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PROZONE XT 14000[15 Mar. 2011, 13:56:33]
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PROZONE XT 14000 | | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000 | PROZONE XT 14000

PROZONE Heavy Duty Ozone Generators
PROZONE - XT 14000 Technical specifications
Rated Ozone Output: 4500, 9000, or 14000 mg/ hr
ACTUAL OZONE OUTPUT: 14, 500 mg/ hr
Our Ozone outputs are rated in HIGH HUMIDITY environments.
High Voltage Transformer Output: 5000 Volts
Heavy Duty Fan with precision ball bearings
Ozone Air Flow rate: 180 CFM
Built in Timer: From 1 hour to 24 hours plus continuous setting
Electrical Source: AC 115 Volts, 60 Hz
Available in 220 Volts as a special order
1A, 2A and 6A Protection Fuses
Electrical Consumption: 0.9-1.9 Amps, 110 -230 Watts.
Dimensions: 26.27" ( L ) X 13.78" ( W ) X 9.05" ( H )
Actual weight: 33 lb., Shipping weight 45 lb..

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