oriented resource provides all of the information readers need to successfully identify, treat, and manage ... 

    Clinician's Guide to Substance Abuse (Hazelden Chronic Illness)
    oleh David Smith, Richard Seymour
    Rp 412.000
    A clear, concise introduction to substance abuse treatment for non-specialist physicians. Provides information on the nature of addiction, brain chemistry, pharmacology, current treatment protocols, ... 

    Colour Atlas of Anatomy of Small Laboratory Animals: Volume 1
    oleh Peter Popesko, Viera Rajtova, Jindrich Horak
    Rp 3.806.000
    This remains the only comparative study of the five principal species of small mammals used in biomedical research. In this unique two-volume set, the authors illustrate in superb detail the anatomy ... 

    Colour Atlas of Anatomy of Small Laboratory Animals: Volume 2
    oleh Peter Popesko, Viera Rajtova, Jindrich Horak
    Rp 5.868.000
    This remains the only comparative study of the five principal species of small mammals used in biomedical research. In this unique two-volume set, the authors illustrate in superb detail the anatomy ...  

    Comprehensive Gynecology: Text with Online Access (Comprehensive Gynecology (Mishell/Herbst))
    oleh Vern L. Katz, Gretchen Lentz, Rogerio A. Lobo, David Gershenson
    Rp 2.575.000
    Enhance your clinical success with practice-proven guidance! This trusted and tested reference provides complete, timely, and easy access to vital information on the medical and surgical issues ... 

    Comprehensive Hypertension
    oleh Gregory Y. H. Lip, John E. Hall
    Rp 2.325.000
    Here is today's most in-depth reference for any cardiologist, internist, or nephrologist interested in hypertension. Drawing from international experience in cardiology, physiology, and nephrology, ... 

    Critical Care Secrets (Secrets Series)
    oleh Polly E. Parsons, Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish
    Rp 587.000
    This best-selling volume in The Secrets Series is back in an exciting, fully updated 4th Edition! You'll find all of the features you rely on the Secrets forsuch as a question-and-answer format ... 

    Critical Pathways in Cardiovascular Medicine (Board Review Series)
    Rp 1.336.000
    Critical Pathways in Cardiovascular Medicine, Second Edition presents evidence-based, cost-effective critical pathways for diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disorders in the pre-hospital ...  
    Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Family Medicine
    oleh Jeannette E. South-Paul
    Rp 512.000
    Covers all the clinical conditions that are seen, diagnosed and managed in the primary care setting. Organized developmentally with sections on infants and children, adolescents, adults, and the ... 

    Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology (Current Diagnosis & Treatment)
    oleh Anil Lalwani
    Rp 1.294.000

    The most concise, clinically relevant guide to common diseases and disorders of the head and neck region-updated and expanded!
    Conveniently organized by organ and anatomic ...  


    Electromyography in Clinical Practice: A Case Study Approach
    oleh Bashar Katirji
    Rp 1.625.000
    The only case-based guide to electromyographyback in a fully revised and updated New Edition! This practical resource examines how to approach, diagnose, and manage the most commonly encoun-tered ... 

    Emergency Medicine Examination & Board Review (McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review)
    oleh Susan Promes
    Rp 474.000      
    The best emergency medicine Q&A board review text! Features more than 600 case-based board-type questions with detailed answers keyed to the new edition of the marketing-leading text, ...  

    Emergency Medicine Written Board Review (Pearls of Wisdom)
    oleh Scott H. Plantz, Dwight Collman
    Rp 849.000 
    Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics: With Student CONSULT Online Access
    oleh Peter Turnpenny, Sian Ellard
    Rp 831.000
    Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics has been a best seller for over 30 years. Generations of students have appreciated its unique balance of basic science...genetics as applied to medicine...and ... 

    oleh Leon Gordis
    Rp 756.000
    Esta obra es un recurso excelente para que estudiantes y residentes aprendan los aspectos fundamentales de la Epidemiologia y se introduzcan en el abordaje epidemiologico de los problemas relativos a ...  

    Essentials of Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology
    oleh Victoria Aspinall
    Rp 512.000
    With its concise descriptions of body layouts and systems, this pocket companion provides quick and easy access to key information on animal anatomy and physiology: It is a perfect clinical companion ... 

