SAM 940 Overview ( RIID) : Our groundbreaking new Radiation Isotope Identifier ( called a RIID by Dept of Homeland Security) , offers a suite of features to address a growing range of....
PALLSCIENTIFIC, adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang Hygiene Industri dan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Bertujuan untuk menjembatani dan memenuhi kebutuhan dunia industri khususnya dan....
LW 100 E1 The LW 100 E1 is a particularly lightweight and reliable breathing air compressor. It is designed for mobile use and impresses with its flexibility combined with low maintenance....
Immediate Compact Protection https: / / watch? v= kBL_ BaU5I4o https: / / com/ watch? v= 6GGyyO92Q94& feature= The Avon NH15â „ ¢ CBRN Air Purifying Escape....
ARAP-E & ARAP-C RESPIRATOR AVON-PROTECTION Specification : ARAP-E W/ Air Switch, 10 Min Cylinder and Valve, Nylon, M/ LG Single Curve, Neoprene Spider, Non Air Switch Dev, Hansen HK Airline, Case ....
Thermotolerant ( faecal) Coliform Count The kit includes a portable, battery-powered incubator capable of making five cycles of incubation without mains electricity, generator or vehicle power.....
E1100 adalah genggam BARU gas analyzer industri yang adalah alat yang berharga yang dirancang untuk pemeliharaan & tuning proses pembakaran termasuk ketel, pembakar, mesin gas & diesel, turbin, ....