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    Rp 1.550.000,-(termasuk ongkos kirim Jakarta)
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    Kemas & Pengiriman:
    OLEH: Thomas Kessell
    Rp 1.550.000,-
    21st Century Communications: An Executive Guide to Communications in the Enterprise
    oleh Andy Mattes, Bob Emmerson
    Rp 484.000      
    We are migrating towards an integrated communications environment based on the Internet Protocol (IP) and related Internet technology. It embraces both wireline and wireless networks and covers all ... 
    A User's Guide to Engineering (ESource Series)
    oleh James N. Jensen
    Rp 850.000      
    With an informal and engaging writing style, A Userâs Guide to Engineering is an exploration of the world of engineering for future and current engineers. An important feature of t
    Aerobiological Engineering Handbook (McGraw Hill Handbooks)
    oleh Wladyslaw Jan Kowalski
    Rp 2.737.000      
    Solve any building air quality problem
    A complete reference for the design of air filtration systems and HVAC systems used in homes, schools, hospitals, laboratories, or animal ...  
    Aviation Maintenance Management
    oleh Harry A Kinnison, Harry Kinnison
    Rp 924.000     
    This unique resource covers aircraft maintenance program development and operations from a managerial as well as technical perspective. Readers will learn how to save money by minimizing aircraft ...  
    Biotech Industry: A Global, Economic, and Financing Overview
    oleh Bryan Bergeron, Paul Chan
    Rp 1.423.000      
    "The biotech industry is a complex, rapidly evolving, and critical industry. The industry holds great commercial and societal promise, but it is also filled with hype, confusion, and risks. Bergeron ...  
    Case Studies in Reliability and Maintenance (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
    Rp 2.677.000      
    Introducing a groundbreaking companion book to a bestselling reliability text
    Reliability is one of the most important characteristics defining the quality of a product or system, both ...  
    oleh CHAN S. PARK
    Rp 425.000     

    Design and Analysis of Experiments, Student Solutions Manual
    oleh Douglas C. Montgomery
    Rp 694.118      
    Learn How to Achieve Optimal Industrial Experimentation Through four editions, Douglas Montgomery has provided statisticians, engineers, scientists, and managers with the most effective approach for ... 
    Design for Six Sigma for Service (Six SIGMA Operational Methods)
    oleh Kai Yang
    Rp 1.605.882      
    The primary objective of this new book is to provide a comprehensive reference for those who work in a service industry setting. Unlike Design for Six Sigma a Roadmap for Product Development, this ...  
    Electricity & Electronics For Industrial Maintenance
    oleh Thomas Kissell
    Rp 1.537.647      

    Engineering Design
    oleh Rudolph J. Eggert
    Rp 1.532.000      
    Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving
    oleh Arvid R. Eide, Roland D. Jenison, Larry L. Northup, Steven Mickelson
    Rp 400.000      
    The Eide text has been a best seller in the introductory/freshman engineering market since it came out in 1979. It has always been known for its reliable and principles-based focus. In this edition, ..
    Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering
    oleh Saeed Moaveni
    Rp 440.000      
    Motivating students from all engineering disciplines, this text encourages students to become engineers and prepares them with a solid foundation in fundamental principles and physical laws. The book ... 
    Enhancing the Durability of Lumber and Engineered Wood Products
    oleh Jerrold E. Winandy
    Rp 1.247.000      

    Essentials of Materials for Science and Engineering
    oleh Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phul
    Rp 448.000      
    Designed for a one-semester introduction to materials science and engineering course, this text provides students with a solid understanding of the relationship between structure, processing, and ...  
    Evaluation of Fire Safety
    oleh D. Rasbash, G. Ramachandran, B. Kandola, J. Watts, M. Law
    Rp 2.606.000     

    Examines key aspects of quantifying fire safety: property damage, performance of fire services/measures, fire safety modeling and verification, and stochastic modeling.
    Includes a ...  
    Experimentation Matters: Unlocking the Potential of New Technologies for Innovation
    oleh Stefan H. Thomke
    Rp 537.000      

    Revolutionizing Innovation and Performance Through New Experimentation Technologies

    Every company's ability to innovate depends on a process of experimentation whereby new products and ... 
    Finite Element Method: Applications in Solids, Structures, and Heat Transfer (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)
    oleh Michael R. Gosz
    Rp 1.575.000      
    The finite element method (FEM) is the dominant tool for numerical analysis in engineering, yet many engineers apply it without fully understanding all the principles. Learning the method can be ...  
    Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers with Microfluidics and CFD (2nd Edition) (Prentice Hall International Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences)
    oleh James O. Wilkes
    Rp 1.277.000      

    Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
    oleh Braja M. Das
    Rp 380.000      
    This book combines the essential components of Braja Das' market leading texts, PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING and PRINCIPLES OF FOUNDATION ENGINEERING. It includes the fundamental concepts ...  

    Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, Fifth Edition
    Rp 7.725.000     
    Universally acclaimed as the industrial hygiene professional's definitive text, the Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene outlines establishing and maintaining programs, collecting and analyzing data to ... 
    Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics
    Rp 4.444.000      
    The completely revised edition of the leading reference on human factors and ergonomics

    The field of human factors and ergonomics has developed and broadened considerably since its ...  
    Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health
    Rp 3.581.000      
    Workplace safety and health is serious business. In work environments where the safety and health of employees is a significant issue, a major leadership challenge is to instill shared, companywide ... 
    Hold Paramount: The Engineer's Responsibility to Society
    oleh Alastar S. Gunn, P. Aarne Vesiland
    Rp 371.000      
    e Vesilind provide students with practical insight into the engineering code of ethics and how a practicing engineer is obligated to act in a responsible manner. To ...  
    Industrial Clusters In Biotechnology: Driving Forces, Development Processes And Management Practices
    oleh Vittorio Chiesa, Davide Chiaroni
    Rp 1.100.000      
    This book presents the results of Cleverbio, a project funded by the European Commission. The project examined the process of growth and development of clusters in the biotech industry, identifying ... 
    Integration Technologies for Industrial Automated Systems (Industrial Information Technology)
    oleh Richard Zurawski
    Rp 1.794.118      
    If there exists a single term that summarizes the key to success in modern industrial automation, the obvious choice would be integration. Integration is critical to aligning all levels of an ...  
    Introduction to Engineering Communication (ESource Series)
    oleh Hillary Hart
    Rp 537.647      

    Introduction to Environmental Engineering
    oleh Mackenzie L. Davis, David A. Cornwell
    Rp 381.000     
    This comprehensive new edition tackles the multiple aspects of environmental engineering, from solid waste disposal to air and noise pollution. It places a much-needed emphasis on fundamental ... 
    Introduction to Operations Research
    oleh Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman
    Rp 410.000      
    It is now a third of a century since the 1967 publication of the first edition of the pathbreaking Introduction to Operations Research, when the field was still relatively new. A great deal has ... 
    Introductory Mining Engineering
    oleh Howard L. Hartman, Jan M. Mutmansky
    Rp 2.387.647      
    An introductory text and reference on mining engineering highlighting the latest in mining technology
    Introductory Mining Engineering outlines the role of the mining engineer throughout the ...  

    Juran's Quality Planning and Analysis for Enterprise Quality
    oleh Joseph A. DeFeo, Frank M. Gryna, Richard C.H Chua
    Rp 409.000      

    Legal Aspects of Architecture, Engineering, and the Construction Process
    oleh Justin Sweet, Marc M. Schneier
    Rp 368.235      Rp 313.000
    The primary focus of this text is to provide a bridge for students between the academic world and the real world. This bridge is built through an understanding of what is law, how law is created, how ...  
    Maintenance Theory of Reliability (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)
    oleh Toshio Nakagawa
    Rp 1.500.000      Rp 1.275.000

    The maintenance of systems in engineering is of increasing concern to managers and designers in all branches of engineering, whether they are producing high-quality products or designing ... 
    Managing Your Supply Chain Using Microsoft Navision
    oleh Scott Hamilton
    Rp 196.471      Rp 167.000
    Maximizing Your Supply Chain provides a simple yet comprehensive explanation of how to use Microsoft Navision in small-to-midsize firms involved in manufacturing and distribution. Describing usage ... 
    Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling (3rd Edition)
    oleh Fred E. Meyers, Matthew P. Stephens
    Rp 2.184.000      
    This project-oriented facilities design and material handling reference explores the techniques and procedures for developing an efficient facility layout, and introduces some of the ... 
    Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management
    Rp 371.000      
    Vollman, Berry, Whybark and Jacobs', Manufacturing Planning & Control Systems, 5/e provides comprehensive real world based coverage of the concepts, tools, and methods used to manage and control ...  
    Methods, Standards and Work Design
    oleh Benjamin W. Niebel, Andris Freivalds
    Rp 352.000      
    Faced with increasing global competition, every industry, business, and service organization is restructuring itself to operate more effectively. Cost-effectiveness and product reliability without ...  
    Microfabrication and Nanomanufacturing
    Rp 2.390.000      
    Nanotechnology, seen as the next leap forward in the industrial revolution, requires that manufacturers develop processes that revolutionize the way small products are made. Microfabrication and ...  
    Modern Digital Signal Processing
    oleh Roberto Cristi
    Rp 380.000      
    Roberto Cristi conveys the excitement of the Digital Signal Processing field in which students can experiment with sounds, images, and video. Using a wealth of applications, the book covers Digital ...  
    Modern Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Third Edition
    oleh R. Gregg Bruce, William K. Dalton, John E. Neely, Richard R. Kibbe, Mileta Tomovic, John Neely
    Rp 2.152.000      
    This book introduces the current state-of-the-art technology in materials and manufacturing processes with an emphasis on the rapidly growing technologies in the plastics and aerospace industries. It ...  