    Family Practice Board Review (Pearls of Wisdom)
    oleh William A. Schwer, Scott H. Plantz, Gillian Lewke Emblad
    Rp 849.000
    Felson's Principles of Chest Roentgenology Text with CD-ROM
    oleh Lawrence R. Goodman
    Rp 887.000
    This classic text is the must-have primer of chest radiology. The Third Edition reflects the latest imaging approaches and terminology while retaining the easy-to-use format that has always made this ...  
    Fields Virology 2 volume set
    Rp 6.657.000
    Established for 20 years as the definitive virology reference, the two-volume classic Fields Virology is in its thoroughly revised, updated Fifth Edition. More than 100 world-renowned investigators ...  

    First Aid for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship
    oleh Latha Stead, S.Matthew Stead, Matthew S. Kaufman
    Rp 250.000      
    First Aid for the Wards (First Aid)
    oleh Tao Le, Vikas Bhushan
    Rp 599.000
    Priceless input from medical students who've succeeded at the wards
    This renowned review book for third year medical students taking required rotations on the wards delivers ... 

    First Aid/Obstetrics & Gynecology Boards
    oleh Rahimian
    Rp 344.000
    First Exposure to Pediatrics (First Exposure)
    Rp 270.000      
    Fundamentals of Biostatistics (with CD-ROM)
    oleh Bernard Rosner
    Rp 1.770.000      
    FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSTATISTICS (WITH CD-ROM) leads you through the methods, techniques, and computations necessary for success in the medical field. Every new concept is developed systematically ... 

    Gastroenterology and Hepatology Board Review (Pearls of Wisdom)
    oleh John K. DiBaise
    Rp 974.000
    Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the gastroenterology and hepatology board exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique ...  

    Gastroenterology Quick Glance (At A Glance)
    oleh Zenia Colette Edwards
    Rp 755.000
    A practical guide to gastrointestinal and liver disorders for physicians and residents. This portable guide provides clinicians with high-yield information in a quick-review format. Includes the ... 

    Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics)
    oleh Laurence Brunton, John Lazo, Keith Parker
    Rp 850.000      
    The undisputed leader in medical pharmacology, without equal. Updated to reflect all critical new developments in drug action and drug-disease interaction. This is the âdesert islandâ ...  

    Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery (GRABB'S PLASTIC SURGERY)
    Rp 3.434.000
    Thoroughly revised for its Sixth Edition, Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery is the only comprehensive single-volume reference on the full range of aesthetic and reconstructive procedures in plastic ... 

    Gynaecology In Focus
    oleh Janice Rymer, Andrew Fish, Michael Chapman
    Rp 350.000      
    Here's a quick, portable, well-illustrated source on a full range of gynecologic conditions! Each chapter succinctly reviews the clinical features, differential diagnosis, management, and prognosis ... 

    Handbook of Dialysis (HANDBOOK OF DIALYSIS)
    Rp 660.000      
    The revised, updated Fourth Edition of this popular handbook provides practical, accessible information on all aspects of dialysis, with emphasison day-to-day management of patients. Chapters provide ...  

    Handbook of Dialysis Therapy
    oleh Allen R. Nissenson, Richard N. Fine
    Rp 1.206.000
    Here's an in-depth, quick-reference, problem-solving resource for those involved in the care of dialysis patients. More than 120 world-class authorities discuss dialysis techniques, mechanical ... 

    Handbook of Industrial Toxicology and Hazardous Materials
    oleh Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
    Rp 2.544.000
    Providing vital safety information on over 1000 commerical chemicals, this work explores up-to-date data on fire and chemical compatibility, response methods for incidents involving chemical spills ...  

    Handbook of Neuroanesthesia
    Rp 911.000
    Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, this handbook is a complete, convenient, and practical guide to perioperative management of neurosurgical patients. In a quick-reference outline format, the ... 

    Handbook of Toxicology, Second Edition (Handbook of Toxicology)
    Rp 1.681.000
    LOCATE FREQUENTLY USED INFORMATION EASILY AND QUICKLY Working in the laboratory or office, you use a diverse assortment of basic information to design, conduct, and interpret toxicology studies and ... 

    Handbook of Treatment in Neurology (Lancet Handbooks)
    Rp 318.000  
    Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics
    oleh Peter G. G. Jackson
    Rp 1.412.000
    Comprehensive, practical, and easy-to-read, this unique handbook provides a clear guide to veterinary obstetrics in large and small domestic animals. A detailed description of normal birth helps ...  

    Harrison's Endocrinology
    oleh J. Larry Jameson, Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, Eugene Braunwald, Dan L. Longo, Stephen L. Hauser
    Rp 520.000      
    Everything You Would Expect from Harrison's -- and more!
    Featuring the contents of the Endocrinology section of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th ...  

