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Automatic Level Leica NA 724 Automatic Optical Builders Level[3 Jul. 2009, 0:33:37]
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Negara AsalSwiss
Nothing stops a LEICA NA724 automatic optical builders level. A short drop onto the ground, a fall into water, vibration from heavy machinery  with a LEICA NA724 level you just carry on working. No time-consuming checking or readjustment required. And, the best in class optics enable you to always work as precisely as possible, even in twilight. What does this add up to? Reduced work downtime, thus translate into higher productivity, resulting in reliability and accuracy at an extremely reasonable price. Test one for yourself, today.

So Easy to Use

The circular bubble and horizontal circle can be read directly next to the telescope. Approximate targeting is made easy using the external sight. The image is presented upright and precise targeting is quick, courtesy of the double-sided endless drives. The NA728 and NA730 have a
rough/fine focus drive making your work even easier.

LEICA NA724 - The Most Robust Level. Guaranteed.

Superior performance, superior value, extreme robustness, the highest measurement precision and all at an extremely competitive price. All this in one package, no one else comes close. Configure the level to suit your work and preferences. The horizontal circle can be read in either degrees or gons, the footscrews have adjustable resistance. Also, the NA724 may be mounted on flat or dome head tripod. NA724 means the finest optics in the world. Banish tired eyes forever and ensures youre really aiming accurately at the target, even in extreme light conditions. A minimum target distance of 50cm enables you to work in the tightest conditions.

Shock Resistant
Even after a fall, the LEICA NA724 series level can be used again straight away. No need to check or readjust the instrument in the workshop or send it for service. In our quality assurance tests the LEICA NA724 is subjected to impacts with an acceleration of up to 700G. Its also passed the tough ISO9022-33-05 standard. These quality tests ensure that the LEICA NA724 can withstand the roughest treatment on site.

Magnification : x24
Per km double run : 2 mm
Single measurement  Target distance 30m : 1.2 mm

Setting accuracy : < 0.5"
Working range : ± 15'

Impact standard : ISO 9022-33-5
Resistance to water and dust ingress : IP57

Temperature Range
Operation : -20° to +50°C
Storage : -40° to +70°C

Dimensions & Weight
Dimensions : 19x12x12 cm
Weight : 1,6 kg
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