disc Hooseki Manual Call point Rated Voltage : DC 24V Rated Current : 75mA Color : Red Weight : Approx 155g harga termasuk PPn
Pada awalnya kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang civil dan mechanical electrical contractor, kemudian kami mulai melebarkan sayap usaha kami kepada retail fire protection equipment mulai....
disc weight approximately 150g, white creamy, 24V DC, working voltage 12V to 32V DC. fixed temperature 68.75 C, smoke concentration 15% per meter harga sudah termasuk PPn 10%
disc weight 103gms, ivory white, fixed temperature 60 C, 70 C, 80 C. alarm rating DC30V 70mA max ISO 9001 certificated harga termasuk ppn 10% harga baru per 1 feb' 14
nechanical operating principles ensure long-term durability and lease malfunction. - Self-restoring function ensures repeatedly use. - The exhaust valve of R.O.R Head Detector part uses optical....
disc price is including VAT made in taiwan ISO9001
made in taiwan ISO 9001 disc Price is including VAT 4" and 6"
Gate Valve Hooseki NRS, Bronze Seat, CI Body Flanged PN16/ Class125
Gate Valve Hooseki OS& Y, Bronze Seat, Ci Body Flange PN16/ Class 125
CM panel and detector made in taiwan ISO 9001 discount 20%
annunciator addressable and conventional made in taiwan ISO 9001 discount 20%
semi addresable FACP made in taiwan ISO 9001 discount 20%
conventional FACP ABS and steel made in taiwan ISO 9001 discount 20%
addresable FACP made in taiwan ISO 9001 discount 20%
modul output input available 1 in out, 3 in out, 4 in out made in taiwan ISO 9001 discount 20%
fixed temperature heat detector made in taiwan ISO 9001 discount 20%