Dijual VIBRATION METER, acceleration, velocity, displacement Model : VB-8213 Hubungi Ibu ANA: 021-96835260 HP: 081318501594 email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com[6 Jan. 2012, 1:13:27]
VIBRATION METER, acceleration, velocity, displacement Model : VB-8213 Hubungi Ibu ANA: 021-96835260 HP: 081318501594 email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
Model : VB-8213
* Acceleration : 200 m/ s2.
Velocity : 200 mm/ s.
Displacement : 2.0 mm.
* Max hold, peak value, data hold.
* Memory ( Max., Min. )
* LCD display with bar graph.
* 500 point data logger.
* Zero adjustment, RS232 computer interface.
* Optional data transmission software, SW-DL2005.
* Accelerator and hard carrying case are included