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    50 Ways to Rock A Lighter DVD

    Bagaimana cara anda menyalakan sebuah korek api/zippo? DVD ini akan mengajarkan anda cara-cara menyalakan sebuah zippo dengan style dan gaya yang akan membuat anda menjadi pusat perhatian. 50 teknik, dari yang termudah sampai dengan teknik advance akan diajarkan dalam DVD ini dengan visual yang jelas, dan diambil dari berbagai sudut/angle kamera, DVD ini akan merubah style anda. Dalam DVD ini juga akan ditunjukkan tips-tips seputar teknis merawat Zippo Lighter anda. Bagi anda yang tidak merokok, anda tetap bisa mempelajari teknik-teknik dalam DVD ini, dan teman-teman anda akan berdecak kagum melihat anda in Action!!

    Best of The Best IMS

    International Magician Society (IMS) DVD Best of The Best menawarkan kepada anda 10 DVD lecture sulap yang dibuat oleh berbagai magician terkenal di dunia. Masing-masing pesulap akan memberikan trik-trik terhebat mereka plus mereka juga akan memberikan berbagai tips yang sangat berguna dalam bermain sulap. Dikemas dalam 50 volume magic video lecture 10 DVD set ini akan berguna bagi anda yang akan belajar sulap. Materi di dalamnya mencakup sulap kartu, koin, tali, levitation, stage, mentalist dan masih banyak lagi!. DVD set terdiri dari 10 DVD, Setiap DVD berisi 5 volume video lecture, sehingga total 50 volume akan anda dapatkan dalam DVD set ini.

    Boris Pocus Extremely Mental DVD

    Siapa yang tidak mengenal Jay Sankey? Dalam DVD ini, Jay Sankey yang terkenal sangat atraktif kini memerankan karakter yang bernama Boris dan akan mengajarkan anda 16 trik sulap mentalis hasil kreasinya. Dengan gaya yang lucu, Boris akan mengungkapkan semua trik dengan detail sehingga sangat mudah dimengerti. Sepintas, trik yang dimainkan terlihat simple, tetapi efeknya akan membuat penonton terheran-heran.

    Card Thru Window DVD

    Pernah melihat bagaimana pesulap dapat membuat kartu pilihan penonton menempel di jendela tapi pada bagian dalam? Eric James dari akan mengupas habis trik Card Thru Windows tersebut. Mulai dari metode yang paling mudah sampai dengan metode rumit. Semua akan dijelaskan secara detail oleh Eric James. Banyak sekali variasi trik Card Thru Window yang akan dijelaskan, singkat kata tak ada kartu yang tak bisa dibuat menembus benda-benda transparan seperti kaca!

    Cradle to Grave DVD

    Cradle to Grave akan mengajarkan pada anda rutin andalan Devo yang beraliran Xtreme Card Manipulation. Teknik yang diajarkan sangat luar biasa !!. Teknik yang pasti belum pernah anda bayangkan dapat dilakukan dengan satu deck kartu. Mungkin butuh waktu untuk mempelajari semua teknik yang diajarkan. Tapi jika anda bisa melakukannya, anda akan tampil sebagai pesulap kartu generasi baru !! Sudah terbukti bahwa Cradle to Grave DVD adalah salah satu referensi para XCMers (sebutan untuk pesulap XCM) !!

    Crash Course 2 : AmbitiouXs Card DVD

    Ultimate AmbitiouXs Card by!!, Brad Christian akan mengajarkan kepada anda selama 2 jam penuh teknik-teknik AmbitiouXs Card yang lain daripada yang lain. Teknik terbaru dalam memainkan rutin yang menakjubkan! Brad juga akan memberikan tips-tips seputar teknik yang diajarkan. Dengan Studi kasus dimana Brad akan bermain pada berbagai macam penonton, Brad akan memberikan slow motion mengenai teknik-teknik yang dimainkan. Dengan C2 AmbitiouXs Card anda menjadi pesulap profesional. Bila anda seorang pesulap kartu, C2 AmbotiouXs Card harus anda miliki !! Ultimate AmbitiouXs Card by!!, Brad Christian akan mengajarkan kepada anda selama 2 jam penuh teknik-teknik AmbitiouXs Card yang lain daripada yang lain. Teknik terbaru dalam memainkan rutin yang menakjubkan! Brad juga akan memberikan tips-tips seputar teknik yang diajarkan. Dengan Studi kasus dimana Brad akan bermain pada berbagai macam penonton, Brad akan memberikan slow motion mengenai teknik-teknik yang dimainkan. Dengan C2 AmbitiouXs Card anda menjadi pesulap profesional. Bila anda seorang pesulap kartu, C2 AmbotiouXs Card harus anda miliki !! Ultimate AmbitiouXs Card by!!, Brad Christian akan mengajarkan kepada anda selama 2 jam penuh teknik-teknik AmbitiouXs Card yang lain daripada yang lain. Teknik terbaru dalam memainkan rutin yang menakjubkan! Brad juga akan memberikan tips-tips seputar teknik yang diajarkan. Dengan Studi kasus dimana Brad akan bermain pada berbagai macam penonton, Brad akan memberikan slow motion mengenai teknik-teknik yang dimainkan. Dengan C2 AmbitiouXs Card anda menjadi pesulap profesional. Bila anda seorang pesulap kartu, C2 AmbotiouXs Card harus anda miliki !!

    Cultural Xchange Vol. 1

    Apa yang terjadi jika 2 pesulap hebat dari 2 benua memutuskan untuk berkumpul? Terciptalah trik sulap yang mengagumkan. Shoot Ogawa dan Apollo Robin masing-masing mewakili benua Asia dan Amerika akan membagi trik sulapnya kepada anda. Semua trik sulap yang diajarkan dijamin akan membuat semua orang terkagum. Sebagian besar trik ini diciptakan sangat visual, sehingga anda tidak perlu mengucapkan sepatah katapun, penonton akan terkesima melihatnya!. Disinilah untuk pertama kalinya 2 kebudayaan sulap yang berbeda bertemu dalam satu video!

