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jl Karet Ps Baru timur XIV no 49
jakarta 10220, Jakarta
Bergerak di bidang alat-alat survey dan navigasi, seperti : Total Station, Theodolite, Automatic Level, Binoculars, Kompas, Clinometer, Altimeter, Suunto Tandem, Waterpass, GPS, dan Alat-alat Geologi.
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Geko 201 / 301

Harga : Nego

Geko 201 and its counterpart, Geko 301, are among the smallest and lightest WAAS-enabled GPS navigators â € ” inexpensive, with simple, intuitive operation.
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Berbagai macam type Kabel data gps

Harga : Nego

kami menjual berbagai macam type kabel data untuk gps, dapat mempermudah penggunaan Gps anda.
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Garmin BlueChart g2 Vision

Harga : Nego

Based on the standard BlueChart g2 features, BlueChart g2 Vision provides premium mapping and graphics capabilities.

Plug a BlueChart g2 Vision card into your compatible device....
Garmin GA 27

Harga : Nego

Antenna luar dari Garmin ini yang paling sering digunakan, untuk GPS 12XL, 60series, 76series, dan series automotive lainnya seperti 2610.

Paket sudah termasuk dudukan magnet....
Garmin GA 26

Harga : Nego

Antenna luar dari Garmin ini yang cocok digunakan, untuk GPS V, 276C dan street pilot III+ .

Paket sudah termasuk dudukan magnet untuk dipasang diluar kaca mobil ataupun....
Garmin Blue Char

Harga : Nego

When you want to make the most of your time on the water, BlueChart ® is the cartography you can count on. Garmin offers BlueChart in three different formats, making it easy and....
Garmin GPS 18 USB

Harga : Nego

Jadikan PC laptop anda menjadi navigator jalan yang kuat dengan GPS 18 - sebuah sensor GPSbundled dengan nRouteâ „ ¢ dan perangkat lunak City Select secara otomatis memandu anda....
HT Kenwood THK2AT BC43 VHF

Harga : Nego

Spesifikation :

General TH-K2AT
Frequency Range* TX: 144-148 MHz
RX: 136-174 MHz
Mode F3E ( FM) , F2D
Antenna Impedance 50 Ã ¢ â € ž Â ¦
Operation Temperature Range -4Â ° F ~ ....
HT Motorola GP 338 UHF / VHF

Harga : Nego


Battery life ( based on a 05/ 05/ 90 duty cycle) 8 hours ( High Power) , 10 hours ( Low Power) - With Standard Hi- Capacity NiMH battery
Icom IC 718

Harga : Nego

The ICOM IC-718 covers 160-10 meters. This radio is very easy to operate with one touch band switching, direct frequency input via keypad and auto tuning steps ( senses the rate....
Yaesu System 600 SSB

Harga : Nego

The multi-purpose system 600 HF SSB radio is designed to fulfill long-haul land mobile communication requirements. Though many radios can be adapted for more than one....
Radio Yaesu VX 1700

Harga : Nego

* Frequency - TX: 1.6-30 MHz
* RX: 0.03-30 MHz
* Channels - 200

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Hub : Ali arief
Palu Estwing Pipih Edge E320BLC

Harga : Nego

Palu Estwing Pipih
Batuan sedimen

Estwing geo hammer chisel edge E320BLC


Estwing geo hammer chisel edge

Info :
http: / / my_ gpsonline....
Palu Estwing Runcing E22P

Harga : Nego

Estwing geo hammer pointed E22P

Info :
http: / / my_

em ail: aliarief.fadillah@

Hub : Ali arief

Tlp : 021-34191199
Hp : 0812....
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