SEWA hanya Rp.185.000.-/ bln Per Copy Rp.55.- Specifications COPY Copy process Copy speed: Up to 24 cpm Multi Copy: Up to 99 Copy resolution: 600 dpi à — 600 dpi N-in-1 Function: Compress 2....
NEWJAYA memperkenalkan diri untuk Menawarkan MESIN-MESIN FOTOCOPY MULTIFUNGSI untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anda ; COPY , PRINT , SCAN , FAX , PRINT-USB Koneksi USB/ NETWORK/ WiFi Perangkat unit....
Copying Capability: B/ W Copying Copy/ Print Speed ( ppm) : 38ppm Design Style: Flatbed Document Glass Size: Letter-size Paper Size: Folio ( F4) Standard Memory: 64MB ADF: 35-Page Scanning: B....
Copying Capability: B/ W Copying Copy/ Print Speed ( ppm) : 38ppm Design Style: Flatbed Standard Memory: 128MB Paper Size: Folio ( F4) ADF: 50-Page Scanning: B/ W & Color Scanning Reduction/ ....
Duplex( 2 sisi) , Scan Warna, USB, LAN Type: Desktop type Memory: 256MB Scanning Resolution: 600 x 600dpi Printing Resolution: 600 x 600dpi ( Text/ Text-Photo/ Photo) Halftone/ Printable....
General Printer Type: Black & White Single Print Speed: 35 ppm Print Resolution: Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi First Page Out Time: Less than 6 secs Memory: Standard 256 MB / Max 768 MB Processor: 533....
Technology: Semiconduktor laser Colour Engine speed: 25 ppm Power: Copying/ Printing: 590 W Stand-by: 130 W Energy Saver: 1.7 W Memory+ HDD: 3.5 GB+ 160 GB HHD Paper capacity: 2x500( cst) + 100....
General type: Monochrome Multifunctional for A3 Format Technology: KYOCERA ECOSYS Laser Engine speed: 25 ppm Power: Copying/ Printing: 570 W Ready-mode: 119 W Sleep-mode: 1 W General memory: ....
General type: Desktop Technology: Semiconduktor laser Engine speed: 20 ppm Power: Copying/ Printing: 303 W Stand-by: 7 W General memory: Internal 64 MB Paper capacity: 100-sheet COPY Max.....
General type: Desktop Technology: Semiconduktor laser Engine speed: 18 ppm Power: Copying/ Printing: 385 W Stand-by: 75 W General memory: Internal 256 MB Paper capacity: 300-sheet COPY Max.....
General type: KYOCERA Laser, Mono A3 Engine speed: 18 ppm Power: Copying/ Printing: 424 W Ready-mode: 60 W Sleep-mode: 2.6 W General memory: Internal 32 MB, Max. 160 MB Paper capacity: 300....
General type: Colour Multifunctional for A3 Format Technology: KYOCERA ECOSYS Laser Engine speed: 20 ppm Power: Copying/ Printing: 607 W Ready-mode: 139 W Sleep-mode: 1 W General memory: ....
General type: Monochrome Multifunctional for F4 Format Technology: KYOCERA ECOSYS Laser Engine speed: 35 ppm Power: Copying/ Printing: 502 W Ready-mode: 84 W Sleep-mode: 10.6 W General memory: ....
GENERAL -COPY- Copy resolution: 600 x 600 dpi Max. original size: A4 / Legal Copy Sped: 20 cpm Digital copy features: Scan-once-copy-many, electronic sort, 2in1, 4in1, ID-card copy, program, ....
Hanya Rp. 10.540.000.- Mesin Fotocopy terdiri dari: 1. Konica Minolta PagePro 1590MF ( spesifikasi terlampir) 2. Brother MFC-J3520 InkBenefit ( spesifikasi terlampir) dan beberapa sarana....
Sewa Rp. 75.000.-/ bulan Per Print Rp. 55.-/ lembar Specifications pagepro 1500W Print Engine: Electrophotographic/ Laser Print Speed: A4 ( plain paper) -- 20 ppm Letter ( plain paper) -- 21....