Dijual Lutron EM-9200 INTELLIGENT METER .Hubungi Ibu ANA: 021-96835260 HP: 081318501594 email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
Lutron EM-9200 INTELLIGENT METER .Hubungi Ibu ANA: 021-96835260 HP: 081318501594 email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
Spesifikasi :
* Meter build in the type K/ J thermometer with " plug and play " function.
* Type K thermometer : -100 to 1300 oC, oC/ oF.
Type J thermometer : -100 to 1200 oC, oC/ oF.
oC/ oF, 0.1degree.
* Be plugged with optional " plug & play " probes :
HD-200PRH, HD-200PAL, HD-200PLX, SL-407 to be used a professional Humidity meter,
Anemometer, Light meter, Sound level meter.
* RS232/ USB interface, Hold, Memory record.
* Type K Temp. probe ( optional) : TP-01, TP-02A, TP-03, TP-04.