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    Master Piece Library of Budhism 10 Vol

    Master Piece Library of Budhism 10 Vol

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    The Masterpiece Library of Buddhism :1996, 10 Vols., 3799 p.,
    Vol. 1: Buddha : His Life His Doctrine, His Order/Herman Oldenberg. Translated from the German by William Hoey.
    Vol. 2: Epochs in Buddhist History : Buddhism in India, Nepal, Tibet, Ceylon, Burma, Siam, China, Japan and Korea/Kenneth J. Saunders.
    Vol. 3: The Wheel of the Law--Buddhism/Henry Alabaster.
    Vol. 4: A Manual of Buddhism : In Its Modern Development. Translated from Singhalese Mss. by R. Spence Hardy.
    Vol. 5: The History of Buddhism : Together with the Life and Teachings of Buddha/Manmatha Nath Shastri.
    Vol. 6: The Buddhist Praying-Wheel : The Symbolism of the Wheel and Circular Movements in Custom and Religious Ritual/William Simpson.
    Vol. 7: Early Buddhist Scriptures/Edward J. Thomas
    Vol. 8: Chinese Buddhism : Historical, Descriptive, and Critical/Rev. Joseph Edkins.
    Vol. 9: The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism/L. Austine Waddell.
    Vol. 10. Zen Buddhism/Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki.
    Contents: Vol. 1: Buddha : His Life His Doctrine, His Order: Introduction. 1. India and Buddhism. 2. India Pantheism and Pessimism before Buddha. 3. Asceticism. Monastic orders. I. Buddhas's life: 1. The character of tradition, legend and myth. 2. Buddha's youth. 3. Beginning of the teacher's career. 4. Buddha's work. 5. Buddha's death. II. The doctrines of Buddhism: 1. The tenet of suffering. 2. The tenets of the origin and of the extinction of suffering. 3. The tenet of the path to the extinction of suffering. III. The order of Buddha's disciples: 1. The constitution of the order and its codes of laws. Excursus: 1. On the relative geographical location of Vedic and Buddhist culture. 2. Notes and authorities on the history of Buddha's youth. 3. Appendices and authorities on some matters of Buddhist dogmatic.
    "The present book authored by the eminent German scholar, Dr Oldenberg, reviews the original doctrines of Buddhism. Dr. Oldenberg has sifted the legendary elements of Buddhist tradition, and has given the reliable residuum of facts concerning Buddha's life, examining the original teaching of Buddha and expounding the ontology of Buddhism and placing the Nirvana in its true light. To do this the author has gone into the roots of pre-Buddhist Brahmanism." (jacket)
    Vol. 2: Epochs in Buddhist History: Prefatory notes. 1. Rajagaha; the middle path. 2. Patali-Putra; the spread of the Dhamma and its safeguarding. 3. Gandhara and Purusapura; the birth of Mahayana. 4. Nalanda; the early schoolmen of the Mahayana. 5. Mihintale, Arimaddana, and Sukhothai; fastnesses of the Theravada in Ceylon, Burma and Siam. 6. Loyang, Chang-an, T'ien T'ai; Buddhism in China. 7. Keum Kangsan, Nara, Hieisan, Koyasan; Buddhism in Korea and Japan. 8. Svayambhu-Nath and Lhasa; Buddhism in Nepal and Tibet. Appendices: 1. Fa-Hian in Lanka. 2. Some Buddhist prayers and vows. 3. Synonyms of Nibbana and Nirvana. 4-6. Charts of the Buddhist schools of India, China and Japan. Index.
    "Buddhism has been a great force in world history. Like every other living religion, Buddhism presents a multitude of varying aspects. Buddhism is a stream which has found its way into many lands, tributaries poured into it from every side, swelling, coloring and sometimes defiling it. The present work aims at tracing the course of the stream and also its tributaries. The book is thus a tribute to the universal spirit of Buddhism." (jacket)
    Vol. 3: The Wheel of the Law: Buddhism: Preface. I. The "Modern Buddhist," or the ideas of a Siamese minister of state on his own and other religions. II. A life of Buddha: Siamese introduction. 1. The glorious marriage. 2. The descent from the Tushita heavens. 3. The birth in this world. 4. Predictions of future greatness. 5. The four visions. 6. The commencement of a religious career. 7. The practice of asceticism. 8. The final effort. 9. The contest with the evil spirit. 10. The attainment of the Buddhahood. Notes to the life of Buddha. III. The Phrabat, or Holy Footprint: 1. General account of the superstition. 2. Visit to the Phrabat. 3. Account of figures on the footprint. Appendix: The thirty-two characteristics of a great man. Index.
