O2 METER Lutron PO2-250.ANA: 021-96835260 HP: 081318501594 email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com[18 Jan. 2012, 19:51:24]
O2 METER Lutron PO2-250.ANA: 021-96835260 HP: 081318501594 email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
O2 METER, pen type
Model : PO2-250
* O2 ( Oxygen in air) , Temperature.
* O2 range : 0 to 30.0 % x 0.1 % .
* Temperature. : 0 to 50 oC, oC/ oF.
* Measurement response time: 30 seconds.
* DC 1.5V battery ( UM-4, AAA) x 4.
* Pen type, easy carryout.