Earth Auger Mitsubishi BT50 2 STROKE  Displacement 48.6 cc  Max output ( kw) 2.2  Fuel tank capacity 1.1  Carbure Type Diaphragm  Start System Recoil Starter  ....
Alat Teknik We sell following items. Piping and Pipe Fitting Pipa and sambungan pipa, elbow, tee, reducer, valves, flange, etc. Helmet, hood, masker, breathing apparatus, ear plug, safaty glass, ....
TVA Penetrometer Widely used in analyzing soil surface. SO-281 : Penetration Rod and Chamber : Steel pipe, 65 cm length with hydraulic chamber Consist of. SO-281.1 : Penetration Rod : Round bar....
ALAT LABORATORIUM TEKNIK SIPIL Soil Equipment Asphalt Equipment Cement Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment Aggregate Equipment  Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil , Alat Uji, Ukur, Tester....
Concrete Cylinder Mold Cast iron, for forming concrete cylinder sample CE-300 : Concrete Cylinder Mold : 10 cm dia x 20 cm height CE-301 : Concrete Cylinder Mold : 15 cm dia x 30 cm height ....
ALAT PEMBUAT MARKA JALAN Spesifikasi : - Kapasitas Tanki Cat: 75 Kg - Kapasitas Glass Bead : 10 Kg - Tangki: Stainless Steel - Rangka: Mild Steel - Sepatu: Lebar 12 cm dan 30 cm - Penabur....
Mata Bor Tanah Diameter : 8-10 inch bahan Besi Panjang : 86 cm . .
Well Water Sampler Alat pengambil sampel air sumur gali ini terdiri dari botol gelas dan stainless steel yang ujung atasnya dapat di buka tutup dan terikat tali keatas sedangkan ujung bawah....
DCP Dynamic Cone Penetrometer For rapid determination of field CBR value ( rapid quality control) . Handle : Stainless steel = 1 Pc Hammer : Machined steel, Painted, 8 kg weight = 1 Pc Guide....
SO-270 Proving Ring Penetrometer For determining penetration resistance of soil layers. SO-271 : Penetration Rod : Round bar, 3/ 4" dia., 51.5 cm/ 49 cm length with 5 cm increment lines. = 2 Pcs ....
ANALYTICAL BALANCE MODEL PA 214 OHAUS Pioneer Series of analytical and precision balances are designed for basic routine weighing in a variety of laboratory, industrial and education applications.....
Vacuum Pump Rocker 300 Power: 220-240V/ 50, 60Hz Max. power comsuption( W) : 60 Max. current( A) : 0.3 Max. vacuum: -650mmHg= 85.5kPa= 110Torr Max. flow rate: 17 l/ min Horse Power: 1/ 8HPÂ ....
Seed Divider Kuningan Pemabgian Sample Manual Seed / Grain Divider Fungsinya Untuk membagi Sample Benih / bijian menjadi dua bagian * Hasil Pembagian Akurat * Aplication : Corn , Bean , Seeds , ....
SO-338 MECHANICAL END OVER AND SHAKER BS-1377 Electric, 220 V/ 50 Hz, 1 Phase, 50 RPM. Supplied complete with 2 glass jar 1000 ml and rubber bungs Dimension ( l x w x h) : 40 x 60 x 60 cm Gross....
Double Ring Infiltrometer Double ring infiltrometer digunakan untuk mengukur Kecepatan Rembesan Air pada Permukaan tanah. Spesifikasi : * Material stainless steel * Alat ukur jarak mistar....
Walk-Through Metal Detector CS 5000 The CS 5000 is one of the industry' s most economical and effective walk-through metal detectors. Its microprocessor technology offers greater sensitivity for....