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Anggota Gratis
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Our company stay in karang tengah, ciledug, tangerang, west java, indonesia. We make corn shell flower from shell corn that we dried and press then to be shaped as a flower, 20 " long stem with rosehead of 4 " diam, vivid looking. Many color are avail. We have another shape too like tulip, orchid, lotus, etc. For decorative wall make from shell three upon the top part we put many natural grains of Indonesia, such as grains of rattan, barak, puspa, sorens, pinus, cinnamon, akar wangi, edelweis, peanut, etc. Its looks natural , good looking and odour. Weight 300 grams, long 30 cms. Natural pencil, in the top of pen we put funny head from nyamplung grains, its looks naturally anf funny. Potpourri make from many grains like we mention above, good odour and natural. And we still have another product that we can not mention here.

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