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Radio Komunikasi (Handy Talky,Radio Rig,Repeater System) Dealer GPS Garmin (GPS MAP76 CSXi,GPS MAP60CSX,ETREX VISTA HCX) ALAT -ALAT SURVEY
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RADAR FURUNO 1623[12 May. 2009, 17:32:08]
HargaRp. 19.500.000,- (Nego)
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Kemas & PengirimanDUS
Negara AsalJepang
Small in size, the 1623 is big on power, clarity and advances radar features. The slim-line monochrome LCD display and lightweight radome antenna make it ideal for power or sail boats as small as 17 feet.

This 2.2kW radar has a 16 nautical mile range, yet will zoom down to 1/8 nautical mile for tight navigation in harbors and inlets. The 1623 radar lets you readily identify objects, thanks to a high definition 6" Silver Bright LCD screen that clearly separates targets. Plus, the four-tone target display lets you easily differentiate between stronger and weaker echoes, helping to alert you of any danger
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