    "The wheel of the law, or Buddhism in this volume is illustrated in three distinct parts. The first part is the "Modern Buddhist." The Buddhism it teaches, though has a strong party in favour of its rejects many superstititions and of differs from Buddhism that is illustrated in second and third parts. The second part, which illustrates the traditionary phase, is a Buddhist Gospel, or "Life of Buddha" commencing from events previous to his last birth and ending with attainment of the Buddhahood. The third part which illustrates the Buddhism is often called the doctrine of "The wheel of the law." It signifies the theory that all existence of which we have any conception is but a part of an endless chain, or circle, of causes and effects; that so long we remain in that wheel there is no rest and no peace; and that rest can only be obtained from escaping into the incomprehensible Nirvana. Buddha taught a religion of which the wheel was the only proper symbol." (jacket)
    Vol. 4: A Manual of Buddhism in its Modern Development: Preface. 1. The system of the universe. 2. The various orders of sentient existence. 3. The primitive inhabitants of the earth; their fall from purity; and their division into four castes. 4. The Budhas who preceded Gotama. 5. Gotama Bodhisat; his virtues and states of being. 6. The ancestors of Gotama Budha. 7. The legendary life of Gotama Budha. 8. The dignity, virtues, and powers of Budha. 9. The ontology of Budhism. 10. The ethics of Budhism.
    "The present volume is one of the pioneering works on Buddhism and attempts to analyse the life and doctrines attributed to Gotama. The book begins with the description of the system of the universe and the primitive inhabitants of the earth. The subsequent chapter deals with the Buddhas who preceded Gotama, the legend of his life, his first converts, his principal disciples, the distribution of his relics, and the detail of his dignities, virtues, and powers. The concluding chapters present a compendium of the ontology and ethics of Buddhism as they are understood by the modern priesthood, and now taught to the people." (jacket)
    Vol. 5: The History of Buddhism: Introduction. 1. Is Buddha a myth. 2. Authorities on the life of Buddha. 3. The age of Buddha. 4. India in the sixth century B.C. 5. Brahmanism, Vrs., theism. 6. Theists, Vrs. Philosophers. 8. The Buddhas. I. The life, teachings and order of Buddha: 1. The birth of Siddhartha. 2. His youth. 3. Four visions. 4. Kisagotami and the dancing girls. 5. His thoughts. 6. The great renunciation. 7. The great struggle. 8. Mara. 9. The Buddha. 10. His first sermon. 11. His first converts. 12. Kassyapa, Uptissa, Saraiputra. 13. His popularity and unpopularity. 14. Arrival at Kapilavastu. 15. Conversion of his son and relatives. 16. His mission work. 17. His friends. 18. His enemies. 19. His mode of life. 20. His mode of preaching. 21. His last tour. 22. His last days. 23. His last act. 24. His death. 25. His remains. II. Dharma: 1. Buddhist metaphysics. 2. Karma and transmigration. 3. Nirvana. 4. The path of Nirvana. 5. How to attain Rahatship. 6. Buddhist morality--beatitude. 7. Precepts--ten sins. 8. Mutual relations. 9. The Buddhist rites and ceremonies. III. Sangha: 1. What is Sangha. 2. Admission into the order. 3. Celebacy and austerities. 4. Poverty and mendicancy. 5. The diet. 6. Dress and dwelling. 7. The thirteen ordinances. 8. Regulations and their origin. 9. The cultus. 10. Sramanas, past and present. IV. The history of Buddhism: 1. The first Buddhist council. 2. Asoka and Buddhism. 3. Spread of southern Buddhism. 4. Northern Buddhism. 5. Ritualistic Buddhism. 6. Spread of northern Buddhism.
    "The present volume attempts to place all the researches relating to the life, teachings and order of the Lord Gautama, in a condensed form so that they may form an idea of what the scholars have said and written on the great life and work of the Buddha. The book presents a short but continuous history of Buddhism and places before the readers a complete summary of what the eastern and western savants have said and written on Buddha and Buddhism." (jacket)
    Vol. 6: The Buddhist Praying-Wheel: Introductory. 1. Among the Lamas. 2. The precious wheel. 3. The wheel in Indian Buddhism. 4. The wheel in the Brahmanic system. 5. The Solar origin. 6. The Swastika. 7. The Zoroastrian system. 8. Japan. 9. In Egypt. 10. Among the semites--Mohammedan. 11. Among the semites--Jewish. 12. The Greek system. 13. In the Christian churches. 14. Among the Gauls, the Teutons, and the Celts. 15. The wheel of fortune. 16. The wheel as an amulet. 17. The god of the wheel. 18. The wheel and thunder. 19. Summary. Additional notes. Index. Index to book references.
