Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale, Family Name : Roscoe Zingiberaceae Common Name : Adrak, Part Used : The rhizome Common Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled. Color: Light Yellow, Consistency: ....
Djasula Wangi enjoys a tradition of about five decades since it was established in 1962 by the late Mr. Djohan Narpati, our business core-competence was starting from estates-distillery-export-import....
Product : CLOVE LEAF OIL CRUDE Description : Clove leaf oil is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of Eugenia caryophylatta. Technical Data : 1.....
Botanical Name: Melaleuca leucadendron Common Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Consistency: Watery Perfumery Note: Middle Strength of Initial Aroma: Medium Colour Yellowish to greenish ....
Botanical Name: Cymbopogon nardus Common Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Color: Clear Consistency: Thin Perfumery Note: Top Strength of Initial Aroma: Medium Aromatic Description: ....
Lemongrass is part of the largest plant families on the planet - the Grasses ( Gramineae) . Other members of this family that are closely related to Lemongrass and yield helpful essential oils....
Specific Gravity 25Â ° / 25Â ° C 0.847 - 0.919 Optical Rotation ( + 10Â ° ) - ( + 30Â ° ) Refractive Index 25Â ° C 1.472 - 1.495 Volatilization residue ( 3 ml volatilized) not more than 60 mg. ( 2.5% ....
Along with the increase in food management technologies, especially in Indonesia, use chili powder instead of wet chili is also increasing. Considering the price of chilli increasingly unstable from....
The oil-based extract from the fruits of Capsicum spp Available in 3 types of heat level
Piper cubeba, Fam: Piperaceae, Pharm: Fructus Cubebae Native to Indonesia, particularly Java, cubeb came to Europe via India through Venetian trade with the Arabs, Javanese growers protected their....
We manufacture and export 100% pure Massoia Bark Oil ( cryptocarya massoia) , Papua island origin, Indonesia. Total Lactone content: 82% to 85% . Benzil Benzoat 1. 5% to 3. 5% .
Description : Clove bud oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dried flowerbuds of Eugenia caryophylatta. Technical Data : 1. Appearance : ....
Aromatic Description: Resembling ylang ylang in aroma, cananga is sometimes used as an economical substitute in fragrancing applications. Floral, sweet, slightly woody. Possible Uses: Oily skin/ ....
Appearance : Colourless to pale yellow oily liquid, tends to darken and thicken on exposure to air. Organoleptic : Strong, clove-like odour; spicy, pungent, clove-like taste. Molecular Weight : 164....
The water-based extract from the dried leaves of Piper betle
FLAVOUR: Coffee Extract APPEARANCE: Brown, mobile liquid. ODOUR & FLAVOUR: Characteristic. Conforms to Standard. PACKING: In HDPE containers. STORAGE: Store in cool, dry conditions in original, ....