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SATCOMNET Satellite Communication Network l Sales & Distributor Resmi Alat Komunikasi Satelit l Telepon Satelit & Terminal Satelit
SATCOMNET Satellite Communication Network l Sales & Distributor Resmi Alat Komunikasi Satelit l Telepon Satelit & Terminal Satelit
SATCOMNET l Distributor & Sales Alat Telekomunikasi Satelit l Iridium l IsatPhone Pro l Inmarsat l Thrane & Thrane l Thuraya l Info & Penjualan Hub: 021 34311356 / 087878871274
Informasi Kontak
Nn. Jessica
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Nomor Telpon:
Nomor telpon Nn. Jessica di Tangerang
Nomor Ponsel:
Nomor ponsel Nn. Jessica di Tangerang
Nomor Faks:
Nomor faks Nn. Jessica di Tangerang
Jl. RE Martadinata, Ciputat
Tangerang 15417, Banten
Sales Distributor Resmi alat TELEKOMUNIKASI SATELIT. Telepon Satelit, Terminal Satelit, BGAN Explorer, Iridium, IsatPhone Pro, Thuraya, Inmarsat, Thrane & Thrane. Simcard Perdana Isi Pulsa Telepon Satelit & Terminal Satelit BGAN Explorer
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SAILOR Fleet Broadband 500 l SAILOR FBB 500 l Distributor Resmi FBB 500 l Telepon Satelit Laut l Marine Satellite Phone l Handphone Satelit l Marine Mobile Phone l Jual Hp Satelit Murah[14 Feb. 2012, 3:40:28]
HargaCall: (021) 34311356 / 087878871274
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBox Original
Negara AsalDenmark
SAILOR Fleet Broadband 500 l Marine Satellite Mobile Phone l FBB 500

SAILOR FleetBroadband 500 menggabungkan kinerja optimal dengan fungsionalitas luas melalui antena kompak. Dengan diameter hanya 60cm dan berat hanya 16kg, ini memberikan kecepatan yang menakjubkan data hingga 432kbps. Menawarkan beberapa suara dan antarmuka data, serta sebagai IP ISDN dan streaming dengan kecepatan hingga 256kbps, itu memenuhi kebutuhan semua jenis kapal besar laut dalam.

Make a local call
You can make local calls between phones connected
to the same terminal.
To make a local call to an IP handset, dial the
number of the IP handset ( e.g. 0501) followed by # or
off-hook key.
To make a local call to an ISDN phone, dial 0401
followed by # or off-hook key.
To make a local call to a standard phone, dial 0301
or 0302 followed by # or off-hook key.
For information on allocation of local numbers, refer
to the User Manual.

Access the Internet
To access the Internet, do as follows:
1. Connect the LAN cable between your computer and
the LAN connector in the ship.
2. Start up your computer.
3. Open your browser or email program.
For further information on the terminal, see the SAILOR
500/ 250 FleetBroadband user manual.
For further information on the Thrane & Thrane IP
handset, see the IP handset user manual.

Sales support call:
Phone/ Mobile: 021 34311356 ( 24 hour)
Mobile: 087878871274
Email: satcomnet2@
YM ID: satcomnet1@
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