Selamat Datang di
Union Traders
Anggota Gratis
Union Traders
Selamat Datang di
Union Traders is a small scale enterprise involved in the export and trade of a variety of Fabrics, Cotton, Leather and Footwear. With our assortment of Fabrics and Cotton we cater to the professional market and with the assortment of Leather and Footwear we cater to the consumer market through a network of distributors.
Union Traders was founded in 2003 and by continuous exploration of new horizons in the field of product development and applications we have managed to become one of the leading suppliers of Fabrics, Cotton, Leather and Footwear in our country. In the meantime, our quality is assured by ISO 9001.
Our overall strategy is to maintain present market share in the local market and to realize business growth through expansion into international markets,
Our mission is to deliver the best quality of our products to our customers as to their requirements. We sell solutions and not just boxes.
Our aim is to be best performer, first choice for the established trade in the global market, while being accountable to all our stakeholders in the field of environmental management, human resource management, and occupational and customer health and safety.
With Fabrics and Cotton, our market coverage is 30% of industry demand, to which we sell directly, through our own sales force. Our competitors only cater to subsidiaries of Multinational companies, who are minimizing stock in order to cut costs.
With Leather and Footwears, our market coverage is 40% of total consumption, we cover the market through a network of wholesalers and retailers. Large scale retailers ( LSR) buy directly from us, for which we have a staff of dedicated account managers. The competition only sells to the international retail chains.
Our pricing policy for Fabrics and Cotton is based on cost-plus on which we apply quantity discounts for the industry. This aggressive discounting differentiates us from the competition, who has to follow the standard price lists of their international suppliers. Before we increase our industry prices, we always offer our customers the opportunity of one last order at old price levels.
For our assortment of Leather and Footwear we have established advised retail prices. Our wholesale discounts on these prices is 45% and our discounts for the LSRâ € ™ s 40% . We have an annual promotion calendar with sales actions whereby we give end of action discounts based on sales volume.
For Fabrics and Cotton we apply a promotional mix consisting of direct acquisition, catalogue and manual, and annually the local industrial trade fair. All trade communication for Fabrics and Cotton is account based in order to enhance business-to-business impact.
For Leather and Footwear, we apply a promotional mix consisting of consumer trade fair, allowance for in-store promotion to our distributors, which dovetail into another for consistent brand building.
Our Leather and Footwear are considered to be an A-brand in the consumer market, with 90% brand recognition with the consumers.
The promotional budget for Fabrics and Cotton is 3% on forecasted sales value per annum. The promotional budget for Leather and Footwear is 9% on forecasted sales value per annum.
The industrial market: The developments in the industrial market can be characterized by an increasing attention on: cost control in the industry, forcing suppliers to improve their operational efficiency. Emerging suppliers from East European countries and China enforce this trend. At the same time, technological developments force the suppliers of Fabrics and Cotton to innovate and upgrade their products continuously. Moreover, industrial customers are narrowing down their suppliers base, applying stringent demands on quality management and environmental and social accountability. Suppliers to the industrial segments should be solution providers instead of product suppliers. Union Traders has anticipated this development by changing its focus. Instead of being product driven, Tartan has adopted a market driven approach, incorporating an active R& D department, a laboratory and a marketing department.
The consumer market: The developments in the consumer market for Leather and Footwear show a stronger growth in international markets, notably the EU, than in our local market. The demand for Leather and Footwear in Europe is characterized by product developments which are spurred by continuous new consumer applications, in particular in the field of convenience. Leather and Footwear are becoming increasingly trend sensitive, helped by technological developments for specific use. Hence, trend monitoring and product innovation become critical issues in order to penetrate such markets. In the meantime, the concentration force in the retail market had led to the growth of the Large Scale Retailers, claiming a growing and dominant market of local consumption ( 20% of the EU supermarket chains cover 80% of EU demand) . They tend to do a large part of the sourcing directly.The most visible target group in the consumer market has become the age group of urban based 20-30 years old students and professionals, with limited time and a low-medium budget. Regulations in the international markets, especially the European market are more stringent than the regulations in our domestic market, but the spin-off of meeting EU standards will also benefit the performance in the domestic market, enabling to compete with importing products. Therefore we consider reaching EU level not as a Threat, but as a challenge.