    Cultural Xchange Vol. 2

    Apa yang terjadi jika 2 pesulap hebat dari 2 benua memutuskan untuk berkumpul? Terciptalah trik sulap yang mengagumkan. Shoot Ogawa dan Apollo Robin masing-masing mewakili benua Asia dan Amerika akan membagi trik sulapnya kepada anda. Semua trik sulap yang diajarkan dijamin akan membuat semua orang terkagum. Sebagian besar trik ini diciptakan sangat visual, sehingga anda tidak perlu mengucapkan sepatah katapun, penonton akan terkesima melihatnya!. Disinilah untuk pertama kalinya 2 kebudayaan sulap yang berbeda bertemu dalam satu video!

    Disjointed DVD

    Pernahkan anda melihat pesulap mampu memutar tangannya 1 putaran penuh di lantai? Joe Russell membuat trik ini ke level yang lebih menakutkan, setelah tangan pesulap diputar tiba-tiba terdengar suara gemeretak tulang dan lengan pesulap patah, seolah terjadi dislokasi sendi pada lengan pesulap. gerakan lengan pun tidak lagi terlihat seperti lengan yang normal. Perlahan-lahan pesulap mengembalikan posisi tangannya seperti semula tanpa luka/cedera. Trik yang akan membuat penonton histeris ketakutan!

    Gregory Wilson In Action Vol. 3 DVD

    Gregory Wilson adalah pesulap pemenang FISM award dengan sejumlah video lecture sulap yang merupakan koleksi best seller. Kali ini Gregory Wilson akan kembali mengungkapkan beberapa trik terbaiknya, beberapa dari trik yang diajarkan adalah trik yang sebelumnya pernah diulas dalam video lecture Greg sebelumnya dengan perbaikan trik yang lebih sempurna, sebagian lainnya merupakan trik yang belum pernah diulas dalam video lecture manapun. Gregory Wilson is Back In Action!

    IMS Classic

    Classic Series dibuat untuk memperkenalkan para anggota International Magician Society tentang sulap klasik yang pernah ada. Dibutuhkan waktu 15 tahun untuk mengumpulkan materi-materi dalam seri DVD ini. Tony Hassini (Chairman of IMS) mengumpulkan para kolektor benda-benda sulap dan meminta mereka untuk membagi rahasia sulap-sulap klasik yang mereka miliki. Dalam seri ini anda akan menemukan 100 lebih alat sulap yang pernah diciptakan para pesulap besar tempo dulu. Beberapa diantara alat sulap bahkan berasal dari tahun 1700an !! Tony Hassini akan menjelaskan secara detail bentuk dan cara kerja alat-alat sulap yang diperlihatkan. Bagi anda yang menyukai sulap dengan alat-alat khusus, IMS Classic Series akan memberikan banyak sekali variasi alat sulap yang dapat anda buat sendiri !!.

    IMS Master Series

    Koleksi Lecture yang dikumpulkan oleh International Magician Society. Beberapa pesulap yang memberikan kontribusi pada sebelumnya yaitu seri Best of The Best IMS, merasa perlu membagi lebih banyak trik sulap kepada komunitas IMS, sehingga dibuatlah IMS Master Series yang terdiri dari 50 volume yang dikemas dalam 5 DVD.Materi sulap yang diajarkan bervariasi mulai dari koin, kartu, mentalis, dsb. Bagi anda yang sudah mempunyai koleksi Best of The Best IMS maka wajib memiliki IMS Master Series.

    Infusion DVD

    Ultimate Coin thu Glass. Trik luar biasa. Sebuah koin dapat menembus gelas. Pegang koin di ujung jari anda lalu tekan koin ke bagian bawah gelas, ajaib! secara visual koin masuk ke dalam gelas. Koin bisa ditandatangi oleh penonton! Trik Impromptu yang dapat anda mainkan dimana saja dan kapan saja. Pinjam koin dan gelas dari penonton dan anda siap untuk memainkan trik ini ! Dapat juga divariasikan dengan cincin yang menembus gelas !

    Mind Mysteries Vol. 1 (The Act)

    Richard Osterlind dalam video seri ini Mind Mysteries akan mengungkapkan rutin-rutin mentalis yang telah dilkukannya selama bertahun-tahun dalam setiap shownya dihadapan penonton di seluruh dunia. Osterlind tidak hanya mengungkapkan rahasianya, tetapi juga akan menjelaskan setiap detail sehingga anda akan mendapatkan sanjungan dri penonton sama seperti yang Osterlind dapatkan. Lihatlah bagaimana Richard Osterlind memukau penonton dengan rutin-rutin sulap mentalisnya, keludian dia akan menjelaskan rahasianya hanya untuk anda.

    Mind Mysteries Vol. 2 (Breakthrough Card System)

    Apa kontribsi terbesar Richard Osterlind dalam dunia sulap mentalis? Jawabannya mungkin adalah "Osterlind's Breakthrough Card System" yaitu suatu metode "menyusun kartu" paling jenius yang pernah ditemukan !! Penonton boleh memperhatikan kartu-kartu yang sudah disusun, tapi dijamin tidak akan menemukan apapun kecuali ketidak-teraturan. Namun Osterlind telah menemukan bahwa dalam ketidak-teraturan, ada keteraturan. Metode ini adalah salah satu karya masterpiece Richard Osterlind. Dan untuk pertama kalinya dia akan mengungkapkan rahasianya hanya untuk anda

    Mind Mysteries Vol. 3 (Assorted Mysteries)

    Dalam seri ketiga Mind Mysteries, Osterlind akan membagi beberapa koleksi rutin mentalis yang sangat berharga. Ada beberapa rutin impromptu yang dapat anda mainkan untuk teman-teman anda saat makan malam, yang dikombinasikan dengan rutin-rutin tambahan yang cocok dimainkan untuk penonton di stage yang lebih besar. Perhatikan bagaimana Richard Osterlind membuat penonton terheran-heran dengan rutin mentalisnya, lalu Osterlind akan menjelaskan setiap detail rahasianya hanya untuk anda.

