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Sagun Group

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Sagun Group
Sagun Group
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Sagun Group

Our company group name is Sagun that covers 5 different companies is maneged by Mr Tuncay Sagun as 3rd. generation
One of these companies is Kemal Balikcilik was established in 1960 by Kemal Sagun, located in a small office at 0stanbul Kumkap1 Fish Market. Over the years the company was built up day by day, opening the first processing factory in Ipsala - Edirne and making the first frog exportation to France
Kemal Balikcilik exports to many countries all around the world; USA to Japan, Europe to China. Kemal Bal1kà § 1l1k has been awarded first place as Turkish seafood industry export leader in 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
Established in 2002 as a subsidiary of Group Sagun for the purpose of catching , farming and exporting Blue Fin Tuna, TSM has been continuously developing and widening its operations since its establishment.
As a first and only owner of an Tuna farm with ISO 9001 certificate all over the Mediterranean, the company realized 2nd farm Project in 0zmir in 2009; Each of these 2 farms has the capacity of 1000 tons; also, on the land side of our Antalya facility there are -25 Â ° C cold air storage with the capacity of 6000 tons, -70Â ° C superfreezer storage with 300 tons capacity and -110 Â ° C shocking units. With modern and high technology of Antalya facility, by having the biggest and most important Tuna raising farm TSM has become the leader of its industry

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