Our government actively stimulates export promotion, and through the ongoing bilateral negotiations about trade liberalisation with the EU, we expect an improved trade environment which will facilitate our internationalisation endeavours. Already in the past few years, import and exports have become easier. Competition is expected to increase in both the domestic market and international market, especially from China at the lower end of the market, forcing us to concentrate on offering more added value products in other segments.
Loyal workforce
Skilled technicians
Good account managers
Sound cash flow
Good bank relation
Management by objectives
Responsibility and accountability accepted by management
ISO 9001
R& D department
Professional marketing department
Reliable production equipment
Packing station
Preventive maintenance system
High customer satisfaction
High employee satisfaction
ISO 9001 certification
Specific product specification
Sales growth
Sustainable profitability
Successful product launches
Growing customer base
High production efficiency
Spare capacity
Limited English language skills
Limited international marketing experience
Routine oriented
Ageing workforce
Limited budget for brand building
No funds for international market research
Limited budget for process and product adaptation
No professional market information system
Dominant product drive
Dominant financial control
Low insight in industry benchmarks
No ISO 14000 compliance
Limited flexibility
Energy consumption inefficient
Foreign maintenance dependability
Spare part lead time
Low degree of computerised manufacturing
Energy bill is too high
Rejection rate is quite high
Shipping costs are high
Average stock level is too high
Occupational hazards and injury incidence relatively high
Employee absention rate too high.
Growing EU market
Increased outsourcing by EU companies
New product applications
Quality requirements
Stringent access requirements keep low cost producers out
Single market enables further expansion
Good market performance in EU will open other markets
Bilateral trade agreement
Governmental export support
Improved shipping schedules
Exchange rate fluctuations
EU competitive production
Emerging suppliers from Eastern Europe and China
EU market access requirements, including demand for environmental management ( ref. CBI' s marketinformation database)
Unknown or weak country reputation ( unfamiliarity of Western buyers)
Shipping costs
EU recession reduces general purchasing power
Global political uncertainties
Stringent and time-consuming selection process by buyers, with possible thorough process adaptation
The EU market will offer opportunities, but only to those companies that are fully committed to establish business relations based on partnership and that are able to keep up with the growing demands in the field of product innovation, production capacity and flexibility and technical requirements. The companies should also be able to show commitment by means of a substantial budget allocation.
Therefore, in order to be successful on the EU market we foresee that we will have to address the identified weaknesses as follows:
Change the routine mentality and ageing work force in our company into a creative, learning organization with a dynamic work force, attracting young professionals with a global outlook.
A budget reservation will have to be made for structural and systematic market research ( including competitive benchmarking) and for setting up a market information system, as well as proactive product and process adaptation planning.
A multi-disciplinary EU task-force should be formed with sufficient time allocation and authority.
Inefficiencies in the production and logistical process, including its environmental impact, have to be tackled.
The main competition can be expected from European manufacturers, like Falcon and Starbreaker from the UK, Hessenbach from Germany and Swiss Alliance from Switzerland. Their strength is that they have strong existing relationships, but a weakness is that they apply a very conservative margin policy. Based on the volume of their business they will be able to apply means to protect their market share. As soon as our presence in the market is being felt, it is expected our competitors will apply a defensive strategy to maintain their buyers by offering temporary discounts. In a trendy and growing market, one of their main weaknesses is their conservative brand image. This may offer room to Tartan industries to emphasize its novelty, since buyers are continuously looking for assortment rejuvenation, as a driver of store traffic.
Describe the underlying assumptions that may impact on the plan. Relate these assumptions to for example the economy ( slow or fast economic growth) , distribution pattern, product ( life cycle) development, technological and regulatory developments, stability or dynamism in your target markets, your companyâ € ™ s financial situation ( e.g. cash flow) . The more realistic your assumptions are, the more accurate your plan and budgeting can be. If the assumptions change substantially, the plan ( and budget) needs to be adapted. With our assumptions we create our future market.
We expect the EU economy to recover as of next year.
We expect the distribution system to further concentrate to industry captains and Large Scale Retail buying groups.
We assume a continuation of trade liberalisation.
The product life cycle will be extended through functional innovation, including packaging for small households in the consumer market.
The growing number of young consumers will create a demand for new varieties and brands.
We expect a solid domestic market development ensuring sufficient cash flow for sustaining our export venture.
We assume that the exchange rate of the Euro in relation to the US dollar remains relatively stable.
