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ROPV Pressure Vessel
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ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel | ROPV Pressure Vessel
� R80S 600-1200PSI
� R80S 300-450PSI
� R80S 450PSI
� R80S 300PSI
� R80E 600-1200PSI
� R80E 300-450PSI
� R40S 600-1200PSI
� R40S 300-450PSI
� R40E 600-1200PSI
� R40E 300-450PSI
� R25E 600-1000PSI
� R25E 300PSI
� Harbin ROPV Industry Development Center began research in 1984 with a single vision: to become a global FRP pressure vessel and OEM solutions provider. We have made major strides in realizing this vision , including an evergrowing installed based of pressure vessels and OEM products in a broad range of water treatment applications around the world. ROPV� s revised vision includes being a world class manufacturing company partnering with customers to provide innovative global water treatment solutions.
� ROPV has been engaged in the development and manufacture of FRP pressure vessels and OEM products for over 20 years, making us the largest and oldest pressure vessel manufacturer in Asia/ Pacific. ROPV offers a full-line of 2.53, 43, 83and 183Pressure Vessels covering all major industry system and application requirements with the maximum operating pressure of 1200PSI and multiple side port configurations up to 43. ROPV has a global installed base of 83pressure vessels in excess of 100, 000 pieces.
� ROPV� s engineering group is comprised of former members of the prestigious , government sponsored China FRP Design Institute. We have fifteen registered patents related to our manufacturing process and product designs. ROPV has successfully developed a number of OEM products for UF, EDI, large diameter membranes, and emerging water treatment technologies. ROPV carries authorization from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ASME) to use the� RP� symbol with its vessels and is an ISO 9001-2000certified manufacturing facility.
� ROPV� s headquarter is in Harbin, Heilongjiang. The manufacturing facility is located in Dezhou , Shandong and positioned with manufacturing capacity to meet the global demands.

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