Water Quality Meter, pH / Temp. / ORP BENCH -TOP TYPE F-52 Mengukur Obyek & Rentang ( Mengukur Metode) pH 0, 000-14, 000 ( Glass metode elektroda) ( Resolusi 0.01/ 0.001pH) ORP -1.999....
Kami menjual anemometer, thermometer, condoctivity meter, ph meter, salt meter, pure weter meter, disooluxed oxygen meter, orp meter, humidity, sound level, vvhlight meter, humiditiy and dew point, ....
NPK Soil Test Kit allows to measure the concentration of the three elements N, P, K in a soil sample. A table at the end of this manual shows N, P, K requirements for common crops and plants
THERMOMETER YK SERIES, 3 in 1 Model : TM-2000 FEATURES * 3 in 1, Infrared thermometer + Pt 100 ohm thermometer + Thermocouple ( Type K/ J/ R/ E/ T ) thermometer. * The best professional....
Respon berkecepatan tinggi ( sampai 35 cps) . Mengunci mekanisme untuk operasi errorless menghilangkan mekanisme perpindahan digit unik selama ulang UL terdaftar model juga tersedia ( File....
HOT WIRE ANEMOMETER Model : AM-4204HA adalah alat ukur kecepatan dan arah angin. Spesifikasi : * 0.2 - 20.0 m/ s, high precision for low air velocity measurement. * m/ s, ft/ min, km/ h, ....
ANEMOMETER CUP Model : ABH-4224 adalah alat ukur arah dan kecepatan angin. * Air velocity : 0.9 to 35.0 m/ s, ft/ min., km/ h, mile/ h, knots. * Barometer : 10 to 1100 hPa, mmHg, inHg. * ....
Milwaukee offers a wide range of reagents for Martini Instruments, Wine-line & Olive Oil-line Photometers, Turbidity Meters and Mini-Titrators. The use of calibration and cleaning solutions is....
ANEMOMETER Model : LM- 81AM * Measuring range : 0.4 to 30.0 m/ s. * Unit : m/ s, km/ h, MPH, knots, ft/ min. * Data hold, Record ( Max., Min.) * Tiny bone shape with light weight and small....
CHLORINE METER Model CL-2006 * Free chlorine, total Chlorine measurement * Range : 0 to 3.5 mg/ L ( ppm) * Range : Auto range * Measuring principal : Photo meter method * Light source : LED, ....
HUMIDITY/ BAROMETER/ TEMP. METER Model : PHB-318, * Barometer : 10 to 1100 hPa, mmHg, inHg. * Humidity : 10% to 95% RH, Dew * Temperature : 0 to 50 oC, oC/ oF * All in one, pen type, easy carry....
HUMIDITY/ ANEMOMETER METER, + type K/ J Model : AM-4205A * Anemometer : 0.4 to 25.0 m/ s. m/ s, ft/ min., km/ h, mile/ h, knots, Temp.. * Humidity meter / % RH : 10 to 95 % RH., Humidity/ Temp. ....
INTELLIGENT THERMOMETER Model : YK-2001PH deskripsi * PH Meter dengan mV dan " plug and play" fungsi. * PH ( 0, 00-14, 00 pH) , mV ( 1999 mV) * Manual temp. kompensasi adj. atau ATC melalui....
PH/ ORP, DO, CD/ TDS METER Model : YK-2005WA, * One meter for multi purpose operation : PH/ ORP, DO, CD/ TDS METER. * pH : 0 to 14.00 pH, ORP : 1999 mV. * Conductivity : 200 uS/ 2. mS/ 20 mS/ ....
0-140 ° Oe, 0-25KMWBabo, 0-32% Brix 1 ° Oe, 0.2 ° KMWBabo. 0.1% Brix.  ± 1 ° Oe  ± 0.2 ° KMWBabo  ± 0.1% . Alatlabor. Kontak Person: Irfan ( 0813 171 03376) Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan....
Model : ST- 50 ; * Resistance shunt match DMM DC 200 mV range to mesure current up to DC atau AC 50A precisely * Output - 1 ACmV/ 1 ACA, 1 DCmV/ 1 DCA, * Size : 135 x 30 x 30 mm