Hammer Test Proceq CONCRETE[7 Jan. 2012, 13:01:32]
Hammer Test Proceq CONCRETE : ORIGINAL SCHMIDTï ¿ ½ The H-2975, Type N Hammer is designed for testing concrete items 4 " ( 100mm) or more in thickness, or concrete with a maximum particle size less than or equal to 1.25 " ( 32mm) .It is designed for testing concrete within a compressive strength range of 1, 450 to 10, 150 psi ( 10 to 70 N/ mm and Impact energy of the test is 1.6 ft-lbs ( 2.207 Nm)
The standard ( Type N) hammer displays rebound values on a mechanical sliding scale. These values can then be correlated to compressive strength by using the conversion table chart affixed to the hammer.
10 to 70 N/ mm ( 100 to 700 kgf/ cm)
Supplied in a carrying case complete with carborundum stone
Total Weight 1.7kg
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