Binoculars Steiner 7x50 Commander XP
Binoculars Steiner 7x50 Commander XP : The most important innovation in the Commander XP are the XP Optics; a new high definition, broad band optical formula that features record setting light transmission for times in the dark and clear, sharp, high contrast and comfortable images in daylight.
In addition to the XP Optics, is a new high-tech optical coating on both the objective and eyepieces called " NANO Protection " . This new coating repels water and moisture off the lenses leaving them clear of water or moisture. Like windshield wipers for your binoculars, you wont ever have to wipe them clean of moisture. The secret lies in a uniqe permanent molecular bonding substance that makes the lenses so smooth, that absolutely nothing adheres to them.
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* C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Bayar ditempat)
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Mr.Rian Hadianto
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