Our corporate short term objective is to have, under the leadership of our CEO, the introduction and implementation of a programme for change. The objective is to become an export fit company within 6 months. The task force will include the management of the marketing, production, finance and logistics department. Given the crucial aspect of product and process development in accordance with market requirements, we will introduce a standardized product and process development procedure, as well as a market information system, in order to quickly asses, absorb and realize EU buyers requirements.
In order to bring our production costs in line with international acceptable levels, we will introduce a cost saving programme aiming at identifying and turning around 1 cost saving action per month, the primary focus thereby will be on environmental issues. In the first year, the result should be savings in the production process of at least USD 100, 000, whereby needed investment will not exceed the amount to be saved. Besides on the first yearâ € ™ s result, the cost saving programme will be integrated in the Continuous Performance Improvement Programme as required by ISO 9000 and 14000.
Our export marketing objective is to enter the industrial segment for Fabrics and Cotton in Italy in the year 2004, and generate a first year sales of at least USD 75, 000, growing by 50% each year thereafter. We aim at one lead customer in the market, with whom we intend to establish a long lasting business relationship, based on exclusivity.
Our product and process development objective is to bring our Fabrics and Cotton assortment in line with Customer specifications and industry standards within 6 months, and to be able to launch together with our trade partner, 2 new Fabrics and Cotton varieties each year.
Our medium and long term objective for our Fabrics and Cotton is to apply the experience we develop with our trade partner in Italy in three more European countries, and to look for similar trade partners in Scandinavia, The Netherlands and Belgium, to realize export sales equalling 40% of our total turnover within 5 years.
Our export marketing objective for Leather and Footwear is to establish a relationship with a pan-European private label distributor who will market the products under his own brand name. We expect to select the distributor within 1 year and aim to ship under private label as of the second year at a minimum target of USD 300, 000 in the first year of the distributor agreement. We aim for 15% growth per annum thereafter.
Our market entry strategy is based on one first priority country and two second priority countries: Italy and The Netherlands and Belgium respectively. We will position ourselves in the high end of the market. Quality, short time-to-market and continuous product innovation are key elements of our product strategy. Our pricing will be based on competitive pricing, while our distribution strategy will be based on indirect market entry through a private label marketer. Our promotion mix will be built around b2b activities including trade fairs and direct marketing.
Based on our market research, which indicates a favourable market growth and limited presence of foreign suppliers and a small local manufacturing base in that market, we have selected the Italian industrial market as the landing point for Fabrics and Cotton. Smaller markets but also with a limited local suppliers base are the Scandinavian markets and The Netherlands and Belgium, which are therefore considered secondary priority markets.
Based on the strong growth and nationwide usage reaching 80% of French households, we will identify a large French distributor, with a strong private label presence in the retail sector, and a pan-European network for the distribution of private label Leather and Footwear.
Union Traders will position both its industrial and consumer range of Fabrics and Cotton and Leather and Footwear at the medium-high end of the market and will communicate a high value quality image. That means that Tartan industries will stay away from the low end of the market and alternative trade channels. Both product ranges include attractive margins for the distribution chain, guaranteeing sales commitment. Thanks to these trade margins, distributors are able to add a relatively high degree of service level, which allows a position at the medium-high end of the market.
Fabrics and Cotton represents an industrial product range and therefore, our company image is more important than product branding. As suppliers to the industry, we will brand Tartan industries as a reliable and innovative partner for consistent supplies of high quality products.
Leather and Footwear will be marketed under private label and in our trade documentation, we will focus on high degree of product conformity, innovation, end-user quality and convenience of use, in order to gain full confidence of the brand marketers. Therefore, Tartan industries will be regarded upon as a low risk, high performance co-maker.
Features/ benefits analysis
All Tartan products have passed stringent quality control, as described in the quality manual, have passed laboratory tests and are made of first quality selected materials and designed according to latest trends and requirements of the market. All synthetic ingredients have been replaced by natural ones as per January 1, 2002, improving recyclability percentage and reducing environmental impact.
Our products will meet European safety standards as per September 2004.
Fabrics and Cotton is a low risk industrial product ( product) , with a competitive price with inviting trading margin ( price) , long industrial track record ( promotion) , with a short time-to-market ( place) .
Flipe enjoys a high growing demand due to growing consumer popularity ( product) , competitively priced at medium-high end with inviting trade margins ( price) , a top quality trendy yet reliable product from a new source ( promotion) , a unique private label product thanks to quality assurance ( place) .
