Features & Applications : The Thermo-Hygrometer Model CA846 is a portable, compact digital meter designed for simplicity and one-hand operation. The meter uses an RTD Pt385/ 1000W as the....
Micro Labtech Instrument. Our company deal for supply for the following Equipment and Instrument : Analytical Balance Ohaus Ashing Muffle Furnace - Carbolite Autoclave All American Blender....
Specification : pH Range : 0.0 to 14.0 pH pH Resolution : 0.1 pH pH Accuracy : Â ± 0.2 pH pH Electrode : MA911B/ 1 ( included) Environment : 0 to 50Â ° C / 32 to 122Â ° F; max RH 95% ....
KLA-6 Automatic Filter Plugging Tendency Analyzer ( FPT) â € ¢ Integrated Cooling System equipped with a single stage gas motor compressor CFC free â € ¢ Measuring device complete with support for....
Furniture Laboratorium, Lemari Asam, Fume hood, Laminair Air Flow, Biosafety Cabinet, Lemari Laboratorium, Lemari Instrument, Lemari Stainless, Meja Laboratorium , www.furniture-lab.com , lemari asam
Specification Single Button Operation : Yes Detectalbe Item : Stud, Metal, AC Wire General Detect Depth : 0.5inch/ 12.7mm Deeply Detect Depth : 1.5inch/ 38.1mm LCD Display : Yes Different....
Specifications Range : 0 to 28 g/ 100 g : 0 to 34 g/ 100 ml : 1.000 to 1.216 Specific Gravity : 0 to 26  ° Baumà © : 0 to 80 ° C / 32 to 176 ° F Resolution : 0.1 g/ 100 g : 0.1....
The Wind Monitor-AQ is a high resolution wind sensor for air quality applications. It combines low threshold, fast response and excellent fidelity to meet important regulatory standards. U.S.....
Specification Applications include : manholes, gas lines, fuel systems, exhausts, propane stations, IAQ test and arson residue. Used in almost any situation where combustible gasses, vapor or....
CT-2330 compact printer delivers a fast and reliable printout on regular and adhesive papaer. 1. Palm size and light weight 2. Papaer near end sensor 3. High speed printing 4. Low power....
Mesin Mixer 1 M3 Mesin Mixer Untuk mencampur bahan semen, pasir dan kimia mesin-mixer-bataringan Mixer kapasitas 1m3= P180 x L92 L x T140 cm Mixer Kapasitas 1m3= P 215 x L 92 x 140 cm Mixer....
Aluminium Dishes Model : CT-AD350-80 0 80mm for moiture analyzer ( box with 80 pcs ) . . Contact : e-mail : k222555777@ yahoo.com, HP 081298520353 .
FORCE GAUGE, 5000 g Model : FG-5000A-232 * 5000 g, g/ oz/ Newton. * Tension & Compression, Peak hold, Zero, Positive/ Reverse display, 5 digits LCD. * Full line accessories, optional test stand. ....
Jual Lemari Asam Jual Fume Hood Jual Meja Laboratorium Wall Bench dan Island Bench Spesifikasi Lemari Asam Type 1 Meja Granite 1. Material : Multiplex 18mm dilapisi dengan HPL ( Soft finishing) ....
The YOUNG Model 81000VRE Ultrasonic Anemometer is a 3-axis, no-moving-parts wind sensor with four synchronized voltage input channels and serial output. The VRE model has an extended mast that....
Features & Applications : The eTrex H is an affordable option for outdoor enthusiasts and is equipped with a high-sensitivity GPS receiver that quickly and accurately gains a satellite signal....