Furniture Laboratorium, Lemari Asam, Fume hood, Laminair Air Flow, Biosafety Cabinet, Lemari Laboratorium, Lemari Instrument, Lemari Stainless, Meja Laboratorium , Chemical Storage Cabinet, Fume Hood....
Alat Laboratorium, Alat Testing, Alat Lab, Alat Uji, Alat Test Instrument... Supply of Scientific and Laboratory Equipment, Health environmental & Safety, Glassware, Plasticwares, Chemicals, Reagent....
Mengukur tingkat Intensitas Cahaya Data Hold Function Measuring Level Selection Auto and Manual Auto Power Shut off Low Battery Indication Repeatibility  ± 2% Measuring Range: 1 to 100, ....
Mesin Absensi Mesin Absensi Amano EX3000N Series, BX600, email : karyamitrausaha@, telp 021-70748483, 08159935009. " Mesin Absensi Amano EX3000N Series Termasuk: 1 Mesin standard 1 Rak....
Alat Extraksi Fiber dan Cellulose untuk Analisis Alat Extraksi selulosa dan fiber untuk analisa total fiber, dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, wood and paper fiber. ....
Temperature range is â € “ 76 to 1022 ° F and â € “ 60 to 550 ° C Resolution is 0.1 ° Accuracy is  ± 2% or 2 ° C + 2% Size is 7 x 3-3/ 4 x 2 inches Weight is 9 ounces Traceable ® Infrared Dual....
Vector Impedance Analyzer: VIA Echo 4.0 MHz to 1.0 GHz & 4.0 MHz to 2.5 GHz Time Domain Reflectometer ( TDR) : 20/ 20 TDR 0-6, 600ft ( 2010m) @ VoP = .66c Vector Impedance Analyzers: VIA Bravo 100....
AZ INSTRUMENT : Airflow Meter, Temp., Datalogger ( Anemometer, Temp, Hgyrometer, CO2 PH, Thermometer, Infrared, Mamometer ) , Gas Analysis Meter ( CO2, CO, Hygrometer / Humidity, Leak Detector) Sound....
scriber, manual scriber, electronic scriber, mutoh, sony, nc, 0815 9935009 Scriber, digitizer, drafting machine, planimeter, NC, CS 55 top, cs 11o top, HP 0815 9935009. Fogging Machine, Fogger ( HP....
Furniture Lab, Lemari Laboratorium, Lemari Alat Laboratorium, Furniture Laboratorium, Lemari Analisa, Meja Analisa, Meja Alat Timbangan Laboratorium, Lemari Asam, Fume Hood,, ....
Intell safe, Enviro, Star, Nicety, Constant, IRtek, ( HP 0815 9935009) Multimeter, Smart sensor, Clamp Meter, Earth Resistance Tester, Calibrator, Scope Meter, Power Supply, Bench Top, Thermometer, ....
Jual Fogging Machine yang di jinjing atau Fogging Machine yang diatas bak mobil , lSumilarv, Jentika, Abate Larvasida Fogging Machine, Fogger ( HP 0815 9935009) Equipment, Ultrafog UF-35, Melation, ....
Kyoritsu, Analogue multimeter 1106, 1108, 1109, 1110, Digital Multimeter 1008, 1009, 1017, 1017H, Kew Mate 2000, 2001, Analogue Clamp Meters 2608A, 205, Digital Clamp Meters 2002PA, 2002R, 2006, ....
Thermolyne, Cimarex, Hotplate, stirrer, Thermolyne, Cimarec 2, Vortex Mixer, Muffle Furnace : PD. Karya Mitra Usaha Telp 0251-754 33 16 Telp 021-70748483
Jual Peralatan : - Alat Uji Air : water analysis, pH, conductivity, Total Disolved Solid, Temperature, Ion Concentration, Redox, Dissolved OxigentHumidity, ORP, Salinity, Sodium, Temperature dan....
Our Product Range : LABORATORY PRODUCTS: 1. OPTIKA - ITALY : Binocular Microscope, Trinocular Microscope, Digital Microscope, , Laboratory Polarising Microscopes, Up Right Metallurgical....