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Tn. Mahmuda [Penjualan]


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Nomor telpon Tn. Mahmuda di Tangerang Selatan

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Nomor ponsel Tn. Mahmuda di Tangerang Selatan

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Nomor faks Tn. Mahmuda di Tangerang Selatan


Komp. Villa Dago Blok J11 No.1 - Pamulang
Tangerang Selatan 15416, Banten

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Menulis tinjauan


Satellite Phone | Telepon Satelit | Satellite SC4000 Iridium | Terminal Satellite | Handphone SATELIT | PHONE | SATELLITE | Satelit SC4000 Iridium | Satelit Murah | Info : ( 0821 22 159454)[30 Oct. 2011, 22:38:13]
HargaRp. 44.368.000
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBaru
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Satellite Phone | Telepon Satelit | Satellite SC4000 Iridium | Terminal Satellite | Handphone SATELIT | PHONE | SATELLITE | Satelit SC4000 Iridium | Satelit Murah
Info : + 62821 22 159454 atau YM : csoptimashops

The Iridium Satellite Network

Iridium is a reliable and truly global satellite network for telecommunications. Its 66 cross-linked low orbiting satellites form a world-wide grid providing real global coverage.
From pole to pole, a satellite is always in sight and ready to handle your call. A convenient assurance, but more importantly, a crucial safety factor keeping peace of mind. Iridium offers very attractive airtime rates and executes trouble free Iridium-to-Iridium and Iridium-to-shore calls and vice versa.

Main Features

True global coverage
Attractive airtime rates – one global rate
Global voice and crew calling
Individual user billing
On board telephone box


Easy to use; works like a mobile phone
Address book with up to 100 telephone numbers
Repeat call function
Call log
Built-in loudspeaker


Up to four SAILOR SC4150 handsets for one system
Direct connection for PABX or standard telephones
Conference calls
2.4 – 10 kbps data transmission
Basic e-mail and Internet
Iridium SMS Service
SSAS compatible
Easy to install, requires a minimum of space

Replace unit 1 minggu setelah tanggal pembelian selanjutnya garansi service/ perbaikan.
Deskripsi garansi :
- Tidak termasuk karena disebabkan huru hara/ sabotase
- Kondisi alam yang ekstrem ( tersambar petir)
- Tegangan listrik yang tidak stabil ( tegangan mendadak naik diluar kewajaran)
- Karena kesalahan pengguna ( human error)

Info Lengkap Hub:


Hp : 0821 22 159454
Telp : 021-74637308 ( Hunting)
YM : csoptimashops
e-Mail :
Website : http: / /
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