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Tn. Mahmuda [Penjualan]


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Komp. Villa Dago Blok J11 No.1 - Pamulang
Tangerang Selatan 15416, Banten

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Telepon satelit Iridium 9505A | Info : 0821 22 159454 | Docking Handheld 9505A | ASE Docking Station | Ponsel Satelit Terkecil | Satelit | jangkauan terluas | Iridium 9505A | Portable Phone | GLOBAL COVERAGE | standard package[8 Oct. 2011, 0:44:01]
HargaRp. 8.375.000
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBaru
Telepon satelit Iridium 9505A | Info : 0821 22 159454 | Docking Handheld 9505A | ASE Docking Station | Ponsel Satelit Terkecil | Satelit | jangkauan terluas | Iridium 9505A | Portable Phone | GLOBAL COVERAGE | standard package
Info : + 62821 22 159454 atau YM : Csoptimashops


Applied Satellite Engineering has the ultimate solution for using your 9505/ 9505A Iridium satellite phone indoors and outdoors. Just dock your Iridium phone in our Docking Station and you can use satellite communications with standard analog phone sets or your company' s PBX system.


· RJ11 Connect. Connects to an analog phone ( single or PBX) including multi-handset wireless phones. Use of a cordless phone with expandable handsets can provide up to eight units within a two-mile range ( unobstructed) from the base station

· Hands-Free Connect. Headset/ microphone jack offers audio enhancement circuitry to provide excellent voice quality.

· Data Port Connect. RS232 port for data connections. Compatible with Iridium’ s Direct Internet 2.0 and fax adapter

· Iridium certified product. Additional approvals and certifications include CE and IEC 60945

· Length: 9.5 in
· Width: 5.2 in
· Height: 4.0 in
· Weight: 1.4 lbs
· Operating temperature range: -15° C to + 70° C

Replace unit 1 minggu setelah tanggal pembelian selanjutnya garansi service/ perbaikan.
Deskripsi garansi :
- Tidak termasuk karena disebabkan huru hara/ sabotase
- Kondisi alam yang ekstrem ( tersambar petir)
- Tegangan listrik yang tidak stabil ( tegangan mendadak naik diluar kewajaran)
- Karena kesalahan pengguna ( human error)

Info Lebih Lanjut Hub:

Hp : 0821 22 159454
Telp : 021-74637308 ( Hunting)
YM : csoptimashops
e-Mail : mamu@
Website : http: / /

Docking Handheld 9505A l ASE Docking Station l TELEPON SATELIT -Iridium 9505A l Ponsel Satelit Terkecil l Satelit l jangkauan terluas l Iridium 9505A l Portable Phone l GLOBAL COVERAGE l standard package l Hub : Mahmuda ( 0821 22 159454)
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