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    Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles (3rd Edition)

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    Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles (3rd Edition)
    oleh Tom Birch, Charles Rockwood
    Rp 1.487.000
    Automotive Transmissions and Transaxles presents comprehensive coverage of the operating principles as well as the ...  
    2004 Asme Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code: Division 2 - Alternative Rules
    Rp 9.125.000
    Advanced Digital Logic Design Using VHDL, State Machines, and Synthesis for FPGA's
    oleh Sunggu Lee
    Rp 448.000
    This textbook is intended to serve as a practical guide for the design of complex digital logic circuits such as digital control circuits, network interface circuits, pipelined arithmetic units, and

    Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 37 (Advances in Heat Transfer)
    oleh James P. Hartnett â 
    Rp 3.128.000
    This series presents review articles on topics of current interest. Each contribution starts from widely understood principles and brings the reader up to the forefront of the topic being addressed. ...  

    Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 39 (Advances in Heat Transfer)
    Rp 2.812.000
    Advances in Heat Transfer fills the information gap between regularly scheduled journals and university level textbooks by providing in-depth review articles over a broader scope than in

    Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
    oleh Rex Miller, Mark R. Miller
    Rp 818.000
    Air Conditioning and Refrigeration helps you understand today's cooling and climate control ...  

    An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method (2nd Edition)
    oleh H. Versteeg, W. Malalasekra
    Rp 1.468.000
    An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
    oleh Jonathan Wickert
    Rp 448.000
    This richly illustrated text reflects the experiences and philosophy of the author as is presented in his introductory course, Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, currently being taught at Iowa ... 

    An Introduction to the Finite Element Method
    oleh J.N. Reddy
    Rp 400.000      
    The second edition is intended for the junior-senior-graduate level course in finite element method. This text includes a step-by-step, systematic approach to the formulation and analysis of ... 

    An Introduction to the Finite Element Method
    oleh Wahyu Kuntjoro
    Rp 206.000
    An Introduction to the Finite Element Method is organized and written in such a way that students should not find it difficult to understand the concepts and applications discussed in the book. ...  

    Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles (3rd Edition)
    oleh Tom Birch, Charles Rockwood
    Rp 1.487.000
    Automotive Transmissions and Transaxles presents comprehensive coverage of the operating principles as well as the ...  

    Automotive Fuel and Emissions Control System (Prentice Hall Multimedia Series in Automotive Technology)
    oleh James D. Halderman, James Linder
    Rp 1.381.000
    This up-to-date comprehensive book, written by two experts in the field, covers all topics in this subject and is correlated to the ASE and NATEF Tasks ...  

    Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning (4th Edition)
    oleh Thomas Birch
    Rp 1.487.000
    Extensively illustrated, clearly written, and state-of-the-art in focus, this comprehensive MHVAC manual is ideal for both novice and advanced technicians. ASE-based in coverage, it focuses ...  

    Code for existing ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk
    oleh Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
    Rp 362.000

    Cold and Chilled Storage Technology
    oleh C.V.J. Dellino
    Rp 3.787.000
    The first edition of this book firmly established itself as one of the bibles for the industry and this thoroughly revised new edition continues to provide a comprehensive survey of the design, ...  

    Computational Inverse Techniques in Nondestructive Evaluation
    oleh G.R. Liu
    Rp 3.750.000      
    Ill-posedness. Regularization. Stability. Uniqueness. To many engineers, the language of inverse analysis projects a mysterious and frightening image, an image made even more intimidating by the ... 

    Conceptual Foundations of Materials: A standard model for ground- and excited-state properties (Contemporary Concepts of Condensed Matter Science)
    Rp 2.400.000      
    The goal of this Volume "Conceptual Foundations of Materials: A standard model for ground- and excited-state properties" is to present the fundamentals of electronic structure theory that are central ... 

    Continuum Mechanics and Plasticity (Crc Series--Modern Mechanics and Mathematics)
    oleh Han-Chin Wu
    Rp 2.400.000      
    Tremendous advances in computer technologies and methods have precipitated a great demand for refinements in the constitutive models of plasticity. Such refinements include the development of a model ...  

    Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
    oleh W.M. Kays, Michael E. Crawford, Bernhard Weigand
    Rp 401.000
    This book is designed as a textbook for mechanical engineering seniors or beginning graduate students. The book provides a reasonable theoretical basis for a subject that has traditionally had a very ...  

    Design of Machinery
    oleh Robert L. Norton
    Rp 388.000
    Elementary Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition
    oleh Robert L. Street, Gary Z. Watters, John K. Vennard
    Rp 1.708.000
    This edition retains the basic approach and style that has appealed to readers for over fifty years. The first half focuses on fundamental physical and analytical principles. The second half covers ... 

    Elements of Shipping
    oleh Mr Alan Branch, Alan Branch
    Rp 1.300.000      
    Elements of Shipping was first published in 1964 and has become established as a market leader over its many editions. This latest version is entirely updated to take in the many changes that ...  

    Elements of Yacht Design (Seafarer Books)
    oleh Norman L. Skene
    Rp 644.000
    Intended to be a practical & concise presentation of some of the operations involved in designing yachts of all types. One of the most famous books on yacht design ever written. Chapters on ...  

    Engineering Formulas
    oleh Kurt Gieck, Reiner Gieck
    Rp 250.000      
    This is a revision of the famed pocket guide giving engineers, scientists, technicians, and students thousands of essential technical and mathematical formulas and hundreds of diagrams to simplify ... 

    Engineering Mechanics Statics-fifth Edition (Wiley's Singapore Edition)
    oleh Meriam and Kraige
    Rp 217.000

    Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments 6: ERCOFTAC International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence and Measurements - ETMM6
    Rp 4.737.000
    Proceedings of the world renowned ERCOFTAC (International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements).

    The proceedings include papers dealing with the following areas of ...  

    Essentials of Fluid Mechanics
    oleh John M. Cimbala, Yunus A. Cengel
    Rp 391.000
    Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery
    oleh Budugur Lakshminarayana
    Rp 2.858.000
    Over the past three decades, information in the aerospace and mechanical engineering fields in general and turbomachinery in particular has grown at an exponential rate. Fluid Dynamics and Heat ... 

    Fluid Flow Handbook
    oleh Jamal Saleh
    Rp 2.250.000      
    Analyze and design fluid flow and piping systems projects
    The most comprehensive reference available on this topic, Fluid Flow Handbook skillfully blends theoretical review and ...  

    Fluid Mechanics
    oleh Yunus A. Cengel, John Cimbala
    Rp 470.000      

    Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Fifth Edition
    oleh S L DIXON
    Rp 787.000
    The new edition will continue to be of use to engineers in industry and technological establishments, especially as brief reviews are included on many important aspects of Turbomachinery, giving ... 

    Forsthoffer's Rotating Equipment Handbooks, Vol. 4: Auxiliary Systems (Forsthoffer's Rotating Equipment Handbooks)
    oleh William Forsthoffer
    Rp 1.918.000
    Over recent years there have been substantial changes in those industries which are concerned with the design, purchase and use of special purpose (ie critical, high-revenue) rotating equipment. Key ... 

    Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, Third Edition
    oleh Ted L. Anderson
    Rp 1.300.000      
    With its combination of practicality, readability, and rigor that is characteristic of any truly authoritative reference and text, Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications quickly

    Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
    oleh Frank P. Incropera
    Rp 420.000      
    Noted for its crystal clear presentation and easy-to-follow problem solving methodology, this bestselling book in the field provides a complete introduction to the physical origins of heat and mass ... 

    Fundamentals of Thermal-fluid Sciences
    oleh Yunus A. Cengel, Robert H. Turner
    Rp 615.000
    Practicing engineers in several fields can turn here for an accessible overview of the basic principles in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer--all in a self-instructive,

    Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geomechnics & Geotechnics of Particulate Media, IS- Yamaguchi ... 06, 12-14 Sept. 2006, UPE, Japan BOOK/CD ROM
    Rp 3.197.000

    oleh Tyler G. Hicks
    Rp 2.356.000
    Solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily
    This trusted compendium of calculation methods delivers fast, accurate solutions to the toughest day-to-day mechanical ...  
    Heat and Mass Transfer
    oleh Yunus A. Cengel
    Rp 381.000
    How to Design a Boat
    oleh John Teale
    Rp 637.000
    Since it was first published, How to Design a Boat has proved itself a bestseller. Teale takes the reader step-by-step through the stages of designing both power and sailing boats, explaining ... 

