Keterangan Handheld Flue Gas Analyzer A550 Woehler Spesification: Parameter gas : up to 5 sensor gas Type Gas : O2, CO, NO/ NOx. SO2, NO2 Insertion probe for a variety of measurement tasks ....
Kami hadir sebagai suatu profesional penyedia produk Alat Ukur berbagai jenis seperti Alat teknik, alat uji lingkungan, alat lab dan lainnya. Secara konsekuen kami terus-menerus menyediakan berbagai....
Wohler KM-410 IAQ Meter. to measure and verifying HVAC system performance and air ventilation control such CO2 content, Air Temp, Humidity, CO content, dew point and wet bulb temp. Parameter : ....
Keterangan Specification WÃ ¶ hler RP 72 Soot Test Pump Set WÃ ¶ hler RP 72 with 1 m hose and probe 220 mm, smoke spot comparison scale, threaded cone, oil test bottle, servicing oil, filter....
Keterangan Specification Technical Data Differential pressure: Range:  ± 2 bar /  ± 2, 000 hPa Accuracy: < 3% from measuring, in range <  ± 200 Pa better than  ± 6 Pa Resolution: 1 Pa in....
Keterangan Specification : CO2-Measurement: Range: 0 - 2.000 ppm ( 2.001 - 9.999 ppm out of scale range) Resolution: 1 ppm Accuracy: 50 ppm  ± 5 % of reading ( 0 - 2000 ppm)  ° C....
Keterangan Specification Technical Data Range: Rel.Humidity: 0...100% r.F. Temperature: -10...60 Â ° C Dew point: -73, 4...59, 9 Â ° C Wet bulbtemp.: -13, 4 ~ 59, 9 Â ° C Accuracy: Rel.....
Keterangan Specification Technical Data Air pressure: Range: 300.0 to 1, 100.0 hPa Accuracy: Â ± 1.5 hPa in range 750 to 1, 100 hPa Resolution: 0.1 hPa Internal temperature measurement: ....
Keterangan Specification Technical Data Range: -40...+ 500 Â ° C Accuracy: Â ± 2 Â ° C, Â ± 2 % f. m. Resolution: 0.1 Â ° C Reaction time: 500 msec. Display: LCD, 3 figure Emission factor: 0.30 ....
Keterangan Specification Technical Data Range: Air Speed: 0, 3...35 m/ s Air Flow: 0...99999 m ³ / s Temperature: -20...60  ° C rel. humidity: 0...100 % r.F. dew point: : -68...70 ° C Wet....
Keterangan echnical Data : Range: 0...999 ppm Accuracy:  ± 20 % at 0...100 ppm  ± 15 % at 100 - 500 ppm Resolution: 1 ppm Sypply: 3 AAA batteries Reaction time: up to 60 sec. Humidity: ....
Keterangan Specification : Technical Data Sensitivity: 40 ppm Sensor: Semiconductor Indicators: acoustic signal and optically by stage-LED Flex holder: 440 mm long Warm up time: max. 50....
Keterangan Specification : Display......................................2 lines, LCD technology. Size 50 x 34, 9 mm. 1 line of 5 digits of 7 segments ( value) 1 line of 5 digits of 16....
Keterangan Specification : Velocity : from -5 to 35 m/ s Airflow : from 0 to 99 999 m3/ h Integrated temperature of measurement probes : -20 to 80Â ° C Anemometer Probes has many variants ( ....