    Mind Mysteries Vol. 4 (More Assorted Mysteries)

    Dalam seri terakhir ini, Richard Osterlind akan menampilkanrutin-rutin sulap yang sudah banyak diketahui dan dengan tambahan efek-efek baru yang belum pernah dibongkar rahasinya sebelumnya. Anda akan melihat bahwa efek-efek rutin klasik dalam DVD ini sangat kuat sehingga mampu membuat penonton mengacungkan dua jempolnya untuk Richard Osterlind. Semua efek-efek yang dimainkan akan dijelaskan secara rinci oleh Richard Osterlind hanya untuk anda.

    Mind Mysteries Vol. 5

    Melanjutkan DVD lecture Mind Mysteries sebelumnya, Richard Osterlind memberikan lebh banyak lagi trik-trik yang telah membuatnya dikenal sebagai salah satu mentalist hebat! Dalam Seri Mind Mysteries Too anda akan menemukan berbagai trik-trik mentalis yang luar biasa yang sudah teruji mampu membuat penonton takjub.

    Mind Mysteries Vol. 6

    Melanjutkan DVD lecture Mind Mysteries sebelumnya, Richard Osterlind memberikan lebh banyak lagi trik-trik yang telah membuatnya dikenal sebagai salah satu mentalist hebat! Dalam Seri Mind Mysteries Too anda akan menemukan berbagai trik-trik mentalis yang luar biasa yang sudah teruji mampu membuat penonton takjub.

    Mind Mysteries Vol. 7

    Melanjutkan DVD lecture Mind Mysteries sebelumnya, Richard Osterlind memberikan lebh banyak lagi trik-trik yang telah membuatnya dikenal sebagai salah satu mentalist hebat! Dalam Seri Mind Mysteries Too anda akan menemukan berbagai trik-trik mentalis yang luar biasa yang sudah teruji mampu membuat penonton takjub.

    Prime Cut DVD

    Minta seorang penonton menyebutkan sebuah kartu remi. Penonton bebas menentukan kartu remi yang mereka inginkan. Pegang sebuah deck di tangan anda, lalu minta penonton untuk memotong tumpukan deck kartu tersebut. Dan ajaib, tepat di tempat penonton memotong kartu adalah kartu yang disebut oleh penonton. Trik yang sangat killer. Sebagai bonus akan diberikan trik yang dapat dilakukan melalui telepon. Penonton dengan kartunya sendiri memilih sebuah kartu dan pesulap dapat mengetahui dengan pasti kartu yang dipilih penonton!

    Ring Thing DVD

    Ketika Garret Thomas memainkan rutin sulap dengan cincinnya dalam event Close-Up Magic Convention, banyak pesulap terkenal yang takjub dengan permainannya, beberapa diantara mereka bahkan meminta Garret Thomas untuk mengajari teknik-teknik yag dia mainkan. Bayangkan saja jika cincin yang anda pakai dapat berpindah dari satu jari ke jari lainnya. Bahkan dapat berpindah tangan dari kiri ke kanan. Rutin yang sangat visual yang akan membuat penonton tidak percaya akan apa yang mereka lihat!

    Dalam DVD ini Garret Thomas akan mengajarkan teknik-teknik yang telah lama ia gunakan dalam memainkan sulap dengan cincinnya. Rutin impromptu yang dapat dimainkan kapan saja, tanpa cincin/alat khusus. Jadilah pesulap pertama yang menguasai Ring Thingi!

    Show Off with Cards DVD

    Koleksi lengkap tentang teknik flourish kartu yang dapat anda mainkan dalam show sulap anda. Pelajari 60 teknik flourish kartu yang dibagi dalam 5 level untuk memudahkan anda. Beberapa teknik floursh yang diajarkan merupakan teknik ciptaan pesulap terkenal seperti Brian Tudor dan De'vo. Bagi anda yang menyukai flourish kartu, DVD ini akan cukup membuat anda sibuk!

    The Real Floating Card DVD

    Eric Jmes yang banyak memberikan kontribusi pada akan menjelaskan sebuah teknik levitasi dengan kartu. Sebuah kartu yang secara bebas dipilih oleh penonton, dibuat melayang di atas telapak tangannya. Efek levitasi yang sangat visual. Starts Clean, Ends Clean !

    The System DVD

    Beberapa tahun yang lalu dalam MAGIC Live! convention, Dan & Dave Buck (The Buck Twins) adalah pasangan pesulap yang mendapat banyak pujian setelah mereka memperlihatkan teknik flourish kartu mereka yang sangat luar biasa dalam show sulap close-up mereka. Bahkan David Blaine pun sangat memuji mereka. Dalam DVD ini anda akan melihat mengapa mereka pantas mendapatkan pujian itu! 18 teknik flourish dengan kartu remi yang menakjubkan. Diajarkan dalam beberapa angle/sudut gambar untuk memudahkan pembelajaran anda.


    Teknik Torn & Restore terbaik yang pernah ada. Daniel Garcia, pesulap muda berbakat akan mengajarkan kepada anda teknik Torn & Restore Card ciptaannya yang sangat mudah dimainkan dibandingkan teknik torn & restore lainnya. Efeknya pun lebih hebat karena proses penyambungan kartu sangat visual. Anda tidak akan percaya pada penglihatan anda. Daniel Garcia telah menciptakan teknik torn & restore yang sangat hebat namun mudah dimainkan. Bravo !!!

    Generation Extreme

    Xtreme Card Manipulation khas Brian Tudor yang penuh dengan unsur kecepatan dan ketepatan akan banyak diajarkan dalam Video ini, bagi anda yang bosan dengan sulap kartu biasa, video ini sangat cocok dengan anda. Penuh dengan materi baru sepitar Card Floursh yang tidak akan anda dapatkan dalam video lain! Saksikan ehebatan Brian Tudor dengan satu pack kartu di tangannya, dan anda akan sangat terkejut !!

    Gone DVD

    Teknik coin revolusioner dari Diciptakan oleh Ryan Lowe, Gone akan merubah anda menjadi pesulap koin hebat. Koin menghilang dan muncul kembali di telapak tangan anda, koin seolah menghilang di udara. Ryan bahkan juga membuat variasi French Drop yang terkenal menjadi teknik revlusioner yang bisa menipu pesulap lainnya. Step by step Ryan akan mengajarkan dasar-dasar teknik ini, lalu variasi-variasi trik yang bisa anda mainkan dengan Gone! Pinjam koin dari teman anda, lalu GONE!