Product development
Both our product ranges offer room for product life cycle extension through innovation. Because of low cost production process in our country, all trade partners enjoy sound trade margins. In co-operation with our trade partners and through our R& D department, we guarantee the launch of at least 2 new varieties per year. Our track record ensures our capability of product adaptation and development according to customer specifications.
The packaging for the Fabrics and Cotton will be carried out according to buyers specifications.
The packaging for the Flipe will be considered a silent salesman and is integrated part of the product concept. In this respect Flipe can also be packaged in accordance with private label specifications, since our country has a packaging industry which can meet the international standards.
Tartan industries, acknowledges that in the international market, orders are won and lost in competition. In this respect, to us there is only one option for pricing strategy which is competitive pricing, enabling attractive trade margins. We avoid heavy investments in brand building and avoid the heavy competition at the low end of the market.
For both the industrial and consumer market segments, we will apply the indirect entry mode. In doing so, we will benefit from in-market knowledge, experience and goodwill, avoiding the pitfalls of direct market access. This option will also ensure safe levels of in- market stocks of our products. The main criterion for selection of the private label distributor will be that his market coverage includes the usual outlets for Leather and Footwear without having Leather and Footwear in his assortment yet, offering a product complimentarity and synergy.
The strategic options that we described earlier, imply that we focus our promotion on business-to-business communication. A well tuned promotion mix will include:
Annual trade fair participation at a major EU trade fair;
A professional, inviting and informative website;
Professional product and process documentation;
( free) Publicity in trade magazines;
Direct marketing and regular communication with prospects based on a CRM ( Customer Relationship Management) database;
Personal visits;
In-store and action promotion will be realised by our Flibe distributor and partly paid by us.
All of the above in a functional and logical sequence and orchestration, reinforcing each others impact.
With regard to the multi-disciplinary nature needed for export preparation, we will make use of an Export Task Force. This task force will be headed by the CEO. It is his task to manage the non-routine activities of the company. The task force will include the production manager, finance manager, R& D manager and last but not least, the marketing & sales manager.
In the start-up phase the marketing & sales manager will be responsible for monitoring the market trends, initiating the market entry activities and setting up trade partner communciations. As soon as the export volume justifies such ( anticipated within 2 years) , a dedicated export department will be established, to be headed by an export marketing manager.
The export objectives, chosen strategies and budgets and incomes, will be reviewed against actuals on a quarterly basis. This will enable the company to operate on a flexible basis and to implement changes whenever needed.
The domestic market is considered to be ( and remain) the main turf for Tartan industries. The export venture should not jeopardize its position in the domestic market. Sufficient means should be available at all times to defend the company' s domestic market position. Therefore, the claims on the resources and capacities will be monitored and compared with the available production and pre-finance capacity on a weekly basis once the export orders start off.
Critical control points ( CCPs) on both financial and production capacities will be established by the Task Force. The finance manager will be responsible for reporting on the financial CCPs whereas the production manager will be responsible for the CCPs on production capacity.
In Tartan industries, we have compiled an action plan for the first 2 years of the export venture. The activities listed in the action plan address the weaknesses that have been identified during the Strength-Weakness analysis as part of the company audit. Following the business improvement activities, we have incorporated market entry activities aiming to gain a foothold in the first priority market as well as doing some ground work in the second priority countries. The different activities have been budgeted and approved for the first year.
The activities scheduled for the second year are still tentative.The budget is not yet approved. The activities and budgets will depend on the performance in the first year. To get an idea,
In Tartan industries, we have developed a set of planning spreadsheets that can be used for operational planning and budgeting. You can modify this budgeting & forecasting tool according to your own company situation.
The first worksheet ( 1) is the Budget - Fixed Costs planner. Of course you should give the ledger accounts the same code numbers and descriptions as used in your own administration. This will prove handy when you make a quarterly review based on the actual costs that have been realised.
In the second worksheet ( 2) Budget - Direct Costs - you should fill in your monthly Sales Forecast for the whole planning year. Also the estimated variable costs ( which are the direct product-reated costs) should be filled in.
When you finally fill in the forecasted Ex-Work sales prices per unit in the last worksheet ( 3) Budget - Income Statement, your company budget and Profit & Loss Statement will be automatically generated. When you tune the variables in these sheets towards a realistic and prudent budget ( do not forget to save each version with a different file name! ) , you will be able to choose the best business scenario whereby you will keep the investments in relation to the expected yield.
