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Tn. Ali Arief Fadillah [Pemasaran]
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jl Karet Ps Baru timur XIV no 49
jakarta 10220, Jakarta
Bergerak di bidang alat-alat survey dan navigasi, seperti : Total Station, Theodolite, Automatic Level, Binoculars, Kompas, Clinometer, Altimeter, Suunto Tandem, Waterpass, GPS, dan Alat-alat Geologi.
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Geko 201 and its counterpart, Geko 301, are among the smallest and lightest WAAS-enabled GPS navigators â € ” inexpensive, with simple, intuitive operation.
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kami menjual berbagai macam type kabel data untuk gps, dapat mempermudah penggunaan Gps anda.
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em ail: aliarief.fadillah@ ....
Based on the standard BlueChart g2 features, BlueChart g2 Vision provides premium mapping and graphics capabilities.

Plug a BlueChart g2 Vision card into your compatible device....
Antenna luar dari Garmin ini yang paling sering digunakan, untuk GPS 12XL, 60series, 76series, dan series automotive lainnya seperti 2610.

Paket sudah termasuk dudukan magnet....
Antenna luar dari Garmin ini yang cocok digunakan, untuk GPS V, 276C dan street pilot III+ .

Paket sudah termasuk dudukan magnet untuk dipasang diluar kaca mobil ataupun....
When you want to make the most of your time on the water, BlueChart ® is the cartography you can count on. Garmin offers BlueChart in three different formats, making it easy and....
Jadikan PC laptop anda menjadi navigator jalan yang kuat dengan GPS 18 - sebuah sensor GPSbundled dengan nRouteâ „ ¢ dan perangkat lunak City Select secara otomatis memandu anda....
Spesifikation :

General TH-K2AT
Frequency Range* TX: 144-148 MHz
RX: 136-174 MHz
Mode F3E ( FM) , F2D
Antenna Impedance 50 Ã ¢ â € ž Â ¦
Operation Temperature Range -4Â ° F ~ ....

Battery life ( based on a 05/ 05/ 90 duty cycle) 8 hours ( High Power) , 10 hours ( Low Power) - With Standard Hi- Capacity NiMH battery
The ICOM IC-718 covers 160-10 meters. This radio is very easy to operate with one touch band switching, direct frequency input via keypad and auto tuning steps ( senses the rate....
The multi-purpose system 600 HF SSB radio is designed to fulfill long-haul land mobile communication requirements. Though many radios can be adapted for more than one....
* Frequency - TX: 1.6-30 MHz
* RX: 0.03-30 MHz
* Channels - 200

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em ail: aliarief.fadillah@

Hub : Ali arief
Palu Estwing Pipih
Batuan sedimen

Estwing geo hammer chisel edge E320BLC


Estwing geo hammer chisel edge

Info :
http: / / my_ gpsonline....
Estwing geo hammer pointed E22P

Info :
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em ail: aliarief.fadillah@

Hub : Ali arief

Tlp : 021-34191199
Hp : 0812....
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