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    Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers

    Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers

    Rp 1.996.000
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    Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers
    Rp 1.996.000

    A Guide to the Fundamentals and Latest Concepts of Molecular and Cell Biology
    Bridging the gap between biology and engineering, Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for ..
    Anatomy and Physiology
    oleh Trent D. Stephens, Rod R. Seeley, Philip Tate
    Rp 391.000

    Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers
    Rp 1.996.000

    A Guide to the Fundamentals and Latest Concepts of Molecular and Cell Biology
    Bridging the gap between biology and engineering, Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for ...  

    Aquatic Photosynthesis: Second Edition
    oleh Paul G. Falkowski, John A. Raven
    Rp 1.210.000      

    Aquatic Photosynthesis is a comprehensive guide to understanding the evolution and ecology of photosynthesis in aquatic environments. This second edition, thoroughly revised to bring it up ... 

    Atlas of Rhinoscopy
    oleh Eiji Yanagisawa
    Rp 2.356.000
    This full-color atlas includes outstanding photography of endoscopic sinonasal anatomy, pathology, and surgery. It also illustrates the technique of rhinoscopy, sinoscopy, and nasopharyngoscopy. This ... 

    Biological Investigations Lab Manual
    oleh Warren D. Dolphin
    Rp 400.000     
    This lab manual is for a one or two-semester majors level general biology lab and can be used with any majors-level general biology textbook. The labs are investigative and ask students to use more ... 

    Biological Pollution an Emerging Global Menace
    Rp 1.725.000

    Biology of the Invertebrates
    oleh Jan A. Pechenik
    Rp 408.000      
    This textbook is the most concise and readable invertebrates book in terms of detail and pedagogy (other texts do not offer boxed readings, a second color, end of chapter questions, or pronunciation ... 

    Biology: Concepts and Applications
    oleh Cecie Starr
    Rp 615.000

    Biotechnology Demystified
    oleh Sharon Walker
    Rp 357.000
    This self-teaching guide explains the basic concepts and fundamentals in all the major subtopics of biotechnology. The content advances logically from the basics of molecular and cellular biology to ...  

    Brock Biology of Microorganisms
    oleh John Martinko, Michael T. Madigan
    Rp 482.000

    The book for introductory microbiology, Brock's Biology of Microorganisms continues its long tradition of impeccable scholarship, outstanding art, and accuracy. It balances

    Cell Biology and Genetics (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)
    oleh Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart
    Rp 811.000
    This brief and specialized book is designed for general non-major biology courses and includes, Unit 1 (Principles of Cellular Life), and Unit II (Principles of Inheritance) from BIOLOGY: THE UNITY ... 

    CIE Biology AS Level and A Level (Cambridge International Examinations)
    oleh Mary Jones, Richard Fosbery, Dennis Taylor, Jennifer Gregory
    Rp 677.000
    Biology: AS and A Level meets the requirements of the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) syllabus in Biology AS and A Level. In one volume, this full colour textbook covers both the AS ... 

    Concepts in Biology
    oleh Eldon D. Enger
    Rp 390.000      
    Concepts in Biology is a short, student-friendly text organized in a traditional manner. It has very little botany and presents a human-oriented approach to the animal unit. Professors and

    Dictionary of Animal Production Terminology
    oleh Sophie Straszewska, Louis Ollivier
    Rp 3.840.000      
    In this revised edition of the Dictionary of Animal Production Terminology the subjects found in the previous edition are covered more thoroughly and in considerably greater detail than before. The ... 

    Dictionary of Bioscience
    oleh McGraw-Hill
    Rp 387.000
    Derived from the content of the respected McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition, each title provides thousands of definitions of words and phrases encountered ... 

    DNA-Pharmaceuticals: Formulation and Delivery in Gene Therapy, DNA Vaccination and Immunotherapy
    Rp 1.918.000
    With its focus on a completely novel class of pharmaceuticals, this book collates the hitherto scarce literature about DNA drug formulation keenly desired by biotechnologists, molecular biologists ...  

    DNA-Pharmaceuticals: Formulation and Delivery in Gene Therapy, DNA Vaccination and Immunotherapy
    Rp 1.918.000
    With its focus on a completely novel class of pharmaceuticals, this book collates the hitherto scarce literature about DNA drug formulation keenly desired by biotechnologists, molecular biologists ...  

    Eating Disorders
    oleh Pamela K. Keel
    Rp 1.315.000

    Echinacea: The genus Echinacea (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants--Industrial Profiles, V 39)
    Rp 1.587.000
    Echinacea has emerged from the realm of folklore medicine and into the territory of valued and potentially fundamental therapy. While an understanding of the promising medicinal applications of ...  

    Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance: Hands-On Field Package (5th Edition)
    oleh Charles J. Krebs
    Rp 981.000
    This best-selling majors ecology book continues to present ecology as a series of problems for readers to critically analyze. No other text presents analytical, quantitative, and statistical

    Evolutionary Biology
    oleh Douglas J. Futuyma
    Rp 1.758.000      
    Previous editions of Evolutionary Biology, widely used and translated into five other languages, were praised for their broad scope, synthetic overview, and even-handed treatment of controversial ...  

    Functional Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
    oleh William O Reece
    Rp 1.294.000      
    This introductory physiology text helps students gain a greater understanding of the purpose for animal body parts and how each functions. Dr. Reece also explains anatomical structureâboth ...  