    Harrison's Rheumatology
    Rp 520.000      
    Everything you would expect from Harrison's-and more!
    Featuring the contents of the Rheumatology section of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition-enhanced ... 

    Harrisons Neurology in Clinical Medicine
    oleh Stephen L. Hauser, Dennis L. Kasper, Eugene Braunwald, Anthony S. Fauci, Dan L. Longo
    Rp 520.000      
    Everything you would expect from Harrison's-and more!
    Featuring the contents of the Neurology section of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition -enhanced ... 

    Harvard Medical School Guide to Healing Your Sinuses (Harvard Medical School Guides)
    oleh Ralph Metson, Steven Mardon
    Rp 296.000
    From a leading expert at one of the world's most respected medical schools----learn how to beat sinus infections once and for all. Nobody needs to tell you how painful and annoying sinus problems can ... 

    Harvard Medical School Guide to Lowering Your Blood Pressure (Harvard Medical School Guides)
    oleh Aggie Casey, Herbert Benson
    Rp 305.000
    An innovative approach to lowering blood pressure that builds on the national bestseller The Relaxation Response
    For the 100 million people worldwide dealing with high ...  

    Harvard Medical School Guide to Overcoming Thyroid Problems (Harvard Medical School Guides)
    oleh Jeffrey R. Garber, Sandra S. White
    Rp 296.000
    A complete guide to understanding, treating, and living with thyroid disease, from Harvard Medical School
    More than 13 million people in the United States suffer from some form of ...  
    Harvard's Nursing Guide to Drugs
    oleh Adriana Tiziani
    Rp 846.000
    Intended for markets outside the United States.  

    Hematology - Oncology Therapy
    oleh Michael Boyiadzis, Peter Lebowitz, James Frame, Tito Fojo
    Rp 1.605.000
    The first clinical manual to bridge the disciplines of hematology and oncology
    Hematology-Oncology Therapy integrates an extensive amount of information ( 67 chapters ) that is ... 

    Henderson's Orbital Tumors
    oleh James A Garrity, John Warren Henderson, J. Douglas Cameron
    Rp 3.682.000
    A complete update of a classic reference by specialists at the Mayo Clinic, Henderson's Orbital Tumors, Fourth Edition collates the Clinic's fifty years' experience in managing tumors involving the ... 

    Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods (Clinical Diagnosis and Management By Laboratory Methods)
    oleh Richard A. McPherson, Matthew R. Pincus
    Rp 975.000
    Required reading in clinical pathology since 1908! Comprehensive coverage gives you an in-depth understanding of lab test selection and interpretation of results. A new full-color layout makes ... 

    Histology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology (Histology (Ross))
    oleh Michael H Ross, Wojciech Pawlina
    Rp 896.000
    Now it its Fifth Edition, this best-selling text and atlas is the perfect text for medical, health professions, and undergraduate biology students. It combines a detailed textbook that emphasizes ... 

    Homeland Security and Emergency Medical Response
    oleh John E Campbell
    Rp 911.000
    Homeland Security and Emergency Response is a first edition product for McGraw-Hill Higher Education. The book and its ancillaries are being developed and designed to meet the needs of a 15 hour ...  

    Human Anatomy
    oleh Kenneth S. Saladin
    Rp 400.000      
    Human Drug Metabolism: An Introduction
    oleh Michael Coleman
    Rp 787.000
    Drug metabolism is a core area of pharmacology. Before any drug can be licensed it is essential to know how the body metabolises the drug, and the short and long-term effects it has on the body. It ... 

    Human Physiology
    oleh Stuart Fox
    Rp 400.000       
    Hysteroscopy: Visual Perspectives of Uterine Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology
    oleh Michael S Baggish, Rafael F Valle, Hubert Guedj
    Rp 3.875.000
    Thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded, the Third Edition of Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy provides a comprehensive pictorial and textual guide to the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and ...  

    Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
    oleh Heinrich Klefenz
    Rp 2.881.000
    This volume focuses on pharmaceutical biotechnology as a key area of life sciences. The complete range of concepts, processes and technologies of biotechnology is applied in modern industrial ...  

    Initial Management of Head Injury
    oleh Peter Reilly, Ben Selladurai
    Rp 1.531.000
    Integrative Cardiology
    oleh John H.K. Vogel, Mitchell W. Krucoff
    Rp 1.294.000
    Everything you need to incorporate complementary and alternative therapies into traditional cardiology practice
    Written by the leading experts in cardiology and integrative ...  
    Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
    oleh Michael M. Domach
    Rp 1.558.000
    This book presents readers with a study of the best engineering designs and exposes them to bioengineering practice from a variety of perspectives. Its aim is to explain basic engineering ideas and ... 

