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YASHANIS OVERSEAS In Textiles For Textiles By Textiles.
Dear Sir,
We are yarn Marketing Agents supplying various types of yarn from Well-known Groups to Well-known groups.
We like to clarify that ; we would like to be a proud Supplier Associate as an Agent for the supply of various yarns n fabrics manufactured by renowned groups , for long term.

We assure you of & offer our best experienced & professionalized services to the group as an dedicated Yarn n Fabrics Agent.
We are into Textile field from past 70 years as a family Business & I myself involved from past 25 years.
We can comfortably supply Cotton N PC yarns / fabrics as well as of Polyester yarn in Spun / filament, Compact / Organic / Giza / Pima/ Suvin in combed / Carded in Single o Multifold from 6â € ™ s to 140 â € ˜ s in Kora or Dyed.
We can procure yarn/ fabrics from well known Indian groups .

We are regularly supplying different yarns / fabrics to well known & reputed corporate composite sectors scattered all over .

We expect your positive approach to this & looking forward for Marathon Mutual Relationship by Mutual tie up for Mutual long term benefits.

Thanks & Regards: Sanjeev Adukia.
10 A, Willow Eden woods, Pokhran Road No 2, Mumbai â € “ THANE â € “ W â € “ 400602. PH. NOS â € “ T/ F- 91 22 25891873; Cell â € “ 91 9819271437, 91 9322600307. E Mail: yashanis@ / yashanis@ WEB: http: / / http: / /

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