Rotary Evaporator RC 600 The RC 600 has been specifically developed to meet the needs and demands of university and education facilities. A constant turnover of students calls for robust....
Jual Alat Laboratorium, Alat Lab, Meter / Tester, Distributor Alat Laboratorium, Laboratory Supplier, Measuring Instrument, Environtment for Pharmaceutical, Research, Education / Institute, Oil / ....
Burn-off Furnace - BWF BWF 11/ 13 Max temp ( Â ° C) 1100 Max continuous operating temp ( Â ° C) 1100 Volume ( litres) 13 [ read more] BWF 12/ 13 Max temp ( Â ° C) 1200 Volume ( litres....
MANUAL POLARIMETER WXG-4, 0813 85 999 849 Features : Characteristics; visual alarm ; manual measure; easy to operate Measuring Range -180Â º ~ + 180Â º Minimum value in Reading 0.05Ã ¯ Â ¿ ....
HOT WIRE ANEMOMETER LUTRON AM-4204 Specification ; * 0.2 - 20.0 m/ s, high precision for low air velocity measurement, Telescope probe. * m/ s, ft/ min, km/ h, knots, mile/ h, oC/ oF. * Max.....
0813 85 999 849 Favorit Water Distilling Type W4L Favorit water still W4L ( 4 liters per hour) offers horizontal thick wall heat resistant borosilicate glass boiler fitted with 3 KW chromium....
DO600 Waterproof ExStik II Dissolved Oxygen Meter Features: Oxygen level displayed as % Saturation or Concentration ( mg/ L [ ppm] ) Adjustable Altitude Compensation ( 0-20, 000ft in 1, ....
081385999849 WOOD MOISTURE METER - Multron Indotech 021 26327478 Application: - Veneer Flooring Furniture Sawmill HM8 - WS1 HM8 - WS5 HM8 - WS13 HM8 - WS25 Dimension 120 x 60 x 25 mm 120 x 60....
Harga Rp. Oil-less Diaphragam Vacuum pump Model: DOA-P504-BN Description If you need a small, quiet source of vacuum or pressure, you' ll find the unit for your application in the Gast line....
Photometer P15plus water quality tester is designed to provide rapid, reliable and precise measurements of the most important water treatment parameters; chlorine, pH value, total alkalinity, ozone, ....
The new Elmasonic S units are available in 16 different sizes ranging from 0.5 litres to 90 litres. State-of-the art microprocessor controlled ultrasonic cleaning and sweep technology. The user....
0813 85 999 849 Funke Gerber Colony Star 8500 Colony Counter Specification : Counter : LCD Displays ( 0.....99999/ 5 digits) with reset switch and acoustic signal ( which can be swithed off) ....
ELMA SONIC ULTRASONIC CLEANER Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the most modern processes today that particularly effectively and efficiently removes dirt and other contamination in the shortest time....
OVEN-ON21E LAB COMPANION , 150 LTR â € ¢ From + 15 above room temperature to 220 â € ¢ Microprocessor PID control/ Auto-tuning / Calibration. â € ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON ....
Merck Turbidity Meter Turbiquant ® 1100 T - 0813 85 999 849 Turbiquant is particularly suited for on-the-spot measurements. The robust carry- case and the waterproof casing offer additional....
Coating Thickness Gauge CT 130 Object of Measuring: This compact gauge can be used for non-destructive coating thickness measurement of non-magnetic coatings, e.g. paint, enamel, chrome on steel, ....