Jual Conductivity/ TDS/ Salinity Waterproof Portable Handheld Eutech Type COND 610.ANA: 021-96835260 HP: 081318501594 email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
Conductivity/ TDS/ Salinity Waterproof Portable Handheld Eutech Type COND 610.Hubungi Ibu ANA: email suksesmakmur65@ yahoo.com
Product Specification
Conductivity Range .. to 500.0 mS
Resolution & Accuracy
0.01 µ S/ cm / 0.1 µ S/ cm / 0.001 mS/ cm /
0.01 mS/ cm / 0.1 mS/ cm
± 1% Full Scale + 1 LSD
TDS .. to 500 ppt
Resolution & Accuracy 0.01 ppm / 0.1 ppm / 0.001 ppt /
0.01 ppt / 0.1 ppt
± 1% Full Scale + 1 LSD
Salinity .. to 80 ppt
Resolution & Accuracy 0.05% & ± 1% Full Scale + 1 LSD
Resisitivity 0 to 20.00 m©
Resolution & Accuracy 0.05% & ± 1% Full Scale
Temperature Range -10.0 to 110.0 ° C ( 14.0 to 230 ° F) ( Meter)
Resolution & Accuracy 0.1 ° C/ 1.0° F
Temperature Compensation Automatic / Manual ( 0 to 100 ° C)
No. of Calibration Points
4 ( 1 per range) Auto
5 ( 1 per range) Manual
Cal Due Alarm Yes ( Days - Max 30)
Auto-Cal Options 84, 1413 uS/ cm
12.88, 111.8 mS/ cm
Slope/ Offset Display Yes ( Display + Icon)
Input pH BNC / 8 Pin Round
LCD Display Back-lit Dot Matrix
Memory 500 data sets
Output Yes ( IrDA/ RS232C)
Special Functions Stability Indicator; Self-diagnostic; Non-Volatile Memory; Hold & Auto-Power Off after 20 minutes
Ingress Protection IP67
Power 4 ' AAA' x 1.4V batteries or 9VDC power adapter