    Introduction to Clinical Examination
    oleh Michael J. Ford
    Rp 291.000
    The most important core skills for medical students to master are history taking and clinical examination. This extensively revised, eighth edition has been written with the philosophy that the

    Introduction to Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
    oleh Vishwanath Sardesai
    Rp 1.565.000
    Following up on the success of its highly-regarded predecessor, the Second Edition covers the most important topics pertinent to the world of clinical nutrition. It emphasizes the importance of ...  

    IRAD: Interactive Radiology Review & Assessment (CD-ROM for Windows & Macintosh, Single User)
    oleh Felix S Chew, Mitchell J Kline, Gary J Whitman
    Rp 3.309.000
    IRAD gives users the skill and confidence they need to successfully pass certifying examinations, whether they're taking them for the first time...or preparing for recertification. Users will find it ...  


    Lange Practise Tests for the Usmle 3
    oleh Goldberg
    Rp 260.000      
    Langman's Medical Embryology
    oleh Thomas W Sadler
    Rp 625.000
    Long respected for its scientific authority, pedagogy, and clinical relevance to medical education, this comprehensive embryology text features outstanding illustrations and clear and concise

    Lippincott Interactive Anesthesia Library (CD-ROM for Windows & Macintosh, Single Seat Multi-User, Version 3.0)
    Rp 6.990.000      
    Licenses Available: Institutional Single-Seat (for one computer) and Network (network server/multi-user)For product, price and ordering information, call: 1-800-326-1685 (Hospitals/Gvt

    Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology (Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series)
    oleh Richard D Howland, Mary J Mycek, Richard A Harvey, Pamela C Champe
    Rp 812.000
    Now in full color, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Third Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about the essentials of medical

    Living Through Breast Cancer
    oleh Carolyn M. Kaelin, Francesca Coltrera
    Rp 430.000      
    A compassionate and uniquely authoritative guide to surviving breast cancer
    Dr. Carolyn M. Kaelin is nationally recognized as a leading expert on breast cancer. At the age of ... 

    Maingot's Abdominal Operations
    oleh Michael J. Zinner, Jr, Stanley W. Ashley
    Rp 1.918.000
    The acclaimed abdominal operations classic- now in one completely up-to-date volume!
    Through ten successful editions, Maingot's Abdominal Operations has built a well-deserved ... 

    Mammography Review Valuepack (A&L Review of Mammography and Mammog and Breast Imaging: Just The Facts) (Appleton and Lange's Review)
    oleh Olive Peart
    Rp 1.137.000
    The perfect review tools for radiologic technologists certifying or recertifying. This valuepack includes all resources needed for success on the Mammography / Breast Imaging tests administered to ...  

    Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics: With Essentials of Diagnosis (Spiral Manual Series)
    oleh Kenneth A Arndt, Jeffrey HS Hsu
    Rp 556.000
    Now in its thoroughly revised, updated Seventh Edition, this popular Spiral(R) Manual is a practical, accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. The book concisely but

    Manual of Obstetrics (Spiral Manual Series)
    Rp 607.000
    Now in its thoroughly revised, updated Seventh Edition, this Spiral(R) Manual provides practical, easily accessible information on management of the pregnant patient. Major sections cover obstetric ...  

    Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice (Interdisciplinary Statistics)
    Rp 17567.000
    In a family study of breast cancer, epidemiologists in Southern California increase the power for detecting a gene-environment interaction. In Gambia, a study helps a vaccination program reduce the ... 

    Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach
    oleh Colleen Smith, Allan Marks, Michael A Lieberman
    Rp 765.000
    This best-selling resource utilizes a comprehensive yet practical approach that students understand. The authors present facts and pathways to emphasize how the underlying biochemistry is related to ... 

    Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    oleh Patrick J Sinko
    Rp 1.181.000
    This text is the most comprehensive resource on the application of physical chemical principles in the various branches of pharmacy. It helps students, teachers, researchers, and manufacturing ... 