    Marc Spellmann Vol. 1 (The Unknown) DVD

    Marc Spellman adalah mentalist terkenal yang sudah lama memulai debutnya sebagai pesulap. Dalam DVD seri ini Marc akan membagi trik-trik mentalis yang sering dmainkan dalam shownya. Jangan tertipu oleh penampilan Marc Spellmann yang biasa-biasa saja, klien tetap Marc Spellmann terdiri dari orang-orang terkenal dan perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang rutin mengundangnya untuk show. Dalam DVD ini anda akan melihat banyak trik yang sangat berharga yang seharusnya tidak dipublikasikan !! Dalam seri ini anda akan melihat bagaimana Marc Spellmann membuat penonton tegang dengan rutin "Staple Gun Roullette".

    Marc Spellmann Vol. 2 (The Stranger)

    Marc Spellman adalah mentalist terkenal yang sudah lama memulai debutnya sebagai pesulap. Dalam DVD seri ini Marc akan membagi trik-trik mentalis yang sering dmainkan dalam shownya. Jangan tertipu oleh penampilan Marc Spellmann yang biasa-biasa saja, klien tetap Marc Spellmann terdiri dari orang-orang terkenal dan perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang rutin mengundangnya untuk show. Dalam DVD ini anda akan melihat banyak trik yang sangat berharga yang seharusnya tidak dipublikasikan !! Dalam seri ini anda akan melihat bagaimana Marc Spellmann membuktikan hal yang sangat mustahil dalam rutin sulap "1 in Thousands

    Marc Spellmann Vol. 3 (The Aquaintance) DVD

    Marc Spellman adalah mentalist terkenal yang sudah lama memulai debutnya sebagai pesulap. Dalam DVD seri ini Marc akan membagi trik-trik mentalis yang sering dmainkan dalam shownya. Jangan tertipu oleh penampilan Marc Spellmann yang biasa-biasa saja, klien tetap Marc Spellmann terdiri dari orang-orang terkenal dan perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang rutin mengundangnya untuk show. Dalam DVD ini anda akan melihat banyak trik yang sangat berharga yang seharusnya tidak dipublikasikan !! Dalam seri ini anda akan melihat bagaimana Marc mengimprovisasi trik klasik "Bank Night" menjadi trik yag luar biasa dalam rutin "The Prize Draw

    Marc Spellmann Vol. 4 (The Initiated) DVD

    Marc Spellman adalah mentalist terkenal yang sudah lama memulai debutnya sebagai pesulap. Dalam DVD seri ini Marc akan membagi trik-trik mentalis yang sering dmainkan dalam shownya. Jangan tertipu oleh penampilan Marc Spellmann yang biasa-biasa saja, klien tetap Marc Spellmann terdiri dari orang-orang terkenal dan perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang rutin mengundangnya untuk show. Dalam DVD ini anda akan melihat banyak trik yang sangat berharga yang seharusnya tidak dipublikasikan !!

    Mercury DVD

    David Kong pesulap muda berbakat akan mengjarkan pada anda trik sulap dengan kartu. Dimana 4 buah kartu As dapat membalik sendiri satu persatu. Dan di akhir permainan 4 As tersebut berubah menjadi 4 King. David Kong akan mengajarkan detail trik ini dan variasi trik Mercury dengan menggunakan Ghost Deck yang merupakan produk
    The Zenneth Code
    You can watch just the performances or go straight into the explanations.
    Most of the performances are fine and show Zenneth showing a bit of magic to a young lady (as one does).
    The explanations were detailed and taught by Zenneth. The only downside is the ridiculously loud techno music played in the background. Sometimes you just couldn't hear the guy.
    The tricks themselves are very modern and flashy yet this IS something you will do in the real world. Every trick has a substance, patter is easily integrated and the effects could last a lot of time if done right.
    By this i mean they're in the style of say...the Buck twins but have an extra edge if you are sitting at a table and performing for a long period of time.
    Zenneth himself, possesses warm qualities and seems like a real nice guy when on screen.
    The Wedding by Bruno Copin
    Copin relies on thread to cause the cards to stand and move in the story. While the ads says that “you manipulate the cards like puppets,” the effects are mostly the animation that you see in “haunted deck” and “rising card” routines. Copin does offer some clever thread work and his method of walking around and carrying the effect from table to table is ingenious. The story feels forced, but there is a payoff at the routine’s end.
    The ads state that the routine can be presented in table-hopping situations. While Copin shows how to rig a close-up mat with the necessary gimmicks and effectively carry it around and set it up, he uses an enormous close-up pad. If I were to carry such a close-up pad in my restaurants, it would cover half of a table. As it stands, I’m lucky to find table space to do a chop cup routine or rest a single playing card.
    Sounds of Music
    In addition, Copin accompanies his performance with music and sound effects. But he doesn’t mention whether he does this in restaurants. I can’t imagine how a magician is going to carry all of this hardware. While I think that the routine requires too much setup for the majority of restaurant work, it could work in formal close-up settings.
    In “The Wedding,” Copin makes use of some intriguing and clever ideas and strives to tell a compelling story by using magic. This one is pricey because it comes with thread. Watch the video to see if this one might work for you.
    Frozen – ellusionist
    We've all seen the trailer. We all are hyped for it. The effect is obvious. Freeze a napkin with a quarter in it or just freeze the quarter by itself. Everyone kept asking in the Frozen Q & A thread if this can be applied to different things such as cards or other solids. ANSWER: Yes it can. The DVD doesn't go into it though. You're going to have to be clever and figure out your own way. It shouldn't be too difficult though.
    David Malek - Cheating At Hold'em
    Cheating at Hold'em" is not a cliché exposé. "Cheating at Hold'em" is a course in protective strategy. "Cheating at Hold'em" will provide you with all the knowledge needed to become an expert in game protection and enable you to participate in any and all Hold'em games without fear of being cheated.

    The top professional poker players are all conversant with the card cheater's ploys. No one can become a top professional Hold'em player without knowing how card cheaters take insurmountable advantages.

    The information contained in "Cheating at Hold'em" is not a magician's version of how to cheat at cards; it is an authentic, accurate and educational demonstration of the professional cheater's ploys exactly as employed in actual play.

