The Smart Positioner Series 8400S is a Smart two-wire device that uses a 4-20mA signal input as its set point, deriving its power from the same. It compares the set point with the actual position of....
In responding to the rapid changes and high demand in local industrial sector, PT. Unggul Daya Pratama which was established in Jakarta, 2013, keep moving forwards not only focusing in the industrial....
Pengertian Gearbox Dalam beberapa unit mesin memiliki sistem pemindah tenaga yaitu gearbox yang berfungsi untuk menyalurkan tenaga atau daya mesin ke salah satu bagian mesin lainnya, sehingga unit....
FISHER Control valves are valves used in pipelines to control operating conditions such as flow, pressure, temperature, and liquid level by fully or partially opening or closing in response to a....
Valve atau yang biasa disebut katup adalah sebuah perangkat yang mengatur, mengarahkan atau mengontrol aliran dari suatu cairan ( gas, cairan, padatan terfluidisasi) dengan membuka, menutup, atau....
ARCA ECOTROLĀ ® offers a wide range of innovative solutions designed to fulfil all your control tasks requirements. Whether housing, inner valve, valve seats, stem seals, actuators, or positioners, ....