Anggota Gratis
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
Untuk memudahkan dalam berbelanja, anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui email / telp / chat online. Rosi Ardiansah Tlp: 021-2880 8766 Email :

Jual : Binocular's Call 081388031624 / 087721761438

Media Surveying menjual berbagai macam teropong/Binocular's untuk anda yang hobi hunting, berburu, atau keperluan anda dalam menjalani aktifitas harian di alam luar ( outdoor ).

- Eagle View 8-24x25
- Action 16x50

- Marine Skiper 7x30
- Marine Skiper 7x30 With Compass
- Marine Skiper 7x50
- Marine Skiper 7x50 With Compass
- Marine Comader XP 7x50 With Compass

- Hunting Warior 8x30
- Hunting Warior 8x50
- Hunting Night Hunter XP 8x56
- Hunting Night Hunter XP 8x44

- Bird watching Skyhawk 10x26
- Bird watching Skyhawk 8x42
- Bird Watching Skyhawk 10x42
- Bird Watching Discovery 8x44
- Bird Watching Discovery 10x44

- Outdoor Safari 8x22
- Outdoor Safari 10x26
- Outdoor Safari 8x30
- Outdoor Wildlife 8x24
- Outdoor Wildlife 10x26
- Outdoor Wildlife Pro 8.5x26
- Outdoor Wildlife Pro 10.5x28

- Power View
- 10 X42 Waterproof
- Marine 7X50 w/Compass 137500
- Marine 7X50 w/Compass 285070

Untuk pemesanan dan informasi harga terbaik, hubungi :

Faisal Roni Zayini
HP :081388031624 / 087721761438
Email :
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Tampilkan di setiap halaman
menampilkan 1-20 dari 27

Harga : Negosiasi

EAGLEVIEW ZOOM 8-24x25 CF Photo: Silver

â € ¢
Unique zoom lever designed for extra-smooth 8-24x zooming
â € ¢
Turn-and-slide rubber eyecups for easy positioning of eyes at the correct....

Harga : Negosiasai

Deskripsi :
Binocular Nikon ini merupakan seri tertinggi dari binocular pembesaran tetap seri Action Family, diproduksi oleh produsen yg telah mempunyai reputasi dunia dibidang....
STEINER Binocular Navigator 7x30 "The most compact professional marine binocular

Harga : Negosiasi

The most compact professional marine binocular

With its extremely light weight of 520 g the Navigator 7x30 represents a new dimension of marine binoculars. Comfortable handling....
STEINER Binocular Navigator 7x30 K "The world's first compact compass binocular

Harga : Negosiasai

The world' s first compact compass binocular

The Navigator 7x30 is the worldâ € ™ s first compact compass binocular and is thus the ideal companion for the watersports enthusiast.....
STEINER Binocular Navigator 7x50 "Value for money and professional

Harga : Negosiasi

Value for money and professional

The Navigator 7x50 offers plenty of advantages: sturdy water pressure proof construction down to 2m and maximum versatility. Designed to deliver....
STEINER Binocular Navigator 7x50 K "The professional,  value for money marine binocular

Harga : Negosiasi

The professional, value for money marine binocular

As a watersports enthusiast, you place great emphasis on the quality and reliability of your equipment. STEINER has therefore....
STEINER Binocular Commander XP 7x50 K With Compass " A revolutionary new standard. Ahead of its time.

Harga : Negosiasi

A revolutionary new standard. Ahead of its time.

Discover a new milestone in the production of marine binoculars: the Commander XP. A binocular that continues the unique....
STEINER Warrior 8x30

Harga : Negosiasi

STEINER Warrior 8x30

The Versatile Binocular for Hunting-Beginners and Nature Lovers

Rugged construction, powerful performance or versatile handling? Get it all with the Warrior....
STEINER Warrior 7x50

Harga : negosiasi

The Super Tough Hunting Companion

Discover it all and never ever miss a thing with the Warrior 7x50. Whether you track fast moving action, scan from a distance or admire wildlife....
STEINER Binocular Nighthunter xp 8x44 "The still hunting glass

Harga : Negosiasi

The still hunting glass

The perfect choice for those who prefer the slim roof prism design. Still hunting sets extreme demands on you and your equipment. You must be able to....
STEINER Binocular Nighthunter xp 8x56 "The night glass

Harga : Negosiasi

The night glass

The top-selling â € ž Nighthunter XPâ € œ now moves into a new generation. Developed under consideration of the experience of hunters from all over the world, and....
STEINER Binocular SkyHawk 10x26 "The Pocket-sized,  Far-sighted giant

Harga : Negosiasi

The Pocket-sized, Far-sighted giant

Whether hummingbirds in your own back yard or yellow-throated warbler at the mall' s parking-lot: Birds can turn up anywhere, any time. To....
STEINER Binocular SkyHawk 8x42 "Value for money and Professional

Harga : Negosiasi

Value for money and Professional

Pick out the details as well as a fascinating clarity and enjoy the crisply sharpness of detail and contrast â € ” even under critical conditions! ....
STEINER Binocular SkyHawk 10x42 "The Powerful Companion

Harga : Negosiasi

The Powerful Companion

Whether you observe the special courtship behavior of the European Bee-eater, scan a Humming Bird Hawk Moth feeding on garden flowers or focus on Green....
STEINER Discovery 8x44 "Feel the comfort of innovation

Harga : Negosiasi

Feel the comfort of innovation

In close cooperation with birdwatchers from all over the world we developed innovations that are specially tailored to the requirements of....
STEINER Discovery 10x44 "Feel the comfort of innovation"

Harga : Negosiasi

Feel the comfort of innovation

At first sight you will be convinced that the Discovery 10x44 sets new standards in birdwatching. If you need fast identification, the Discoveryâ € ....
STEINER Safari 8x22

Harga : Negosiasi

The Popular Lightweight Binocular - Small Enough to Fit in Your Pocket!

Small in size, high in power! Cultural events, spectator sports, fishing, at the racetrack or on the....
STEINER Wlidlife 8x24

Harga : negosiasi

Newly optimized: The Popular Pocket-Binocular

Big on performance, yet small enough to fit in your pocket: With the relaunch of the new Wildlife 8x24 STEINER offers the ideal....
STEINER Safari 10x26

Harga : negosiasi

The 8 x 22Â ´ s Big Brother

Whether you need a dependable binocular while travelling, at open-air concerts, for outdoor adventures, while admiring wildlife or for country....
STEINER Safari 8x30

Harga : Negosiasi

The Perfect All-Purpose Companion - Ideal for Casual Use!

Whether admiring scenic wonders while riding in a balloon, from walks on the beach to heart-pounding wild water rafts: ....
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