    "The Buddhist "Praying-wheel"--the name by which the instrument of worship is known-has been looked upon by most writers as a strange freak of superstition and as being quite exceptional as a form of ritualism. The book seeks to comprehend this particular form of worship, of which very little seems to be known about. The book traces the history and development of this ritual and explains the theory (of wheel) and its symbolism." (jacket)
    Vol. 7: Early Buddhist Scriptures: Introduction. Biographical: 1. Visit of Asita to the infant Buddha. 2. Renunciation and flight. 3. Interview with Bimbisara. 4. Buddha's first teachers. 5. Temptation by Mara. 6. Austerities and enlightenment. 7. Decision to preach. 8. The first sermon. 9. Sending out the disciples. 10. Preaching to Bimbisara. 11. Buddha prophesies his death--Sanskrit version. 12. The last disciple--Sanskrit version. 13. Last utterance and death. The disciple's career: 14. The ascetic's training. 15. The attainments of the formless world. 16. Noble and ignoble psychic power. 17. The four stages of mindfulness. 18. The true ascetic: the Brahma-abodes. 19. The thirty-seven constituents of enlightenment. Nirvana: 20. Nirvana as the final end. 21. Nirvana as ultimate. 22. Nirvana and the self. 23. Nirvana as the permanent state. 24. Consciousness and individuality in Nirvana. 25. Godhika's relapse. Special doctrines: 26. Profitable and unprofitable doctrines. 27. The chain of causation. 28. The extinction of craving. 29. The Burden of the five groups. 30. The aggregates or activities. 31. Karma and its results. 32. Four kinds of Karma. Buddhology: 33. Buddha as originator of the way. 34. Buddha as omniscient. 35. Buddha as Tathagata. 36. The powers and confidences of a Tathagata. Discourses to laymen: 37. The householder's discipline. 38. The Layman's fast-day vows. 39. A Sermon to Laymen. 40. On health of mind. 41. Instruction for a sick Layman. 42. Discourse one the great blessings. 43. The reality of an after life. 44. Laymen and the order. Other schools: 45. What is a Brahmin? 46. The true Brahmin. 47. The Brahmin's threefold knowledge. 48. On sacrifice. 49. The Jains. 50. The Jains and Karma. 51. The undetermined questions. 52.. Vain speculations. 53. Theory of permanence. 54. Brahma's ignorance. 55. Theory of annihilation. 56. The ultimate origin of pain. The monastic organization: 57. The order of monks. 58. Admission and ordination. 59. The novice's ten rules. 60. Proclamation of the fast-day. 61. The order of Nuns. 62. The Nun Soma. Index.
    "From the beginning, the Buddhist community was in possession of rules and discourses, which they held to be the actual words of their founder. These original teachings are contained in the scripture. These scriptures thus show Buddhism at a certain stage of its development, and it is a stage that has not been superseded. Its doctrines remain as they were, when the movement came forth into the light of history and as they are taught today in the countries where the Pali tradition still flourishes. The historical origins of Buddhism can thus be approached only through the scriptures. The present selection aims at giving the chief characteristics as is found in Suttas or discourses and the Vinaya or book of discipline." (jacket)
    Vol. 8: Chinese Buddhism: Introduction. A Life of Buddha: in four chapters: 1. Life of Shakyamuni till his appearance at Benares as a teacher. 2. Life of Buddha from his appearance as a teacher at Benares to the conversion of Rahula. 3. From the commencement of Rahula's religious life till the near approach of the Nirvana. 4. Last discourses and death of Buddha. 5. The patriarchs of the northern Buddhists. 6. Sketch of the history of Buddhism in China. 7. The schools of Chinese Buddhism. 8. On Chi-k'ai and the T'ien-t'ai school of Buddhism. 9. The Buddhist moral system. 10. The Buddhist calendar. 11. Relation of Buddhism to the older Hindoo mythology. 12. The Buddhist universe. 13. The extended universe of the northern Buddhists. 14. Buddhist images and image-worship. 15. Monasteries at P'U-To. 16. Buddhist processions, associations, pilgrimages, and ceremonies for the dead. 17. Buddhist literature. 18. The Leng-yen-king--first chapter. 19. The Ekashloka Shastra. 20. Effect of Buddhism on the philosophy of the Sung dynasty. 21. Feng-Shui, or the wind and water superstition of the Chinese. 22. Buddhist phraseology in relation to Christian teaching. 23. Notice of the Wu-Wei-Kiau, a reformed Buddhist sect. 24. Buddhism and Tauism in their popular aspects. 25. On the use of sanskrit by the Chinese Buddhists. 26. Books and papers that may be consulted for the study of Chinese Buddhism. Alphabetical index of proper names and subjects. Alphabetical index of titles of books mentioned.