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Union Traders is a small scale enterprise involved in the export and trade of a variety of Fabrics, Cotton, Leather and Footwear. With our assortment of Fabrics and Cotton we cater to the professional market and with the assortment of Leather and Footwear we cater to the consumer market through a network of distributors.
Union Traders was founded in 2003 and by continuous exploration of new horizons in the field of product development and applications we have managed to become one of the leading suppliers of Fabrics, Cotton, Leather and Footwear in our country. In the meantime, our quality is assured by ISO 9001.
Our overall strategy is to maintain present market share in the local market and to realize business growth through expansion into international markets,
Our mission is to deliver the best quality of our products to our customers as to their requirements. We sell solutions and not just boxes.
Our aim is to be best performer, first choice for the established trade in the global market, while being accountable to all our stakeholders in the field of environmental management, human resource management, and occupational and customer health and safety.
With Fabrics and Cotton, our market coverage is 30% of industry demand, to which we sell directly, through our own sales force. Our competitors only cater to subsidiaries of Multinational companies, who are minimizing stock in order to cut costs.
With Leather and Footwears, our market coverage is 40% of total consumption, we cover the market through a network of wholesalers and retailers. Large scale retailers ( LSR) buy directly from us, for which we have a staff of dedicated account managers. The competition only sells to the international retail chains.
Our pricing policy for Fabrics and Cotton is based on cost-plus on which we apply quantity discounts for the industry. This aggressive discounting differentiates us from the competition, who has to follow the standard price lists of their international suppliers. Before we increase our industry prices, we always offer our customers the opportunity of one last order at old price levels.
For our assortment of Leather and Footwear we have established advised retail prices. Our wholesale discounts on these prices is 45% and our discounts for the LSRâ € ™ s 40% . We have an annual promotion calendar with sales actions whereby we give end of action discounts based on sales volume.
For Fabrics and Cotton we apply a promotional mix consisting of direct acquisition, catalogue and manual, and annually the local industrial trade fair. All trade communication for Fabrics and Cotton is account based in order to enhance business-to-business impact.
For Leather and Footwear, we apply a promotional mix consisting of consumer trade fair, allowance for in-store promotion to our distributors, which dovetail into another for consistent brand building.
Our Leather and Footwear are considered to be an A-brand in the consumer market, with 90% brand recognition with the consumers.
The promotional budget for Fabrics and Cotton is 3% on forecasted sales value per annum. The promotional budget for Leather and Footwear is 9% on forecasted sales value per annum.
The industrial market: The developments in the industrial market can be characterized by an increasing attention on: cost control in the industry, forcing suppliers to improve their operational efficiency. Emerging suppliers from East European countries and China enforce this trend. At the same time, technological developments force the suppliers of Fabrics and Cotton to innovate and upgrade their products continuously. Moreover, industrial customers are narrowing down their suppliers base, applying stringent demands on quality management and environmental and social accountability. Suppliers to the industrial segments should be solution providers instead of product suppliers. Union Traders has anticipated this development by changing its focus. Instead of being product driven, Tartan has adopted a market driven approach, incorporating an active R& D department, a laboratory and a marketing department.
The consumer market: The developments in the consumer market for Leather and Footwear show a stronger growth in international markets, notably the EU, than in our local market. The demand for Leather and Footwear in Europe is characterized by product developments which are spurred by continuous new consumer applications, in particular in the field of convenience. Leather and Footwear are becoming increasingly trend sensitive, helped by technological developments for specific use. Hence, trend monitoring and product innovation become critical issues in order to penetrate such markets. In the meantime, the concentration force in the retail market had led to the growth of the Large Scale Retailers, claiming a growing and dominant market of local consumption ( 20% of the EU supermarket chains cover 80% of EU demand) . They tend to do a large part of the sourcing directly.The most visible target group in the consumer market has become the age group of urban based 20-30 years old students and professionals, with limited time and a low-medium budget. Regulations in the international markets, especially the European market are more stringent than the regulations in our domestic market, but the spin-off of meeting EU standards will also benefit the performance in the domestic market, enabling to compete with importing products. Therefore we consider reaching EU level not as a Threat, but as a challenge.
Our government actively stimulates export promotion, and through the ongoing bilateral negotiations about trade liberalisation with the EU, we expect an improved trade environment which will facilitate our internationalisation endeavours. Already in the past few years, import and exports have become easier. Competition is expected to increase in both the domestic market and international market, especially from China at the lower end of the market, forcing us to concentrate on offering more added value products in other segments.