    HVAC Systems Design Handbook
    oleh Roger W. Haines, C. Lewis Wilson
    Rp 1.574.000
    The third edition of this practical, hands-on reference is revised and updated to provide HVAC professionals with complete guidance on the design of effective, efficient HVAC systems. Packed with ... 

    I-DEAS Student Edition
    oleh Sdrc
    Rp 1.324.000
    The I-DEAS Student Edition is a powerful software tool to aid Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering students in courses involving design, manufacturing, and concurrent engineering skills. It provides ... 

    Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance, Second Edition
    oleh Larry Chastain
    Rp 1.703.000
    An exceptionally readable training resource designed in a flexible âstand-aloneâ chapter format, this modern book gives future industrial technicians a solid foundation in basic theory

    Intermediate Dynamics for Engineers
    oleh Marcelo R.M. Crespo Da Silva
    Rp 400.000
    Introduction to Graphics Communications for Engineers (B.E.)
    oleh Gary R. Bertoline
    Rp 278.000
    As powerful as today's computers and CAD software have become, they are of little use to engineers who do not fully understand fundamental graphics communications principles and 3-D modeling ...  

    Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems
    oleh David G. Alciatore, Michael B. Histand
    Rp 368.000
    INTRODUCTION TO MECHATRONICS AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS provides comprehensive and accessible coverage of the evolving field of mechatronics for mechanical, electrical and aerospace engineering majors. ...  

    Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction
    oleh Jr. William D. Callister
    Rp 241.000
    Rp 361.000
    Well organized and clearly written, this book uses a sound analytical approach to explain manufacturing processes; it enables the reader to understand and appreciate the complex interrelationships ...  

    Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 11th Edition
    oleh Eugene A. Avallone, Theodore Baumeister, Ali Sadegh
    Rp 1.681.000
    Solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily with the world's leading engineering handbook

    Nearly 1800 pages of mechanical engineering facts, figures, standards, and ... 
    Measurement Systems
    oleh Ernest O. Doebelin
    Rp 370.000      
    Mechanical Design Handbook, Second Edition (McGraw Hill Handbooks)
    oleh Harold A. Rothbart, Thomas H. Brown
    Rp 2.141.000
    Optimize the efficiency and reliability of machines and mechanical systems
    Totally redesigned to meet today's mechanical design challenges, this classic handbook provides a ... 

    Mechanical Desktop 4.0 Quick Reference
    oleh Doug Wolff
    Rp 225.000
    Fire up Mechanical Desktop in a flash! Mechanical Desktop - the popular PC-based solid, assembly and surface modeling tool has 200 unique commands and 117 new features and functions. In Mechanical ... 

    Mechanics of Fluids (Mcgraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering)
    oleh Irving H. Shames
    Rp 308.000
    This revision of a classic fluid mechanics text contains IBM PC computer problems, both short answer and longer projects. The author has rewritten Chapter 5, "Basic Laws for Control Volumes" and ... 

    Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis, Second Edition
    oleh J.N. Reddy
    Rp 1.975.000
    The use of composite materials in engineering structures continues to increase dramatically, and in the seven years since the first edition of this book appeared, advances in materials modeling in ... 

    Mechanics of Materials
    oleh James M. Gere
    Rp 420.000      
    Now featuring the problem-solving CD-ROM, StressAlyzer, the Sixth Edition of this book continues its tradition as the leading text in Mechanics of Materials. With its hallmark clarity and accuracy, ...  

    Mechanics of Materials
    oleh Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., John T. DeWolf
    Rp 381.000
    Intended for the core course in Strength of Materials, this text emphasizes problem solving techniques, analysis, and design theories. Well known for its clarity and accuracy, the book also provides ...  

