SITE MASTER MT8222A[19 Jun. 2009, 1:47:33]
BTS Master – A High Performance, Handheld Base Station Analyzer
BTS Master MT8222A is the value choice for deploying, maintaining and troubleshooting 2G/2.5G, 3G, and 4G wireless base stations. The BTS Master is a combination of our popular Spectrum Master MS2721B and VNA Master MS2024A offered as one handheld solution, weighing 4 kg (9 lbs). The functionality of the BTS Master is:
# Built-in spectrum analyzer (100 kHz to 7.1 GHz)
# Built-in cable and antenna analyzer (10 MHz to 4 GHz, 10 MHz to 6 GHz optional)
# Built-in power meter (10 MHz to 7.1 GHz)
# Interference analyzer (100 kHz to 7.1 GHz)
# Channel scanner (100 kHz to 7.1 GHz)
# High Accuracy Power Meter (50 MHz to 6 GHz)
# Power monitor (100kHz to 50 GHz)
# Built-in variable Bias Tee (12V-32V)
# T1/FT1 analyzer
# T3/T1/FT1 analyzer
# 2 Mb/s - E1 analyzer
# GPS receiver