    "Cheating at Hold'em" explores and acquaints you with all known artifices employed by both professional and amateur card cheats
    Cameron Francis - Omega Mutation vol 1-3
    The effects—per-disk

    Disk 1 -- Alpha
    Vivid – The torn corner of one selection mysteriously appears taped to a second selection. In the blink of an eye the first selction restores itself.
    I love the simplicity of this one. It does what it says on the tin, and the super-visual restoration of the card literally happens in a blink. And yes... it's examinable.

    Insecure Restoration – A new twist on David Williamson's “Torn and Restored Transpo”.
    Possibly one of my favourite effects on the DVD set, which really will leave a gulp.

    Cagey – A stunning transposition with an ending that will slay your spectators. This is a beautifully constructed routine,that engages as much as it amazes.

    Everywhere – A signed selection multiplies, disappears and reappears under impossible conditions.

    Dime-A-Cap – A new twist on the coin to pen cap. Indeed, with just a pen and a coin you can have a really beautiful moment of magic. This is a Sankey inspired effect for sure, and it is a great little filler.

    Triumph Transpo – The name says it all... a really cool triumph routine with a twist.

    Signed & Assembled – Three signed cards to card box. Super clean and super easy to do... this one baffled me completely!

    Back In 10 – A freely selected coin (yeah, right!), disappears and ends up taped to the back of a signed business card. You could give that away you know. Like some kind of souvenir / advertising ploy. Genius.

    Hard Knocks – A completely impromptu signature transposition like no other. You'll like it, a lot. I can't really see how it gets cleaner than this.

    Disc 2 – Mem
    Assembled Reset – Four jokers assemble and then instantly backfire into their original positions. Highly effective and the handling is a breeze. Fast, simple and really baffling.

    Card-A-Que – A selection is charred with a lighter and restored in an insanely visual fashion. This is the kind of magic that people talk about for months after the event. And it’s EASY! If it sounds familiar then yes, it's got a few borrowed themes, but this is dead simple, and is something you will keep in your pocket.

    Appearing Sharpie – A ‘no sleeves required’ miracle. One second you are holding a pen lid, the next it’s the pen has appeared in the lid. Hence ‘Appearing Sharpie’. Obviously. This is a really cool filler.

    Bill Switch – The $100 Bill Switch explained in detail. Great for those who need a refresher, as Cameron's teaching is VERY slick.

    Cheque This – A three phase routine created with the table hopper in mind. A borrowed bill turns into an IOU cheque. Then a selected card is shown to have been predicted on the cheque. And then, to cap it all, the bill reappears inside a card case that has been on display the entire time. Totally baffling, and pretty simple to do.

    Last Laugh – Four jokers capture a selection. The selection then becomes a joker and the four jokers become the selection and its mates. Bang – your spectators are on the floor. You’re laughing manically because this is easy-peasy! And not only that, you can get into and out of this with no worries at all.

    Yours & Yours – Words on a piece of paper disappear. Where did they go? Let’s check these two selections. Oh look – those ‘vanishing words’ have appeared on the back of the selections. Weird.

    Separation Anxiety – Oil and water with a twist. Like Gin ‘N Tonic with lime juice. Except without the alcohol. Or the Gin. Or the tonic.

    Stuffed – Two kings capture two selections under impossible conditions. Sandwiches all round. Mine's currently stilton with onion chutney, and I'm trying to eat it with one hand while I type... perhaps a quick break...

    Disc 3 - Omega
    Ring Flight – A reel-less ring flight that's big on impact and easy on sleights. You’ll be using this one folks. Believe us! No gaffs, just guts! And get this... it makes use of items that you would naturally have on you at a close-up performance. Great!

    Jumpy Collectors – Three jacks collect three selections one at a time in an increasingly impossible manner. What's ridiculous about this is that the handling is VERY simple.

    CF Switch – A utility card switch with loads of possibilities. Cameron's showpiece switch, which is as quick and simple as the village idiot with his breeches on fire.

    Visiting Hour – An amazing “Visitor” effect that is perfect for table hoppers. Again, a pocket-rocket of an effect.

    Connections – A super clean Do-As-I-Do effect with an incredible climax. Oooooh yeah, do-as-I-do are great for restoring life in a dull audience. And this one is pretty darned weird.

    Hofzinser Takes A Dive – The Hofzinser Ace Problem turned on its head. Now here's one for your repertoire, or my name isn't Seige MacDonald (who had a farm)

    Space Available – A blank faced card takes on the image of a signed selection under incredibly fair conditions... imagine Presto Printo with a signed selection...

    Dupes – An amazing small packet effect with loads of magic and an instant reset. This one is a gem. And another one you'll pack with you!

    International Cards Of Mystery – You write a prediction on a bank note. Then you allow your spectator to chose from a packet of cards – each of which has a different city on the reverse. Their freely selected city is found to be on the reverse of the same card you predicted on the bank note. But wait – you can’t spend that bank note in that city. Solution – you visibly change the currency to match the city!
    LOADS of different mechanics applied to this puzzle... makes it sound complex, but it's really not at all.

    Bottom line
    If you like other BBM material, and you can tolerate Sankey or Sanders, then this is a good set. £50 sounds steep, but you're getting a lot of bang for your buck. There are five solid hours of magic—albeit intertwined with the storyline—but you seriously can't tell me that from the description above that there's not something in there for you!

    I give this a solid 8.5 out of 10. Mainly because I'm stingy, and don't like over-rating things.

    The only things I can find wrong with this is that the themed element may get on one's nerves after a while. I watched this whole thing 3 times over before reviewing, and Mrs Seige wondered what on earth I was watching... her initial comment was "Are all magicians lunatics, or do you all just do drugs?". Well, although the latter isn't true, I can confirm that it helps to be a little crazy.

    Cameron's influences are clear. See if you can spot them. He's a crazy kind of fella that reminds me of the lovechild of 'Face' from the A-team, Richard Sanders, and Jay Sankey.
    Although he may never win an oscar for his acting skills, he's a really entertaining magician. And this production is intertwined with BBM blood and shows what could possibly be the defining step in taking magic tuitional DVDs to a new level of entertainment.