Loyal workforce
Skilled technicians
Good account managers
Sound cash flow
Good bank relation
Management by objectives
Responsibility and accountability accepted by management
ISO 9001
R& D department
Professional marketing department
Reliable production equipment
Packing station
Preventive maintenance system
High customer satisfaction
High employee satisfaction
ISO 9001 certification
Specific product specification
Sales growth
Sustainable profitability
Successful product launches
Growing customer base
High production efficiency
Spare capacity
Limited English language skills
Limited international marketing experience
Routine oriented
Ageing workforce
Limited budget for brand building
No funds for international market research
Limited budget for process and product adaptation
No professional market information system
Dominant product drive
Dominant financial control
Low insight in industry benchmarks
No ISO 14000 compliance
Limited flexibility
Energy consumption inefficient
Foreign maintenance dependability
Spare part lead time
Low degree of computerised manufacturing
Energy bill is too high
Rejection rate is quite high
Shipping costs are high
Average stock level is too high
Occupational hazards and injury incidence relatively high
Employee absention rate too high.
Growing EU market
Increased outsourcing by EU companies
New product applications
Quality requirements
Stringent access requirements keep low cost producers out
Single market enables further expansion
Good market performance in EU will open other markets
Bilateral trade agreement
Governmental export support
Improved shipping schedules
Exchange rate fluctuations
EU competitive production
Emerging suppliers from Eastern Europe and China
EU market access requirements, including demand for environmental management ( ref. CBI' s marketinformation database)
Unknown or weak country reputation ( unfamiliarity of Western buyers)
Shipping costs
EU recession reduces general purchasing power
Global political uncertainties
Stringent and time-consuming selection process by buyers, with possible thorough process adaptation
The EU market will offer opportunities, but only to those companies that are fully committed to establish business relations based on partnership and that are able to keep up with the growing demands in the field of product innovation, production capacity and flexibility and technical requirements. The companies should also be able to show commitment by means of a substantial budget allocation.
Therefore, in order to be successful on the EU market we foresee that we will have to address the identified weaknesses as follows:
Change the routine mentality and ageing work force in our company into a creative, learning organization with a dynamic work force, attracting young professionals with a global outlook.
A budget reservation will have to be made for structural and systematic market research ( including competitive benchmarking) and for setting up a market information system, as well as proactive product and process adaptation planning.
A multi-disciplinary EU task-force should be formed with sufficient time allocation and authority.
Inefficiencies in the production and logistical process, including its environmental impact, have to be tackled.
The main competition can be expected from European manufacturers, like Falcon and Starbreaker from the UK, Hessenbach from Germany and Swiss Alliance from Switzerland. Their strength is that they have strong existing relationships, but a weakness is that they apply a very conservative margin policy. Based on the volume of their business they will be able to apply means to protect their market share. As soon as our presence in the market is being felt, it is expected our competitors will apply a defensive strategy to maintain their buyers by offering temporary discounts. In a trendy and growing market, one of their main weaknesses is their conservative brand image. This may offer room to Tartan industries to emphasize its novelty, since buyers are continuously looking for assortment rejuvenation, as a driver of store traffic.
Describe the underlying assumptions that may impact on the plan. Relate these assumptions to for example the economy ( slow or fast economic growth) , distribution pattern, product ( life cycle) development, technological and regulatory developments, stability or dynamism in your target markets, your companyâ € ™ s financial situation ( e.g. cash flow) . The more realistic your assumptions are, the more accurate your plan and budgeting can be. If the assumptions change substantially, the plan ( and budget) needs to be adapted. With our assumptions we create our future market.
We expect the EU economy to recover as of next year.
We expect the distribution system to further concentrate to industry captains and Large Scale Retail buying groups.
We assume a continuation of trade liberalisation.
The product life cycle will be extended through functional innovation, including packaging for small households in the consumer market.
The growing number of young consumers will create a demand for new varieties and brands.
We expect a solid domestic market development ensuring sufficient cash flow for sustaining our export venture.
We assume that the exchange rate of the Euro in relation to the US dollar remains relatively stable.
