Gas Chromatograph Main Unit : Packed column injector Wide bore capillary column adaptor Split/ Splitlesss capillary column injector. Power : 2500W, 220V Detector ( Optional) Bisa Dipilih: ....
Centra Agrobisnis Indonesia, bergerak dalam bidang : A. KONSULTASI PERAWATAN TANAMAN PADA TANAMAN Pertanian, Perkebunan, kehutanan dan Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan seperti tanaman : Kelapa sawit ( ....
Bor Tanah - kedalaman 10 meter Drilling Rod, Solid bar, 1mtr length, 1 1/ 4" dia 10 Pcs Auger Head, Welded steel, two radial blades, 4" dia 1 Pc Straight Chopping Auger Steel bar, hardened tip, 45....
Range : 190 - 900 nm Accuracy : Â ± 0.5 nm Resolution : < 40% Dimension : 1000 x 530 x 425 mm Weight : 130 kg Elemen : Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cr, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, Ga, Hf, Hg, Ho, K, ....
Meja Kemurnian Lokal Type 2 Specification : Meja Ukuran PxLxT : 120 x 60 x 76 cm Alas Meja inspeksi Bahan : Acrilic/ Kaca Lampu : 48 Watt Listrik : 220 V / 50 HZ . . Kontak Kami : HP....
Model: DK-S20 Input power: 1000W Electrical requirements: 220V 50Hz Temperature range: 20~ 200Â º C Temperature stability: 0.5Â º C W* D* H interior dimension ( mm) : 250* 250* 200 Timing Range: ....
Compact Electronic Balance YP-N Series 1. Rugged and compact design 2. Total easy of operation 3. High precision 4. Over load alarm 5. Fully automatic external calibration Model : YP102N ....
Soil Moisture Meter, Alat Ukur Kelembaban Tanah . . Hubungi Kami : HP 08211 2015 928, e-mail : k111222555@ Alat Laboratorium Pertanian .
Application : - Wood Fiber Material - Chinese Traditional medicine - Tobacco - Cotton Paper - Building - Soil - OTHERS Fibre Material Moisture Range : 0 to 50% Temperature : -10 to 60Â º ....
ph meter, conductivity, salinity, turbidy, spectrophotometer, current meter, compass, altimeter, clinometer, meteran, theodolite, gps, pompa, sprayer, fogging, shading, perahu, pestisida, TDS Meter, ....
Accessories Presision Weight OIML F1 class : single weights for hight precision calibration 1. Hight-grade steel 2. One-piece construction 3. Ideal weight for mass standard... 4. Screw knot....
Moisture Analyzer DHS Series 1. Uniform and fast infrared heating 2. Rugges, compact design and easy to operate 3. Programmable Model : DHS16-A Readability : 0.001 g Capacity : 0-100 g ....
Ubi Kayu, singkong, Ketela pohon, ubikayu, telo, gadong, gadung, tirha, Cassava, uwi, : Bibit Tanam Ubikayu : Mukibat, Darul Hidayah, Cicurug, Mangu, centraagro@,
Ukuran Stainless: 1" 1/ 2" Ukuran Kuningan : 1" 1/ 2" . . Kontak Kami : HP 0821- 100 589 77, 0821 120 159 28, 0251- 7543316, 0815 9935009, HP 082112015928 e-mail : k111222555@ yahoo....
Ember Karet Getah Sadap Terdiri dari 2 Ukuran 15 Liter 30 Liter Hubungi Kami : HP : 08211 2015 928 e-mail : k111222555@ Ronald : 08211 2015 928 e-mail : k111222555@ .....
Precision Balance JA Series 1. Large display 2. Automatic calibration with external weight 3. Sturdy and compact design 4. RS-232C output interface 5. One touch operation Model : Ja2603B ....