Coverall / Wearpack Disposable Aplication for : * Pharmaceutical Manufacture * Low level chemical handling * Resin aplication * Pressure / Steam water cleaning * Paint Spray * Maintenance & ....
Produk Optimask Corporation sudah dipergunakan oleh beberapa perusahaan yang menerapkan konsep Hygienies, karena kami memberikan bentuk solusi penghematan bagi perusahaan Bapak/ Ibu dalam penggunaan....
100% Poly Vinyl Chloride ( PCV ) Gloves Powder Free Non Sterile Non Allergic Reaction Size Available : S, M, L Aplication for : Food Service, Healthcare, Dental, Industrial Safety, Laboratory, ....
Shoes Cover Disposable with Aplication for : * Food Service * Industrial Safety * Healthcare / Hospitaly * Laboratory * Homecare, etc
To Covering shoes when entering a clean room or streill, so dust and germs that stick to the shoe does not fall or when the employee carried mapun guests enter the room that has been declared free of....
Dipakai pada : - Clean Room - Streile Room - Laboratorium - Hospital - Etc
Mob Cap Disposable Aplication for : * Food Service * Industrial Safety * Healthcare / Hospitaly * Laboratory * Homecare, etc
Bouffant Cap Disposable Aplication for : * Food Service * Industrial Safety * Healthcare / Hospitaly * Laboratory * Homecare, etc
Hairnet Disposable / Bouffant Cap Aplication for : * Food Service * Industrial Safety * Healthcare / Hospitaly * Laboratory * Homecare, etc
Kami menjual Masker Carbon ( Face Mask 3 Ply With Carbon ) sangat cocok dipakai pada berbagai industri yang mengutamakan proteksi tinggi dari berbagau bau yang menyengat
Latex Examination Gloves Powdered Non Sterile Ambidextrous Size Available : S, M, L Aplication for Medical & Industrial Registered : Kemenkes RI AKL 11603013867