    Mesh Free Methods: Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method
    oleh G. R. Liu
    Rp 2.904.000
    As we attempt to solve engineering problems of ever increasing complexity, so must we develop and learn new methods for doing so. The Finite Difference Method used for centuries eventually gave way ...  

    Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
    oleh Robert L. Woods, Kent L. Lawrence
    Rp 1.393.000
    This book reflects the state-of-the-art and current trends in modeling and simulation. The book provides comprehensive coverage of 1) the modeling techniques of the major types of

    Numerical Analysis and Modelling in Geomechanics
    oleh John W. Bull
    Rp 2.987.000
    In the area of geomechanics, sophisticated sampling and analytical techniques can be used to provide accurate ground and soil information, but only within the limits of the initial assumptions and ...  

    Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition,
    oleh Joe D. Hoffman
    Rp 1.537.000
    Emphasizing the finite difference approach for solving differential equations, the second edition of Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists presents a methodology for systematically

    Official Methods of Analysis: Revision 1, 2006
    Rp 10.200.000      
    Physical Metallurgy Principles (The Pws-Kent Series in Engineering)
    oleh Reza Abbaschian, Robert E. Reed-Hill
    Rp 444.000
    Physical Metallurgy Principles is intended for use in an introductory course in physical metallurgy and is designed for all engineering students at the junior or senior level. The approach is largely ...  

    Plant and Machinery Failure Prevention (Mechanical Engineering)
    oleh A A Hattangadi
    Rp 1.762.000
    Monitoring and predictive maintenance methods are not reliable enough in indicating certain important problems in manufacturing equipment, such as cracking of power transmission components, ...  

    Precision Machine Design
    oleh Alexander H. Slocum
    Rp 3.200.000      

    Pressure Relief Devices (McGraw-Hill Mechanical Engineering)
    oleh Mohammad A Malek
    Rp 1.824.000
    Within the boiler, piping and pressure vessel industry, pressure relief devices are considered one of the most important safety components. These Devices are literally the last line of defense

    Principles of Gas-Solid Flows (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
    oleh Liang-Shih Fan, Chao Zhu
    Rp 2.312.000
    Gas-solid flows are involved in numerous industrial processes and occur in various natural phenomena. This authoritative book addresses the fundamental principles that govern gas-solid flows and the ... 

    Principles of Heat Transfer
    oleh Frank Kreith, Mark S. Bohn
    Rp 440.000      
    Frank Kreith and Mark Bohn's PRINCIPLES OF HEAT TRANSFER is known and respected as a classic in the field! The sixth edition has new homework problems, and the authors have added new Mathcad problems ...  

    Principles of Statics and Dynamics (10th Edition)
    oleh Russell C. Hibbeler
    Rp 1.999.000
    Quality Hand Soldering and Circuit Board Repair, 3rd Edition
    oleh H. (Ted) Smith
    Rp 430.000      
    This updated step-by-step reference provides an accurate and state-of-the-art approach to the production and/or repair of electronics equipment. Procedures with follow-up exercises cover the basics ...  

    Refridgeration and Air Conditioning Technology
    oleh Whitman
    Rp 1.700.000      

    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology, 5E
    oleh Bill Whitman, Bill Johnson, John Tomczyck
    Rp 1.637.000
    The "best" in heating, cooling, and refrigeration just got better! This time-honored best seller has been updated and revised to provide superior hands-on information needed to successfully maintain ... 

    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology: Study Guide/Lab Manual. 5th Edition
    oleh Bill Whitman, Bill Johnson, John Tomczyck
    Rp 600.000      
    Reliability Theory With Applications to Preventive Maintenance
    oleh Ilya Gertsbakh
    Rp 2.281.000
    This textbook on Reliability Theory focusses on Applications in Preventive Maintenance (PM). All models are presented in connection with the relevant statistical material. Short and simply ... 

    Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design
    oleh Richard G. Budynas, J. Keith Nisbett
    Rp 381.000
    Small Engines
    oleh R. Bruce Radcliff, Dann L. Roark
    Rp 1.960.000      
    Small-Scale Cogeneration Handbook, Second Edition
    oleh Bernard F. Kolanowski
    Rp 1.762.000
    As the technologies for small-scale cogeneration have advanced since the 1990s, this revised and updated book should show how a greater number of commercial, institutional, and industrial energy ... 