    The first time I watched it, I was laughing. The second run-through I was studying. The third watching I was taking it all in.

    There's a lot of stuff packed in there, and although as I said I can't disclose the 'plot' and underlying story, it was all a bit surreal and odd... but added to the entertainment value for me personally.

    UNFORTUNATELY I see there being huge room for flaming on this production... people ARE going to moan... not so much about the effects, but how they're wrapped up. And when they do, it proves that we're all different in our tastes. I personally happen to love the BBM sense of humour, I find it refreshing.

    All in all, I'd say that although it may have made more sense to split these into 3 separately available volumes, £50 isn't that scary a price to pay for so much material.

    The range of experience required ranges from rank-amateur to a little knowledge and dexterity... but really, there's nothing here that would scare off a competent magician.
    Comedy Magic vol 1-3
    if you want to learn some magic, you can learn some magic on this tape. If you want to learn how to become a comedy magician, watch Mark Kornhouser or Bob Sheets. Recommended for the magic on this tape and not for advice about becoming a comedy magician.
    The Magic of Nefesh vol 1
    A Unique Magic Collection and some amazing material previously unreleased until now...

    Once there was magic. Then Nefesch came. And REAL magic arrived. The hottest magic release of 2008 is finally available and the most astonishing secrets of Nefesch and Titanas two of the most innovative and creative minds of the magic community have been revealed.

    Learn how to cry blood how to put a signed coin into an ice cube or into an egg or how to use the power of your mind to open a soda can from distance or to move a car (yes a real vrooom vrooom car!)or the most incredible visual astonishing signed card to sealed bottle ever seen!

    And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Prepare yourself to be thrilled by the live performance clips of Nefesch because it's how your spectators will be later thrilled by you.


    Hatching: Signed coin to egg

    Glastion: A Signed card to borrowed sealed glass bottle.

    Coinetration: Signed coin through glass with beverage.

    Sweet Card: A sweet revelation on a glass.

    Balooned: Cellphone to signed ballon.

    CAPture: Ring to baseball cap.

    Crispes: Signed card to chips bag.

    Plus bonuses, subleties, inspirations, and more...

    Total Running Time Approximately 3hr 16min
    The Magic of Nefesh vol 2
    A Unique Magic Collection and some amazing material previously unreleased until now...

    Once there was magic. Then Nefesch came. And REAL magic arrived. The hottest magic release of 2008 is finally available and the most astonishing secrets of Nefesch and Titanas two of the most innovative and creative minds of the magic community have been revealed.

    Learn how to cry blood how to put a signed coin into an ice cube or into an egg or how to use the power of your mind to open a soda can from distance or to move a car (yes a real vrooom vrooom car!)or the most incredible visual astonishing signed card to sealed bottle ever seen!

    And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Prepare yourself to be thrilled by the live performance clips of Nefesch because it's how your spectators will be later thrilled by you.


    Frozen: A Signed coin to ice cube.

    PRR: Palm reading revelation.

    Clean Hands: Coin to soap, with an awesome ending.

    Rebeled Match: Traveling match routine.

    Skin: Card revelation on spectator's arm.

    T & R from hell: An impossible T&R routine on the table.

    FMachine: I don't want to say a word about it. You have to see it to believe it!!!

    Plus bonuses, subtleties, inspirations, and more...

    Total Running Time Approximately 3hr 17min
    The Magic of Nefesh vol 3
    A Unique Magic Collection and some amazing material previously unreleased until now...

    Once there was magic. Then Nefesch came. And REAL magic arrived. The hottest magic release of 2008 is finally available and the most astonishing secrets of Nefesch and Titanas two of the most innovative and creative minds of the magic community have been revealed.

    Learn how to cry blood how to put a signed coin into an ice cube or into an egg or how to use the power of your mind to open a soda can from distance or to move a car (yes a real vrooom vrooom car!)or the most incredible visual astonishing signed card to sealed bottle ever seen!

    And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Prepare yourself to be thrilled by the live performance clips of Nefesch because it's how your spectators will be later thrilled by you.


    S.O.S.: Open a soda can with the power of your mind.

    Blood: The performer cries blood and the blood forms the revelation of the spectator's thought.

    Thread: Control a borrowed piece of thread with the power of your mind.

    CAN: Impromptu mentalism routine making a spectator stand on a borrowed can with an impossible twist.

    Bowling: A Mentalism prediction of a bowling game.

    No more kid's parties: Inflate a balloon with the power of your mind.

    Psy Car: Move a car with the power of your mind.

    Plus bonuses, subtleties, inspirations, and more...

    Total Running Time Approximately 3hr 6min
    Threads – wayne houchin
    Here's an amazingly visual bit of geek magic. You place some thread in your mouth and then pull it from out of your eye. You can definitely freak people out with this one.
    On this DVD, Wayne Houchin teaches you two techniques: a geek method and sleight method. Stunning effect, but if you're someone who doesn't care to work around your eyes, be warned, this is probably not for you.
    30 tips and trick stripper deck
    The Stripper Deck offers one of the easiest and nearly self working card identification methods available. A spectator can freely choose any card from the deck and place it back anywhere within the very same deck, cut as many times as they wish, and you will instantly be able to cut directly to their card with no slight of hand needed. This is just one of the many effects possible with the stripper deck. This DVD set offers all the best magic effects possible with your new Stripper Deck, step by step, and easy to do!
    Bionic Coin
    Borrow a coin from a spectator. Now let the spectator draw a picture on the coin or do it yourself with a marker. Take the coin and show it clearly, show your hands completely empty. Then you wave your hands over the coin and change the mark on the coin by just one touch in a blink of an eye (no exchange!). The coin can be immediately handed out to your spectators for thorough examination, and as an astonishing keepsake.

    The DVD will teach you how you can get the most out of this fantastic new principle! You'll learn 17 different effects and handlings. You will learn how to:
    • Make a mark vanish completely from a coin
    • Transform a picture into another picture
    • Make a prediction appear on an empty shown coin
    • Penetrate a mark from on side to the other side of the coin
    • and much more
    Chad Nelson – Surfaced
    his is a brand new DVD release by a young underground sleight of hand artist by the name of Chad Nelson. In this DVD, he teaches one of the most talked about unpublished moves in the past decade, along with numerous effects utilizing this revolutionary move.