    Genetic Improvement of Seed Quality (CSSA special publication)
    Rp 653.000      
    Dramatic examples of genetic enhancement of seed quality exist relative to hardness, germination, protein quality and quantity, oil, and many other traits. Maintenance of seed quality is also

    oleh Leland Hartwell, Leroy Hood, Michael L. Goldberg, Ann Reynolds, Lee M. Silver, Ruth C. Veres
    Rp 400.000      

    How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts
    oleh Henry Shoemaker Conard, Jr. Paul L. Redfearn
    Rp 748.000      

    Human Biology
    oleh Sylvia S. Mader
    Rp 371.000      

    Inquiry Into Life
    oleh Sylvia S. Mader
    Rp 787.000      

    Introduction to Biological Evolution
    oleh Kenneth V. Kardong
    Rp 400.000      
    Written for a general college audience, this book offers an introduction to the principles and significance of Darwinian evolution. It differs from most other textbooks on evolution in three

    Introductory Plant Biology
    oleh Kingsley R. Stern, James Bidlack, Shelley Jansky
    Rp 381.000      

    Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology
    oleh Josephine A. Morello, Paul A Granato, Helen Eckel Mizer
    Rp 1.677.000      
    This laboratory manual and workbook, now in its Eighth Edition, maintains its original emphasis on the basic principles of diagnostic microbiology for students preparing to enter the allied health ...  
    oleh Douglas Gaffin, Marielle Hoefnagels, Bruce Parker, Ricki Lewis
    Rp 524.000      
    Convey learning through independent discovery with the investigative experiments in this unique lab manual. Written in a fresh, engaging style, Life Laboratory Manual asks students to actively ...  

    Life Science
    oleh Biggs02
    Rp 1.336.000      

    Mader's Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology
    oleh Susannah N Longenbaker
    Rp 400.000      

    Marine Biology
    oleh Peter Castro
    Rp 409.000      
    This fourth edition covers the basics of marine biology with a global approach using examples from numerous regions and ecosystems worldwide. This introductory, one-semester text is designed for ...  

    oleh Christine L. Case
    Rp 482.000      

    Microbiology a Laboratory Manual (Pie)
    oleh James Cappuccino
    Rp 362.000      
    This versatile laboratory manual can be used with any undergraduate microbiology text and course. Known for its brief laboratory activities, minimal equipment requirements, and competitive price, the ...  

    Microscopic Techniques in Biotechnology
    oleh Michael Hoppert
    Rp 2.262.000      
    Focusing on all current applications, this book presents the various methods as well as their suitability and limitations for a specific question. One particular highlight is the presentation of all ...  

    Molecular Biology
    oleh Robert Weaver
    Rp 662.000      
    Molecular Biology, 3/e emphasizes the experimental data and results that support the concepts of molecular biology: DNA transcription, translation, replication, and repair. Experimental ...  

    Monitoring Plant and Animal Populations
    oleh Caryl L. Elzinga, Daniel W. Salzer, John W. Willoughby, James P. Gibbs
    Rp 1.434.000      
    Monitoring Plant and Animal Populations offers an overview of population monitoring issues that is accessible to the typical field biologist and land managers with a modest statistical ...  

    Nitrogen Fixation at the Millennium
    Rp 2.787.000      
    The turn of the millennium from the twentieth to the twenty-first century provides an occasion to review our understanding of a biological process, biological nitrogen fixation, that is of prime ...  

    Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
    Rp 5.915.000      
    Plant Cell and Tissue Culture gives an exhaustive account of plant cell culture and genetic transformation, including detailed chapters on all major field and plantation crops.

    Plant Microbe Interaction (Plant Microbe Interactions)
    Rp 1.400.000      

    Plant Physiology (Developments in Crop Science)
    Rp 2.715.000      
    The book summarizes present scientific knowledge in plant physiology with regards to plant production. The authors, mainly professors of plant physiology at agricultural universities in ...  
    Prepak: Widmaier 10/e + Wise Lab for Seeley 7/e + SSAN + Waters CD
    oleh Eric P. Widmaier
    Rp 2.884.000      

    Prescott's Microbiology
    oleh Joanne Willey, Linda Sherwood, Chris Woolverton
    Rp 400.000        

    Principles of Animal Behavior
    oleh Lee Alan Dugatkin
    Rp 1.791.000      
    Principles of Animal Behavior, the highly anticipated contemporary text from Professor Lee Alan Dugatkin, takes a uniquely integrative approach to animal behavior. Professor Dugatkin creates a ...  

    Rice Biotechnology: Improving Yield, Stress Tolerance and Grain Quality - No. 236
    oleh Novartis Foundation
    Rp 2.468.000      
    Rice is the most important food crop for half the world's population. Over the last three decades, the imporvement in human nutrition and health in Asia has largely been attributable to a relatively ... 

    Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants: Volume I (Forestry Sciences)
    Rp 6.362.000      
    These books provide an update to progress on somatic embryogenesis in woody plants including both angiosperm and gymnosperm trees. In the past, most of the information on this subject was ...  

    The Invertebrates: A Synthesis
    oleh R. S. K. Barnes, Peter P. Calow, P. J. W. Olive, D. W. Golding, J. I. Spicer
    Rp 2.371.000      
    The majority of undergraduate texts in invertebrate zoology (of which there are many) fall into one of two categories. They either offer a systematic treatment of groups of animals phylum by phylum, ...  

    The Mango: Botany, Production and Uses (Cab International Publication)
    Rp 2.660.000      
    The mango is one of the oldest cultivated fruit crops, having been grown in India for at least 4000 years. Mango is the most important fruit crop of Asia, and its annual production is exceeded ...  

    The Science of Animal Agriculture
    oleh Dr. Ray V. Herren
    Rp 1.318.000      
    This second edition book focuses on the scientific aspects of the animal agriculture industry. New chapters on the beef, swine, sheep, horse, and small animal industries have been added for ...  

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