    On the Practice of Safety, Third Edition
    oleh Fred A. Manuele
    Rp 2.700.000      
    The completely revised and updated Third Edition of the benchmark On the Practice of Safety thoroughly covers subjects that must be mastered by anyone seeking to attain professional status in the ...  
    Operations Management
    oleh Mark Davis, Janelle Heineke
    Rp 646.000      

    Practical Reliability Analysis
    oleh Ken Neubeck
    Rp 996.000      
    Containing true-life examples from the author's professional career experiences, this practical book offers useful analytical and troubleshooting tools for engineers as well as case studies that ... 
    oleh Louis Gary Lamit
    Rp 380.000      
    Pro/Engineer Wildfire 3.0 is one of the most widely used CAD/CAM software programs in the world today. Designed for a one or two semester undergraduate course for first or second year engineering ...  
    Product Design and Development
    oleh Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger
    Rp 352.000     
    This book presents a set of product development techniques aimed at bringing together the marketing, design, and manufacturing functions of the enterprise. It treats issues such as identifying ... 
    Product Design and Development
    oleh Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger
    Rp 362.000      
    This book presents a set of product development techniques aimed at bringing together the marketing, design, and manufacturing functions of the enterprise. It treats issues such as identifying ... 
    Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach
    oleh Fabio Giudice, Guido La Rosa, Antonino Risitano
    Rp 2.512.941      
    Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach analyzes relevant topics of design for environment and provides methods and structured tools to assist the product design process. Based on a ... 
    Project Management & Teamwork (B.E.S.T. Series)
    oleh Karl A Smith
    Rp 342.353     
    A succinct, to-the-point tutorial on project management--part of the expert-authored B.E.S.T. (Basic Engineering Series and Tools) series. Enhances the reader's comprehension of critical technical ...  
    Project Management Case Studies
    oleh Harold, Ph.D. Kerzner
    Rp 975.294      
    The revised edition of the single-best source of project management case studies

    Project Management Case Studies, Second Edition presents the most comprehensive collection of project ...  
    Project Manager's Portable Handbook
    oleh David I. Cleland, Lewis R. Ireland
    Rp 958.000      
    This book will provide quick and easy access to the important concepts found in Cleland's Project Management.  

    oleh Dale H. Besterfield
    Rp 410.000      
    Practical and state-of-the-art in approach, this book provides fundamentalâyet comprehensive-coverage of quality control concepts. Sufficient theory is presented to ensure that learners gain a ... 
    Quality Management
    oleh Howard Gitlow
    Rp 371.000      
    Quality Management presents a unique and workable approach to the tools and methods necessary for real quality improvement. W. Edwards Deming's philosophies on quality are woven into this text. This ... 
    Quality Planning and Analysis
    oleh Frank M. Gryna
    Rp 299.000      
    This book provides comprehensive coverage and reflects modern thinking on quality in the '90s and into the 21st century. It covers the impact of quality on all organizational activities, taking a ... 
    Six Sigma for Transactions and Service (Six Sigma Operational Methods)
    oleh Parveen S. Goel, Praveen Gupta, Rajeev Jain, Rajesh K. Tyagi
    Rp 1.606.000      
    Many of the Six Sigma methods successfully used in manufacturing are now being utilized in the transactional and service sectors. However, business-specific issues such as customer billing, order ... 
    Software Quality: Concepts And Practice
    oleh R. a. Khan, K. Mustafa, S. i. Ahson
    Rp 1.956.000      
    Quality is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be described from different perspectives depending on the context peculiarities and the stakeholders. Though measuring quality is not a new ...  
    Structural Behaviour of Timber
    oleh Borg Madsen
    Rp 1.472.000      
    Textiles and fashion: Challenges and strategies for the industry
    Rp 311.000      
    The Design of Home Appliances for Young and Old Consumers (Ageing and Ergonomics, 2)
    oleh Adinda Freudenthal
    Rp 1.432.000      
    Is daily life equipment sufficiently adapted to use by the elderly, or are product developers biased towards young, healthy males with technical skills and insight? This book attempts to narrow this ...  
    The Engineering of Foundations
    oleh Rodrigo Salgado
    Rp 391.000      

    The Project Manager's Pocket Survival Guide
    oleh James P. Lewis
    Rp 287.000      

    Troubleshooting tips and techniques for keeping projects and management careers on track
    Bestselling author James P. Lewis has become today's number one authority on the rules of ...  

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