Jual PORTABLE FLUE GAS ANALYSIS Type : A-400.Hubungi Ibu ANA: email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
PORTABLE FLUE GAS ANALYSIS Type : A-400.Hubungi Ibu ANA: email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
Type : A-400
Product : Wohler ( Germany)
Fungsi : Untuk monitoring Gas buang pada cerobong Asap
- O2 0 to 21.0 Vol. % 0.3 vol.%
- CO 0 to 4, 000 ppm ± 5% f.m
- CO2-Calculation 0 to CO2 max 0, 1 %
- Draft Pressure ± 100 hPa ± 2% f.m
- Flue Gas Temp 0 to 133 ° C, 133 to 800° C ± 2% , ± 1, 5% f.m
- Air Temp -20° C to 120 Ú C 2 Ú C: 0 to 50 Ú C
- Work temp + 5% to 40° C
- Storage temp -20° C to 50 ° C
Battery life time 10 hours ( NiMH, 2000 mAh)
- Size 205 x 85 x 220mm ( without probe)
- Length cable hose 1700 mm
- Length Flexible haose 540mm
- Appropals TUV Approved
EN 50379-2 EN 50379-1 for CO
Standard Unit : Rechargeable batteries and charger , cone, air temp probe, Printer TD 600 printer, RP 72 SOOT Test pump, water stop filter, 25 cotton filters, heavy duty carrying case.