Our corporate short term objective is to have, under the leadership of our CEO, the introduction and implementation of a programme for change. The objective is to become an export fit company within 6 months. The task force will include the management of the marketing, production, finance and logistics department. Given the crucial aspect of product and process development in accordance with market requirements, we will introduce a standardized product and process development procedure, as well as a market information system, in order to quickly asses, absorb and realize EU buyers requirements.
In order to bring our production costs in line with international acceptable levels, we will introduce a cost saving programme aiming at identifying and turning around 1 cost saving action per month, the primary focus thereby will be on environmental issues. In the first year, the result should be savings in the production process of at least USD 100, 000, whereby needed investment will not exceed the amount to be saved. Besides on the first yearâ € ™ s result, the cost saving programme will be integrated in the Continuous Performance Improvement Programme as required by ISO 9000 and 14000.
Our export marketing objective is to enter the industrial segment for Fabrics and Cotton in Italy in the year 2004, and generate a first year sales of at least USD 75, 000, growing by 50% each year thereafter. We aim at one lead customer in the market, with whom we intend to establish a long lasting business relationship, based on exclusivity.
Our product and process development objective is to bring our Fabrics and Cotton assortment in line with Customer specifications and industry standards within 6 months, and to be able to launch together with our trade partner, 2 new Fabrics and Cotton varieties each year.
Our medium and long term objective for our Fabrics and Cotton is to apply the experience we develop with our trade partner in Italy in three more European countries, and to look for similar trade partners in Scandinavia, The Netherlands and Belgium, to realize export sales equalling 40% of our total turnover within 5 years.
Our export marketing objective for Leather and Footwear is to establish a relationship with a pan-European private label distributor who will market the products under his own brand name. We expect to select the distributor within 1 year and aim to ship under private label as of the second year at a minimum target of USD 300, 000 in the first year of the distributor agreement. We aim for 15% growth per annum thereafter.
Our market entry strategy is based on one first priority country and two second priority countries: Italy and The Netherlands and Belgium respectively. We will position ourselves in the high end of the market. Quality, short time-to-market and continuous product innovation are key elements of our product strategy. Our pricing will be based on competitive pricing, while our distribution strategy will be based on indirect market entry through a private label marketer. Our promotion mix will be built around b2b activities including trade fairs and direct marketing.
Based on our market research, which indicates a favourable market growth and limited presence of foreign suppliers and a small local manufacturing base in that market, we have selected the Italian industrial market as the landing point for Fabrics and Cotton. Smaller markets but also with a limited local suppliers base are the Scandinavian markets and The Netherlands and Belgium, which are therefore considered secondary priority markets.
Based on the strong growth and nationwide usage reaching 80% of French households, we will identify a large French distributor, with a strong private label presence in the retail sector, and a pan-European network for the distribution of private label Leather and Footwear.
Union Traders will position both its industrial and consumer range of Fabrics and Cotton and Leather and Footwear at the medium-high end of the market and will communicate a high value quality image. That means that Tartan industries will stay away from the low end of the market and alternative trade channels. Both product ranges include attractive margins for the distribution chain, guaranteeing sales commitment. Thanks to these trade margins, distributors are able to add a relatively high degree of service level, which allows a position at the medium-high end of the market.
Fabrics and Cotton represents an industrial product range and therefore, our company image is more important than product branding. As suppliers to the industry, we will brand Tartan industries as a reliable and innovative partner for consistent supplies of high quality products.
Leather and Footwear will be marketed under private label and in our trade documentation, we will focus on high degree of product conformity, innovation, end-user quality and convenience of use, in order to gain full confidence of the brand marketers. Therefore, Tartan industries will be regarded upon as a low risk, high performance co-maker.
Features/ benefits analysis
All Tartan products have passed stringent quality control, as described in the quality manual, have passed laboratory tests and are made of first quality selected materials and designed according to latest trends and requirements of the market. All synthetic ingredients have been replaced by natural ones as per January 1, 2002, improving recyclability percentage and reducing environmental impact.
Our products will meet European safety standards as per September 2004.
Fabrics and Cotton is a low risk industrial product ( product) , with a competitive price with inviting trading margin ( price) , long industrial track record ( promotion) , with a short time-to-market ( place) .
Flipe enjoys a high growing demand due to growing consumer popularity ( product) , competitively priced at medium-high end with inviting trade margins ( price) , a top quality trendy yet reliable product from a new source ( promotion) , a unique private label product thanks to quality assurance ( place) .