    Review: I was extremely excited to receive my copy of Surfaced in the mail, and immediately put the DVD into the player with one main goal... to learn The Clip Shift.

    The Clip Shift is arguably the most anticipated underground move in the past ten years. It's a revolutionary technique to secretly shift a single card from the bottom of the deck to the top, with one hand. Don't get the hype so far? Read on.

    This move has numerous applications. It can be used as one of the most visual colour changes in existance, a control, a vanish, an appearance, and so much more. The move is very versatile and has limitless possibilities.

    The DVD you are supplied with is one of the best produced magic DVDs I have ever seen. If you own the Trilogy and think it is top notch, wait until youj see this. The case, made of heavy cardboard, is beautifully designed and has a very nice cover photo. Inside the case you are supplied with a very nicely produced booklet. This booklet not only details The Clip Shift in great detail, but also supplies Chad's personal notes on the devlopment and subtleties of the move. This is an excellent addition to the set and allows you to see the creative process that went into The Clip Shift.

    Of course, the DVD itself is also extremely well produced. The menus are easily navigatable and top notch quality. Everything is very easy to find and you will have no trouble. Now, on with the content of the DVD.

    The first option on the main menu is called "Watch". This option allows you to watch about 10 minutes of live performance footage. It features Chad Nelson performing the Clip Shift and some effects using it. This is a great look at the impact of what is being taught on the DVD and is a great chance to see everything in action.

    The second option is called "Learn". You are taken to a sub menu in which you may choose to learn The Clip Shift, The 26 Shift, palming techniques, colour changes using the Clip Shift, and The Dribble Control.

    The Clip Shift is exceptionally well taught and is taught numerous times from multiple angles to ensure the best possible learning experience. The deck itself at one point is even switched out for a clear plastic block so the move can be seen clearly in action from start to finish. The move itself is extremely difficult and will take months to perfect. It is something, however, that you will want to practice. The move is extremely fun to perform. Overall, the Clip Shift's teaching is excellent.

    The Dribble Control is simply a control of a selection using the Clip Shift. The cards are dribbled and the spectator is requested to say "stop" whenever she desires. The stopped at card is looked at, and suddenly dribbled into the pack. However, during the dribbling action, the Shift is executed. This is an excellent application of the Clip Shift, that is practially angle proof and, once the Clip Shift is learned, very easy to do.

    The 26 Shift is the hardest item on the whole DVD. It is a modified Clip Shift, used to shift half the deck from the bottom to the top of the deck. Essentially, a one handed pass. This is also a very useful move, but exceptionally difficult, especially if you have not learned The Clip Shift yet.

    The Colour Changes section details some different methods of using the Clip Shift as a colour change. All changes are exceptionally visual and well taught. My personal favourite is using the Clip Shift to set up for the John Cornelius Winter Change.

    Finally, the palming section details many different palming methods and applications. If you are at all interested in learning some good palming techniques, and even if you already are experienced in palming, this is a must-see.

    We move on to the third option on the DVD, which is entitled "Achieve". In this section, 6 different effects are taught. All of them use the Clip Shift, and some even use the 26 Shift. The camera quality is crystal clear, as is the sound quality, and the teaching is excellent. I review each single effect below.

    Freefall: A selected card visually and gradually sinks through the deck, before imposibly falling all the way through and into the spectator's awaiting hands. Then, the process is reversed and the selection is brought back to the top of the deck in an insanely visual manner. This is one of the most difficult on the DVD and will require mastery of both the Clip Shift and the 26 Shift. The effect is insanely visual and fun to watch. ****

    Rum Jungle: Two cards are selected, and lost back into the deck. The magician attempts to cut to one of the selections, The card he cuts to is revealed and alas, it is neither of the selections. But, in a very visual manner, the magician gently shakes the card and is visibly morphs into the first selection! Also, in an instant, the card again changes, this time changing into the second selected card. This is one of my favourites on the DVD... it is very simple, extremely effective, and fun to perform and watch. However, it requires a rather difficult and knacky use of the Clip Shift. *****

    Criterion: Three selections are lost into the deck. The four aces all vanish off the top of the deck, each vanish more visual than the last. After all have vanished, the instantly reappear reversed in the center of the deck, with three face down cards interlaced between. These cards are, of course, the selected cards. This is my new favourite version of Collectors. It is my favourite effect on this DVD, ever phase so brilliantly visual and surprising. The Clip Shift and Collectors are a match made in heaven. You will love this! *****

    Tricycle: A bizarre series of events involving a selected card, and three spectators. This is an extremely powerful magic effect, and the ending just packs a huge punch. The effect is not visual, but that doesn't matter in the least. This is a fantastic impromptu effect. ****

    Clean Hook: After a card is selected and lost back in the deck, the magician neatly cuts the selection from the center of the deck with one hand! He then offers to find the selections other three mates behind his back, with one hand... and does just that. The hardest effect on the disk is also one of the most visual and impossible. This is going to take tons of work to master... come on, you're doing a flashy four card production behind your back with a single hand! ****

    Fourplay: This is an incredibly visual and fun to watch Inversion effect inspired by the work of Chris Kenner and Earnest Earick. This is also not an easy effect to master, but it is one of the most visual card effects on the DVD and only uses the Clip Shift for the final kicker phase. If you master this, you WILL want to peform it. ****

    The fourth and final menu option is simply called "More". The first sub-category is Friends, a section of different handlings, subtleties, and uses for The Clip Shift that were suggested by some of Chad's friends in magic. Chad briefly explains numerous ideas suggested by Ricky Smith Jr., Derek Delgaudio, Jason England, and more. There are some excellent ideas present and this is a must watch, especially for the brilliant riffle shuffle handling by Ricky Smith Jr.

    The second catergory is actually a bonus effect. I review it below.

    #@*! Off: Four aces are found from a shuffled deck with two astounding double colour changes. This is presented as a bonus effect on the DVD because it is the only one which requires preparation, and some gaffs. But because of that, this effect is the most visual on the DVD. If you've watched the final few seconds of the Surfaced trailer, you'll know that the double colour change looks like. It is, again, incredibly visual and utterly seamless in Chad's hands. This is very visual, but because of the gaffs required I can only a rating of ***.