    Maternal Medicine: Medical Problems in Pregnancy
    oleh Ian A. Greer, Catherine Nelson-Piercy, Barry Walters
    Rp 1.562.000
    This is a major new textbook on medical disorders and medical complications in pregnancy, which provides an authoritative and practical guide to the management of these potentially life-threatening ...  
    Mechanical Ventilation: Clinical Applications and Pathophysiology
    oleh Peter J. Papadakos, B. Lachmann
    Rp 2.344.000
    One of the key tools in effectively managing critical illness is the use of mechanical ventilator support. This essential text helps you navigate this rapidly evolving technology and understand the ... 

    Medical Biochemistry
    oleh John W. Baynes, Marek H. Dominiczak
    Rp 731.000
    The New Edition of this well-regarded textbook combines basic science and clinical medicine in a concise, easy-to-read format. Fully revised and updated, it reflects the latest information on genetic ... 

    Medical Imaging Signals and Systems
    oleh Jerry L. Prince, Jonathan Links
    Rp 1.558.000
    Medical Mycology: Cellular and Molecular Techniques
    Rp 1.450.000      
    Medical Mycology: Cellular and Molecular techniques is a clear and concise overview of the subject that details the techniques essential for ongoing research in the area. Drawing together ...  

    Medical Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study Approach (with InfoTrac)
    oleh Marcia Nelms, Sara Long
    Rp 822.000
    This casebook is composed of 39 realistic case studies appropriate for introductory and advanced level courses in nutrition and diet therapy. Each case study uses the medical record as its structure. ...  

    Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
    Rp 137.000
    A concise guide to the essential language of medicine. More than 35,000 entries. Pronunciations provided for all entries. Covers brand names and generic equivalents of common drugs. 

    Multicultural Medicine and Health Disparities
    oleh David Satcher, Rubens J. Pamies
    Rp 849.000
    This essential text assists health care students and practitioners in delivering skilled and appropriate care to all patients, no matter their ethnicity, country of origin, cultural history, or

    Multidetector Computed Tomography in Cerebrovascular Disease: CT Perfusion Imaging
    Rp 1.987.000
    Focusing on anatomy and procedural strategy for perfusion CT imaging in clinical neurology and cerebrovascular disease, this new text-atlas combines pictures and schematic diagrams to show how ...  

    Multiple Gestations, An Issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics (The Clinics: Internal Medicine)
    oleh Isaac Blickstein, Louis Keith
    Rp 1.421.000
    The book presents a clinical approach to some of the many facets of multiple gestations. The text includes chapters on psychosocial aspects, embryonic loss and perinatal mortality, invasive and ...  

    Munro Kerr's Operative Obstetrics: Centenary Edition
    oleh Thomas F. Baskett, Andrew A. Calder, Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
    Rp 1.837.000
    This title is a highly illustrated, practical book covering the obstetric and surgical procedures used in intrapartum care, including commonly used procedures such as assisted vaginal delivery ... 

    Neuroimaging in Neurology: An Interactive CD
    oleh David C. Preston, Barbara E. Shapiro
    Rp 2.200.000      
    Neuroimaging is playing an increasingly crucial role in all facets of neurological and neurosurgical diagnosis and treatment. Now there's an easy, interactive way to learn neuroanatomy and recognize ... 
    Neurology (House Officer Series)
    oleh Howard L Weiner, Lawrence P Levitt, Alexander D Rae-Grant
    Rp 450.000      Thoroughly updated for its Seventh Edition, this best-selling volume of the House Officer Series is a succinct, symptom-oriented pocket guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common ... 

    Neurology Board Review (Pearls of Wisdom)
    oleh Michael Labanowski, Nicholas Lorenzo
    Rp 912.Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the neurology board exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and ... 

    Nurse's Pocket Drug Guide 2008 (Nurse's Pocket Drug Guide)
    oleh Judith Barberio, Leonard G. Gomella
    Rp 262.000
    Specifically geared toward patient care, this quick-access reference provides registered nurses and advanced practice nurses with essential, up-to-the-minute information on the selection and ... 

    Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook 2008 (Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook)
    oleh Patricia Dwyer Schull
    Rp 412.000
    An Ultra-Convenient, Safety-Focused Drug Guide Written for RNs by RNs
    Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook delivers instant access to concise, need-to-know information on more than ...  

    Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care
    oleh Sylvia Escott-Stump
    Rp 1.192.000
    The latest edition of this rapid-access resource for busy nutritionists and dieticians continues its tradition as a concise, yet comprehensive reference for nutrition-based care of diseases. It

    Nutritional Aspects of Bone Health
    Rp 1.850.000      

    Nutritional Aspects of Bone Health provides an in-depth review of the role of diet in the development and maintenance of bone health throughout the lifecycle, and prevention of

    Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound Made Easy
    oleh N. C. Smith
    Rp 325.000
    This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. A succinct, well illustrated handbook for trainees covering the essentials of obstetric and ...  

