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Terminal Telepon Satelit Inmarsat l + 62821 22 159454 l Satellite Inmarsat l Thrane & Thrane Explorer ® 500 l BGAN Explorer 500 l layanan satelit l Inmarsat BGAN l satelit Inmarsat BGAN[15 Dec. 2011, 1:58:14]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBaru
Negara AsalInggris
telepon satelit l terminal telepon satelit INMARSAT l 0821 22 159454 l Thrane & Thrane Explorer® 500 l BGAN Explorer 500 l layanan satelit l INMARSAT BGAN l satelit INMARSAT BGAN
Info : 0821 22 159454 atau YM : csoptimashops

The BGAN Explorer 500 combines exceptional performance with portability. It meets the needs of the most demanding business traveller for remote, high-speed corporate network access.

The terminal features simultaneous voice and data communication, high speed data transfer of up to 464 kbps and support for streaming video or audio at up to 128 kbps. An ideal mobile satellite communications solution.

Explorer 500 adds high-speed data transmission to phone and fax capabilities via satellite. Particularly useful in remote areas outside terrestrial or cellular coverage, this mobile terminal is an ideal link to the world wherever you are.

Features & Benefits :
-Simultaneous voice and data communications over BGAN
-High-speed data transfer up to 464 kbps
-Seamless global coverage
-Support for streaming IP at 32, 64, 128 kbps
-Standard LAN, USB, Bluetooth and phone/ fax interfaces
-Easy system setup and operation
-Lightweight, splash and dust proof design
-Robust, reliable and durable design
-Built-in Bluetooth handset charger

Layanan ini baru di luncurkan pada tahun 2006 mencakup Eropa, Timur Tengah , Afrika , Amerika dan Asia. Terminal BGAN dengan antena terintegrasi hadir di lengkapi dengan kompas untuk membantu mengarahkan antena dan juga layar tampilan untuk fungsi kerjanya. Hanya dengan memasukan PIN ( SIM CARD ) dan mengarahkan antenna ke satelit BGAN serta dengan menginterkoneksikan dengan telepon, Fax , PDA , Laptop atau dengan menggunakan interface bluetooth anda bisa menggunakan jasa layanan.

Info Lebih Lanjut Hub:


Hp : 0821 22 159454
Telp : 021-74637308 ( Hunting)
YM : csoptimashops
e-Mail : mamu@
Website : http: / /
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