    The third category is entitled "New York". Watch this at your own risk. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but this will boggle your mind and make you wonder what was in the water you just drank.

    And finally, the fourth category is the Surfaced final trailer. This is a nice addition, especially if you want to watch that stunning double coloutr change over and over again.
    Ichiro Araki - Technique Master
    Original Magic! First Time Released!

    Ichiro Araki is unquestionably one of the greatest card workers the world has known. He shares with you some of the best card and coin magic Japan has to offer. Filmed on location in Japan.


    Silent Destiny
    Up-Down Coin
    Instant Triumph
    Spiral Cut
    Spiral Cut Control
    Floating Deck
    Pyramid Production
    Marc Spellman & Peter Nardi – Unexpected
    "unexpected" is really impromptu and can be use for close up without any problem.
    The DVDs are really good stuff with a lot of good ideas. Most of the principles are well known from close up magic, but there are very clever ideas that makes it "fresh", original and usable.
    incredible self working card tricks
    his is a six-volume set of DVDs that teaches magic that is suitable for performances at either side of the bar, but especially suitable for bartenders who wish to raise their image to a new level. Each DVD also includes guest performers and a prop that is used for one of the routines.
    Volume One routines include: Invisible Deck, Professor's Nightmare, Vanishing Napkin, Book Test (Maxwell), Number Prediction (Maxwell), Fizz Master (Harris), Twisted Sisters (Bannon), Ghost Handkerchief, Coin Prediction, Heads I Win, Peebody, Flying Match, Happy Birthday Trick, Glass Through Bar, Anywhere Cards (Maxwell), Appearing Glass Of Liquid (Green), Miracle with a Fork (Bavli), and Rip-It Revolutionized (Hirose). Includes gaffed card for Michael Maxwell's Anywhere Cards and guest appearances by Lennart Green, Guy Bavli and Johnny Hirose. Running time: Approximately 116 minutes.
    Volume Two routines include: Appearing & Vanishing Cigarette, Cellophane Connection (Okawa), Star Warp (Schwartzman/Lorayne), Spectral Silk (Wagner), Raccoonteur, Cut & Restored Rope, Burnt & Restored Napkin, Sponge Rabbits, Card On Forehead, Broken & Rstorted Toothpick, Signed Coin In Sugar Packet, Close-Up Illusion (Jennings), Swizzlestick, Ultimate Pickpocket (Maxwell), Coins To Cup (Roth), Heading North (Regal) and Snap Crackle Pop (Ladshaw). Includes gaffed card for Michael Maxwell's Ultimate Pickpocket and guest appearances by David Roth, David Regal and Tom Ladshaw. Running time: Approximately 99 minutes.
    Volume Three routines include: Dice Stacking, Trained Seal, Floating Glass, Scotch & Soda, Coin In Bottle, Super Memory, Biting A Coin, Ambitious Card/Card Under Drink, Fly Away Jack, Thought-of Card (Maxwell), Acrobatic Aces, Cutting The Aces, Do As I Do, Jumping Rubber Band, Three-And-A-Half Of Clubs Trick, Signed Card to Coffee Cup (Fayne), Peripatetic Coins (Jennings), and Pretzel Logic (Givan). Includes gaffed card for the 3 ½ of Clubs trick and guest appearances by Chuck Fayne, Larry Jennings and Joe Givan. Running time: Approximately 100 minutes.
    Volume Four routines include: An Olive In The Hand, Olive & Shaker Routine, Party On The P-A-T-E-O (Maxwell), Towel Chicken, Card In Shoe, Simple Coins Across (Maxwell), Toony Angel (Maxwell), Pencil Through Quarter, Bill In Lemon, Card In Ice Cube, Nickel On Forehead, Levitating Salt Shaker, Floating Cup, Ring In Dinner Roll/One-Handed Knot, Stolen Cards (Green), Laser D'Lite, Gift Of Grab (Maxwell), Whisky/Shoe Production (Green), Producing Items from a Deck (Green), Cigarette Through Quarter (Dingle), Paper Strip (Marotta), The 14 of Spades Trick. Includes gaffed card for the 14 Of Spades trick and guest appearances by Lennart Green, Derek Dingle and Rich Marotta. Running time: Approximately 118 minutes.
    Volume Five routines include: Starcle (Harlan), Indian Bean Mystery, Swallowing A Balloon, Reflex (Harris), Swiss Movement (Harris), Gray Elephant In Denmark, 11 Carrots, Ring On Stick (Maxwell), Ashes Through Hand, Chink-A-Chink, Matrix, Out Of This World (Lorayne), Ghost Spoon/Floating Dinner Roll, Copper/Silver Transposition, Miser's Miracle (Andrus), Cut & Restored Rope (Skinner), Wild Coin (Roth), Starcle (Harlan), and The Blank Card. Includes a Blank Card, a Copper Coin and a Card Wallet for various tricks and guest appearances by Jerry Andrus, Michael Skinner, David Roth and Dan Harlan. Running time: Approximately 129 minutes.
    Volume Six routines include: Dropping A Match On Edge, Coin Cross, Coin Triangle, One Of Them Is Not A Dime, Dime For Every Quarter, Heads & Tails, Bill & Bottle, Match Triangle, Picking Up Straws, Ten Dimes In Shot Glass, Bill Between Two Beer Bottles, Circumference vs. Height, Olive In Ashtray, Heckler Shot, Stepping Through A Business Card, William Tell Match, The Dry Dime, Squeeze Play, Topsy-Turvy Coins, Centrifugal Force Coin & Glass, Heads & Tails On The Line, Coin Star, Matching Birthdays Dropping A Matchbox On End, Ten-Cent Shot, Two Shots Two Beers, Bet I Can Make You Say Black, Coin Hitting Coin, Olive & Martini Glass, Yoke Are White, Walking Around You Three Times, Eggstraordinary, and Thinking Over A Tree (Weber). Includes gaffed card for the 3 ½ of Clubs trick and a guest appearance by Michael Weber. Running time: Approximately 85 minutes.

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