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Tn. Mahmuda [Penjualan]


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Repeater GSM l Penguat Sinyal l + 62821 22 159454 l Repeater Ijin Resmi Postel l Comba SP 1800 l Band Selective l Indoor Mini Repeater l Repeater Khusus Indosat l Comba SP 1800 l Repeater GSM l Repeater Murah[14 Dec. 2011, 22:11:03]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBaru
penguat sinyal l repeater GSM l repeater ijin resmi postel l distributor penguat sinyal l Comba SP 1800 l band selective l indoor mini repeater l repeater khusus indosat l Comba SP 1800 l harga penguat sinyal
Info : 0821 22 159454 atau YM : Csoptimasops

= = = = = Repeater Comba = = = = =

Customized bandwidth for both downlink and uplink
Broadband linear power amplifier ensures undistorted amplification of GSM1800 signals.
Low noise amplifier improves uplink system noise figure for better voice quality and reduced drop call.
System commissioning can be performed without using any additional tool or equipment.
Highly integrated design with miniaturized enclosure, small size, light weight and easy to install.


SP-1800 GSM1800 Indoor Pico Repeater is designed for indoor operations. It is a bi-directional amplifier that is used to enhance signal strength in small-and-medium-sized areas in a GSM1800 network. The system gain is compensated automatically according to the temperature variation within the enclosure, which ensures stable operation under ambient temperature functions. It is best suitable for provision of signal coverage within offices and residential apartments.

Frequency Range_____Downlink___MHz__1845 -1860

_______________Uplink____MHz__1750 - 1765

Maximum System Gain____Downlink____dB__65 ± 1

________________Uplink_____dB__60 ± 1

Operating Bandwidth_____MHz____Customized

Output Power_______Downlink____dBm___10 ± 1.5

______________Uplink dBm_____13 ± 1.5

Pass Band Ripple, p-p______dB_____V5

System Group Deley_______µ sec_____V3.5

UL Noise Figure at Maximum Gain______dB____V7

Out-of-Band Spurious,

 f e 2.5 MHz 9 KHz to 1 GHz dBm d -36 / 100 KHz

1 GHz to 12.75 GHz dBm d -30 / 100 KHz

Input VSMR dBm d 2.0

Absolute Maximum RF Input Power dBm ( ) 10

Impedance & 50

Power, Mechanical & Environmental

Dimensions, H x W x D mm 130 x 80 x 50

( Maximum)

Weight ( approx.) kg 1.5 ( Maximum)

Power Supply VAC 90 - 264 / 45 ~ 55Hz

Power Consumption ( approx.) W 20

Enclosure Cooling Convection

RF Connectors N-F

Operating Temperature ° C ( -) 10 to ( ) 45

Operating Humidity % d 95

Environmental Class IP 30

MTBF hr > 50, 000

Info Lebih Lanjut Hub:


Hp: 0821 22 159454
Telp: 021-74637308 ( Hunting)
YM : csoptimashops
e-Mail : mamu@
Website : http: / /
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