As national standard and/ or to show the national mass scale up to 50 kg. For calibration ( tracing) of the mass standards of class E1 to national standards.
Mengambil respon ini sebagai moto, CV. Berkat Jaya Abadi, didirikan di surabaya pada tahun 2001 dengan tujuan untuk berkontribusi pada proses modernisasi, khususnya dalam teknologi ilmiah di....
The 100 bp DNA Ladder is designed and provided as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The ladder consists of 15 fragments ranging in length from 100 to 2000 bp. The 500 bp and....
The 250 bp DNA Ladder is designed and provided as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The ladder consists of 9 fragments ranging in length from 100 to 5000 bp. The 500 bp and....
The 1 Kb DNA Ladder is designed and provided as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The ladder consists of 13 fragments ranging in length from 250 to 12000 bp. The 1500 bp and....
AmpONEâ „ ¢ Taq DNA polymerase is a recombinant enzyme derived from Thermus aquaticus, which is cloned and expressed in E. coli and possesses the same functions as the native enzyme. This enzyme is a....
AmpONEâ „ ¢ a-Taq DNA polymerase is a modified enzyme mixed Taq DNA polymerase with Pfu DNA polymerase which has proof-reading activity and has the ability to amplify a long PCR product ( up to 20 kb) ....
AmpONEâ „ ¢ Pfu DNA polymerase is a recombinant modified enzyme derived from Pyrococcus furiosus, which is cloned and expressed in E. coli. This enzyme has 32 â € ™ 52 exonuclease ( proofreading) ....
AmpONEâ „ ¢ HS-Taq DNA polymerase, a modified form of AmpONEâ „ ¢ Taq DNA Polymerase, is designed to enhance the specificity, sensitivity and yield of DNA amplification. The activity of AmpONEâ „ ¢ HS-Taq....
AmpONEâ „ ¢ Clean Taq / Clean a-Taq DNA polymerase are thermostable enzymes to minimize the contamination of genomic DNA using new purification method. There is no E. coli genomic DNA contamination in....
AmpONEâ „ ¢ Taq / a-Taq / HS-Taq Premix contains all reaction components required for PCR, such as reaction buffer, dNTP, gel loading dye, stabilizer and sediment in addition to Taq DNA polymerase. It....
AmpMasterâ „ ¢ series contain all reaction components required for PCR, such as reaction buffer, dNTP, gel loading dye, stabilizer and sediment in addition to Taq / a-Taq / HS-Taq DNA polymerase. It is....
HyperScriptâ „ ¢ Reverse Transcriptase is a new engineered M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase with reduced RNase H activity and increased thermal stability. It can be used to synthesize first-strand cDNA at a....
ProtinExâ „ ¢ Animal cell / tissue provides fast and easy methods for the extraction of total soluble proteins from animal cells and tissues. When extracting proteins, efficient disrupting of cells or....
GeneAll ® PAGESTATM is designed for loading of protein samples in SDS-PAGE, ready to use. FEATURES & BENEFITS : - Clear visualization of bands - 5 X concentrated buffer adjusts the quantity of....
Hybrid-Râ „ ¢ provides an easy and rapid method for the isolation of highly purified total RNA from samples of human, animal, plant, yeast, bacterial and viral origin. Hybrid-RTM eliminates alcohol....