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KAIYUAN 5E-MIN6150 Moisture Oven
KAIYUAN 5E-MIN6150 Moisture Oven[24 Feb. 2010, 21:30:01]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman1 Set
Negara AsalChina


This instrument is used to determine the moisture in coal, heavy oil, coke and biomass. It features blast drying and nitrogen drying method, which is available for moisture analysis of various types of coal, which then can be used for arbitration. It is equipped with an electric leaking, an over-temperature protection device and a terminal interface for temperature checking. It has a stainless heating tube, stainless chamber and automatic ventilation port. An automatic operation setting function for 100 hours is applicable.

Constant temperature range: 20-200C
Temperature fluctuation: + / - 0.3C
Volume: 15 liter
Full load current: 4.5A
Dimensions ( cm) : 30W x 44D x 54H
Net weight: 25 kg

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