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    Clinical Anesthesia

    Rp 2.990.000,-(termasuk ongkos kirim Jakarta)
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    Clinical Anesthesia
    Clinical Anesthesia is now in its Sixth Edition, with thoroughly updated coverage, a new full-color design, and a revamped art program featuring 880 full-color illustrations

    More than 80 leading experts cover every aspect of contemporary perioperative medicine in one comprehensive, clinically focused, clear, concise, and accessible volume. Two new editors, Michael Cahalan, MD and M. Christine Stock, MD, join Drs. Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting for this edition.
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    Clinical Anesthesia Procedures...
    Relied on for over 20 years by resident and practicing anesthesiologists and CRNAs, this best-selling pocket reference is now in its Seventh Edition. In easy-to-scan outline format, it provides current, comprehensive, concise, consistent, and clinically relevant guidelines for anesthesia procedures throughout the preoperative,
    Rp. 750.000

    Yao and Artusio' s Anesthesiology...
    Now in its Sixth Edition, this best-selling text is the only anesthesiology book with a case-based, problem-oriented approach.
    Rp. 1.630.000

    The authors' stated purpose was to create a textbook that emphasized the clinical aspects of anesthetic practice with particular attention paid to the application of evidence-based medical decision-making to the field of anesthesia.
    Rp. 2.500.000

    Complications in Anesthesiology
    This comprehensive, problem-based textbook discusses the full range of complications in anesthesiology
    Rp. 2.620.000

    Decision Making in Anesthesiology
    The book can be counted on to provide instant access to reasonable and safe plans of anesthetic management and deserves a place in every anesthesia duty room
    Rp. 1.990.000

    Evidence-Based Practice of...
    Apply today' s best evidence to your daily practice
    Rp. 1.580.000

    Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided...
    Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia, by Andrew T. Gray, MD, PhD, shows you how to get the maximum benefit from this technique, while at the same time increasing your efficiency and ensuring patient safety
    Rp. 2.380.000

    Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology...
    Written by residents, for residents, The Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology Handbook: Mobile Medicine Series, by Eugenie S. Heitmiller, MD and Deborah A. Schwengel, MD, is a concise, pocket-sized reference....
    Rp. 930.000

    A Practical Approach to...
    This new addition to our highly successful A Practical Approach to Anesthesia series is a comprehensive, accessible guide to obstetric anesthesia, with the substance and depth of a textbook and the convenient, user-friendly features of a handbook
    Rp. 1.440.000

    Case-Based Anesthesia: Clinical...
    This short textbook presents sixty cases with the detail and patient-specific data encountered in actual clinical practice
    Rp. 1.640.000

    Clinical Anesthesia
    The premier single-volume reference in the field of anesthesia, Clinical Anesthesia is now in its Sixth Edition, with thoroughly updated coverage, a new full-color design, and a revamped art program featuring 880 full-color illustrations
    Rp. 2.990.000

    Cousins and Bridenbaugh' s Neural...
    This comprehensive, authoritative text presents the scientific foundations and clinical practice of neural blockade in both regional anesthesia and the management of pain. The descriptions and illustrations of pain mechanisms are considered classic examples
    Rp. 3.280.000

    Handbook for Stoelting' s...
    The peerless authority you trust...the portability you need! This practical handbook covers all of the most critical, clinically relevant topics from Stoelting' s Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 5th Edition in a format suitable for a quick-reference guide you can carry in your coat pocket
    Rp. 990.000

    Handbook of Clinical Anesthesia
    This pocket-sized handbook provides quick, easy access to the essential bedside information from Clinical Anesthesia, Sixth Edition
    Rp. 950.000

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