Innovative Anti-barnacles & Anti– algae agent developed in Japan
Just by mixing maritime-friendly 100% inorganic substances with marine oil paints, lasting, superior anti-shell and anti– algae effects will be exerted.
That is PacificBeam SHELLIII
PB SHELLIII is registered on SIAA as an antimicrobial agent.
PB SHELL3 is the antimicrobial which is registered on Society of Industrial-technology for Antimicrobial Articles ( SIAA) ( JP0111047A0001Q)
Feature1 : Outstanding & Lasting Effect
1. Due to its strong antimicrobial effects, it is realized to prevent shells such as barnacles, mussels, and oysters and sea algae from adhering.
2. Due to its stable structure, unless applied paint was come off, the anti-shell effects last long-time.( Basic experiment was done already.)
Feature2: Higly safe maritime friendly
1. Comprised of 100% inorganic materials using aluminosillicate as principal components, which are safe to human and friendly to seawater.
2. High margin of safety is confirmed thru public test laboratories.
3. Environmental burden substances subject to Rohs, ELV and JIG24 are not included at all.
Feature3: Safe a lot of cost and Time
1. Save the costs of paints!
( no need to use self-polished or hydrolytic cleavage paints)
2. Decrease the using amounts of paints by half at maximum!
( iron vessels)
3.Prolong the cycle of re-painting!
4.Avoiding the risk of indemnification by lowering maximum ship speed!
5. Saving the fuel costs by lowering fuel mileage drastically!
Safe a lot of Cost and Time
Fish boats, Yachts, Pleasure boats, Liner ships, Oceangoing crafts, Luxury liners
Applicable to any kind of ship materials
Wooden ships, FRP ships, Iron vessels
Superior anti-shell effects which lasts for long time are confirmed
by the many of test results. Please check the test result below.
Prefenting from attaching shells ( barnacles, mussles, oysters) and sea algae to a ship bottom
Superior anti-shell effects which lasts for long time are confirmed
by the many of test results. Please check the test result below.