Product development
Both our product ranges offer room for product life cycle extension through innovation. Because of low cost production process in our country, all trade partners enjoy sound trade margins. In co-operation with our trade partners and through our R& D department, we guarantee the launch of at least 2 new varieties per year. Our track record ensures our capability of product adaptation and development according to customer specifications.
The packaging for the Fabrics and Cotton will be carried out according to buyers specifications.
The packaging for the Flipe will be considered a silent salesman and is integrated part of the product concept. In this respect Flipe can also be packaged in accordance with private label specifications, since our country has a packaging industry which can meet the international standards.
Tartan industries, acknowledges that in the international market, orders are won and lost in competition. In this respect, to us there is only one option for pricing strategy which is competitive pricing, enabling attractive trade margins. We avoid heavy investments in brand building and avoid the heavy competition at the low end of the market.
For both the industrial and consumer market segments, we will apply the indirect entry mode. In doing so, we will benefit from in-market knowledge, experience and goodwill, avoiding the pitfalls of direct market access. This option will also ensure safe levels of in- market stocks of our products. The main criterion for selection of the private label distributor will be that his market coverage includes the usual outlets for Leather and Footwear without having Leather and Footwear in his assortment yet, offering a product complimentarity and synergy.
The strategic options that we described earlier, imply that we focus our promotion on business-to-business communication. A well tuned promotion mix will include:
Annual trade fair participation at a major EU trade fair;
A professional, inviting and informative website;
Professional product and process documentation;
( free) Publicity in trade magazines;
Direct marketing and regular communication with prospects based on a CRM ( Customer Relationship Management) database;
Personal visits;
In-store and action promotion will be realised by our Flibe distributor and partly paid by us.
All of the above in a functional and logical sequence and orchestration, reinforcing each others impact.
With regard to the multi-disciplinary nature needed for export preparation, we will make use of an Export Task Force. This task force will be headed by the CEO. It is his task to manage the non-routine activities of the company. The task force will include the production manager, finance manager, R& D manager and last but not least, the marketing & sales manager.
In the start-up phase the marketing & sales manager will be responsible for monitoring the market trends, initiating the market entry activities and setting up trade partner communciations. As soon as the export volume justifies such ( anticipated within 2 years) , a dedicated export department will be established, to be headed by an export marketing manager.
The export objectives, chosen strategies and budgets and incomes, will be reviewed against actuals on a quarterly basis. This will enable the company to operate on a flexible basis and to implement changes whenever needed.
The domestic market is considered to be ( and remain) the main turf for Tartan industries. The export venture should not jeopardize its position in the domestic market. Sufficient means should be available at all times to defend the company' s domestic market position. Therefore, the claims on the resources and capacities will be monitored and compared with the available production and pre-finance capacity on a weekly basis once the export orders start off.
Critical control points ( CCPs) on both financial and production capacities will be established by the Task Force. The finance manager will be responsible for reporting on the financial CCPs whereas the production manager will be responsible for the CCPs on production capacity.
In Tartan industries, we have compiled an action plan for the first 2 years of the export venture. The activities listed in the action plan address the weaknesses that have been identified during the Strength-Weakness analysis as part of the company audit. Following the business improvement activities, we have incorporated market entry activities aiming to gain a foothold in the first priority market as well as doing some ground work in the second priority countries. The different activities have been budgeted and approved for the first year.
The activities scheduled for the second year are still tentative.The budget is not yet approved. The activities and budgets will depend on the performance in the first year. To get an idea,
In Tartan industries, we have developed a set of planning spreadsheets that can be used for operational planning and budgeting. You can modify this budgeting & forecasting tool according to your own company situation.
The first worksheet ( 1) is the Budget - Fixed Costs planner. Of course you should give the ledger accounts the same code numbers and descriptions as used in your own administration. This will prove handy when you make a quarterly review based on the actual costs that have been realised.
In the second worksheet ( 2) Budget - Direct Costs - you should fill in your monthly Sales Forecast for the whole planning year. Also the estimated variable costs ( which are the direct product-reated costs) should be filled in.
When you finally fill in the forecasted Ex-Work sales prices per unit in the last worksheet ( 3) Budget - Income Statement, your company budget and Profit & Loss Statement will be automatically generated. When you tune the variables in these sheets towards a realistic and prudent budget ( do not forget to save each version with a different file name! ) , you will be able to choose the best business scenario whereby you will keep the investments in relation to the expected yield.
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