    Obstetrics and Gynecology
    oleh Ricardo Azziz, Jane Davis
    Rp 250.000      
    Obstetrics and Gynecology (Just the Facts)
    oleh Patrick Duff, Rodney K. Edwards, John D. Davis, Alice Rhoton-Vlasak
    Rp 324.000
    Olson: Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple (Edition 3)
    oleh James Olson, Hilary Clement Olson
    Rp 531.000
    Provides general principles of pharmacology. Includes tables to compare different agents within a given class of drugs. For use as a review for Boards, self-testing, or reference. Previous edition: ... 

    On Call Obstetrics and Gynecology: On Call Series (On Call)
    oleh Homer G. Chin
    Rp 406.000
    Be on call with confidence! Successfully managing on-call situations requires a masterful combination of speed, skill, and knowledge. The pocket-sized titles in the On Call series provide you with ... 

    Operative Obstetrics
    oleh Larry C. Gilstrap, Gary Cunningham, J. Peter VanDorsten
    Rp 924.000
    The benchmark text in obstetrical procedures updated and expanded to reflect current practice
    * New chapter authors
    * New Study Guide with CME credit
    * More than 470 illustrations ... 

    Operative Obstetrics Study Guide
    oleh Susan M. Ramin, Larry C. Gilstrap, Gary Cunningham, Susan M. Cox
    Rp 335.000
    Oral Microbiology
    oleh Philip D. Marsh, Michael V. Martin
    Rp 1.448.000
    A unique text taking an ecological approach for dental professionals and microbiologists. 

    Organ and Tissue Donation
    oleh Magaret R. G. Sque, Sheila Payne
    Rp 731.000
    Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Board Review (Pearls of Wisdom)
    oleh Mary Talley Bowden
    Rp 974.000
    Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the otolaryngology board exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and ... 

    PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) Review (Pearls of Wisdom)
    oleh Guy H. Haskell, Marianne Gausche-Hill
    Rp 349.000
    Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the PALS (Pediatric Advance Life Support) certification exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. ... 

    Partnerships in Community Mental Health Nursing & Dementia Care
    oleh John Keady, Charlotte Clarke, Sean Page
    Rp 731.000
    Pathophysiology of Disease
    oleh Stephen McPhee
    Rp 360.000      
    *This concise review of pathophysiology presents each disease as disordered physiology
    *Organized by organ system, each chapter discusses normal structure and function, pathology, and ... 

    Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: A Collaborative Project of Medical Students and Faculty (PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HEART DISEASE (LILLY))
    Rp 662.000
    Completely rewritten and updated for its Fourth Edition, this best-selling text is a comprehensive, clear, concise, and easy-to-understand introduction to cardiovascular diseases. It is written by ...  

    Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Drug Discovery and Clinical Applications
    Rp 2.881.000
    With its focus on industrial pharmaceutical research, written by international experts from the industry, this book fills in a gap in the existing literature. It reflects the combination of such

    Pharmaceutical Care Practice : The Clinician's Guide
    oleh Robert J. Cipolle, Linda M. Strand, Peter C. Morley, Robert Cipolle, Linda Strand, Peter Morley
    Rp 1.184.000
    The most practical approach to pharmaceutical care! Provides all the principles and practice components for the pharmaceutical care practice course in the pharmacy curriculum. Thoroughly ...  

    Pharmacist Disease Management- Diabetes, 3/e
    oleh APhA
    Rp 1.449.000
    Pharmacist Disease Management: Diabetes, 3rd edition, is a quick, yet thorough, review of the diabetes management knowledge and skills most pertinent to pharmacy practitioners. Consisting of three ...  

    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    oleh Randall L. Braddom
    Rp 4.137.000
    Access today's best physiatry knowledge and techniques with this full-color new edition of Dr. Braddom's masterfully organized reference! A multitude of international experts document all of the ... 

    Phytosterols as Functional Food Components and Nutraceuticals (Nutraceutical Science and Technology, 1)
    Rp 3.142.000
    Responding to the magnitude of publicity currently centering on phytosterol utilization and efficacy, this reference compiles an impressive array of studies on the properties and role of phytosterols ...  

    Pocket Guide to Obstetrics and Gynecology
    oleh Frank W. Ling, Patrick Duff
    Rp 322.000

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