WATER LEVEL INDICATOR The following two models are drum mounted with on / off indicator. A light and audible signal are activated when the probe touches the water. Battery operated, the cable....
Kepada Yth. Customer / Kontraktor / Konsultan Kepala Lab, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, dll. Pemakai alat Lab. Teknik Sipil Dengan hormat, Kami dapat mensupply peralatan Quality Control untuk....
TRANSPORTABLE MOISTURE LIMIT - TML ( ASTM Designation ( C230-68) .Three methods of testing for the transportable moisture limit ( TML) are currently in general use 1. flow table test; .2....
CEMENT CUBE MOLD Cast iron, for forming concrete cube sample Cement Cube Mold Cast Iron, 3 gang, 5 x 5 x 5 cm ( 2 x 2 x 2 ) Dimension ( l x w x h) : 20 x 10 x 10 cm Weight: 6 kg
Slump Cone ASTM C-143 AASHTO T-119 FOR DETERMINING SLUMP/ WORKABILITY OF CONCRETE BOTH IN THE LABORATORY AND IN THE FIELD Heavy gauge sheet steel, 4" top dia, 8" bottom dia, 12" height.
Le Chatelier Flask : 250 ml cap, the neck graduated, 0-1 ml and 15-24 ml
Universal Oven UN55 ( Memert - Germany) Ventilation and Control natural convection adjustment of pre-heated fresh air admixture by air flap control in 10 % steps vent connection with....
PROFOMETER 5+ The compact, lightweight Profometer 5+ rebar detection system brings the power of non-destructive pulse-induction technology to the detection and analysis of rebar systems in....
Triaxial Test Set : For determining stress strain relationship of cohesive soil without confining pressure ASTM D-2166 AASHTO T-208 Capacity : 350 Kgf Motor : Dinamo Electric Motor Power : ....
Dial Thermometer Range 0 - 100 C Dial Thermometer Range 0 - 200 C Dial Thermometer Range 0 - 300 C
AUTOMATIC BITUMINOUS COMPACTOR : For compacting asphalt mixture in the laboratory Spesification : Electric, 220 V-Ac Automatic Counter, Quick Clamping system steel frane Wooden Base Weight : ....
Picnometer Hubbart type, 24 ml capacity Picnometer Hubbart type, 25 ml capacity
UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE : Heavyduty welded steel constructions Compression Force Capacity : 150 Tons Tension Force Capacity : 50 Tons Double Force Gauge : 10 Inch Diameter Hydraulic....
Percentage Refusal Density ( PRD) is defined as the ratio of the initial dried bulk density of the sample to the final density ( refusal density ) expressed as a percentage. The sample bulk density....
ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMP Power, 220 V - 750 Watt, 1 Phase, 7500 psi 500 bar variable speed reservoir, 10 litres of oil tank capacity Method : ASTM C-39, BS-1881, SNI 03-1990
ORIGINAL SCHMIDT Concrete testing with the Original Schmidt test hammer is the most frequent used method for non-destructive concrete testing worldwide. For every demand and specific test....