    "The book deals with the history of Buddhism and its spread through China. The volume discusses the entrance, progress and characteristics of Chinese beliefs in the religion founded by Shakyamuni.
    "The book is replete with learning and deserves most careful study from all interested in the history of religions of the world." (jacket)
    Vol. 9: The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism: Preface to second edition. Preface to first edition. List of illustrations. Notes on pronunciation. 1. Introductory--division of subject. I. Historical: 2. Changes in primitive Buddhism leading to Lamaism. 3. Rise, development, and spread of Lamaism. 4. The sects of Lamaism. II. Doctrinal: 5. Metaphysical sources of the doctrine. 6. The doctrine and its morality. 7. Scriptures and literature. III. Monastic: 8. The order of Lamas. 9. Daily life and routine. 10. Hierarchy and re-incarnate Lamas. IV. Buildings: 11. Monasteries. 12. Temples and cathedrals. 13. Shrines and relics (and pilgrims). V. Mythology and gods: 14. Pantheon and images. 15. Sacred symbols and charms. VI. Ritual and sorcery: 16. Worship and ritual. 17. Astrology and divination. 18. Sorcery and necromancy. VII. Festivals and plays: 19. Festivals and holidays. 20. Sacred dramas, mystic plays and masquerades. VIII. Popular Lamaism: 21. Domestic and popular Lamaism. Appendices: 1. Chronological table. 2. Bibliography. Index.
    "The present volume provides wealth of information on the Buddhism of Tibet or "Lamaism" as it has been called, after its priests, as well as later Indian developments of Buddhism. The author defines with clarity the theistic development of Lamaism from the earlier doctrines of the Buddhist faith, and refers especially to the details of sects, shrines, discipline, superstition and customs. A pioneering work which penetrates the frigid reserve and jealously guarded mysteries of the Tibetan Buddhist priests of "Lamas". (jacket)
    Vol. 10: Zen Buddhism: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Zen as Chinese interpretation of the doctrine of enlightenment. 3. Enlightenment and ignorance. 4. History of Zen Buddhism from Bodhi-Dharma to Hui-neng (Yeno). 5. On Satori--the revelation of a new truth in Zen Buddhism. 6. Practical methods of Zen instruction. 7. The Meditation hall and the ideals of the Monkish discipline. 8. The ten cow-herding pictures. Index.
    "Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's own being and it points the way from bondage to freedom. By making us drink right from the foundation of life, it liberates us from all the yokes under which we finite beings are usually suffering in this world.
    20. Ancient Hindus Society 6 Vol 2002 Rp.5,750,000
    21. Conicise Classified Of Hindusm 6 Vol 2001 Rp. 4,750,000
    22. Encyclopedia of Hindusm 5 Vol 2000 Rp.11,500,000
    23. Master Piece Library of Budhism 10 Vol 1996 Rp.7,500,000
    24. Budhas Doctrine Of Suffering & Salvation 2 Vol 2002 Rp. 1,500,000
    25. Britannica Encyclopedia Of World Religion - 1 VOL 2007 Rp.2.000.000
    26. Encyclopedia of Socila Reformation 3 Vol 1997 Rp.4,500,000
    27. Oxford Encyclopedia of Reformation 4 Vol 1996 Rp.11,000,000
    28. Encyclopedia of Oriental Philosophy & Religion 5 Vol 2005 Rp.8,000,000
    29. Encyclopedia of Saint & Sages Spirituals 1 Vol 2005 Rp.1,250,000
    30. Encyclopedia of Science & Religion 2 Vol 2003 Rp.8,250,000
    31. Encyclopedia of Sects &Religipus Doctrines 4 Vol 2005 Rp.7,000,000
    32. Encyclopedia Of Religion - 15 VOL 2004 Rp.20,000,000
    33. Encyclopedia Distionary of Christian Antiquetes 9 Vol 2005 Rp.11,500,000
    34. Encyclopedia Distionary of Bible 10 Vol 2005 Rp.15,000,000
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