    Soil Mechanics Lab Manual
    oleh Michael E. Kalinski
    Rp 1.095.000
    It is critical to quantify the various properties of soil in order to predict how it will behave under field loading for the safe design of soil structures. Quantification of these properties is

    Sorbent Deformation, Volume 13 (Interface Science and Technology)
    oleh Andrei V. Tvardovskiy
    Rp 2.331.000
    Sorbent Deformation discusses the theoretical and experimental study of the deformation of solid bodies during their ad- or absorptive interaction with gases or vapours. The book is the first ...  

    Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations
    oleh Tyler G. Hicks, Tyler Hicks
    Rp 2.356.000
    Now substantially revised and improved, this invaluable handbook provides engineers and technicians with more than 5,000 direct and related calculations for solving day-to-day problems quickly and ...  

    Successful Assembly Automation: A Development and Implementation Guide
    oleh Dean A. Shafer
    Rp 1.980.000      
    This book describes manufacturing theory, general assembly priniples, automated assembly processes, product design for efficient assembly, component feeding, inspection and measurement, control ...  

    Systems Dynamics
    oleh Palm
    Rp 617.000
    Thermal Engineering
    oleh Ajoy Kumar, G. N. Sah
    Rp 1.637.000
    Covers in a comprehensive and coherent manner fundamentals of thermodynamics and their engineering applications. Beginning with elementary ideas of pressure, temperature and heat it develops the ...  

    Thermal Sciences: An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer (with CD ROM)
    oleh Merle C. Potter, Elaine P. Scott
    Rp 468.000
    This book covers three key subjects: thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Taking a well-balanced approach, the authors clearly demonstrate the connections among the three interrelated ...  

    oleh Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles
    Rp 390.000      
    oleh Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles
    Rp 411.000
    oleh Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles
    Rp 381.000

    Thermodynamics and Heat Power (6th Edition)
    oleh Kurt C. Rolle
    Rp 471.000
    This popular book presents the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics and their practical applications to heat power, heat transfer, and heating and air conditioning. It addresses

    Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kenetics
    oleh Thomas Engel
    Rp 400.000      
    Troubleshooting and Repair of Diesel Engines
    oleh Paul K. Dempsey
    Rp 531.000
    Harness the Latest Tools and Techniques for Troubleshooting and Repairing Virtually Any Diesel Engine Problem

    The Fourth Edition of Troubleshooting and Repairing Diesel ...  

    Turbines, Compressors and Fans
    Rp 365.000
    Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation: Engineering and Biological Material Characterization
    Rp 2.848.000
    Most books on ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) focus either on its theoretical background or on advanced applications. Furthermore, information on the most current applications, such as ...  

    Underwater Repair Technology
    oleh John H. Nixon
    Rp 2.771.000
    The book provides an comprehensive overview of the techniques available for the joining and repair of offshore structures. Nixon starts with joining systems that do not require welding and then ... 

    VDI-Wrmeatlas (VDI-Buch)
    Rp 14.550.000      
    Der VDI-Wrmeatlas ist nach wie vor ein unentbehrliches Arbeitsmittel fr jeden Praktiker, der sich mit Fragen zur Wrme- und Stoffbertragung beschftigt. Das Werk ermglicht sowohl die technisch als ...  

    Vector Mechanics for Engineers
    oleh Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., William E Clausen, George Staab
    Rp 472.000
    Vector Mechanics for Engineers
    oleh Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., Elliot R Eisenberg, William E Clausen, George Staab
    Rp 644.000
    Vector Mechanics for Engineers
    oleh Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., William E Clausen, Phillip J Cornwell
    Rp 381.000

    Viscous Fluid Flow
    oleh Frank M. White
    Rp 420.000      
    The Second Edition contains information on new technological advances, such as Turbulence Modeling, Modern Analytic Techniques in Approximation Solutions; Computational Fluid Dynamics; and ...  

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