We offer Dissolution Tester, Disintegration Tester, Hardness Tester, Friability Tester, Tap Density Tester, Transdermal Testing System Best Quality Products
PT. SPEKTRA SURYA UTAMA merupakan perusahaan yang berdiri sejak tahun 1992, mempunyai bidang usaha distributor untuk peralatan Laboratory, Analytical dan Alat Lingkungan. Kami merupakan distributor....
We offer Live Cell Stations, Multi-functional Bio-work station, IR Concentrator, CO2 Incubator, Hybridization Incubator, Cooling Shaker Incubator, Bio- work Station, PCR Work Station, Biological....
We offer Microtome, Automatic Microtome, Automatic Tissue Processor, Automatic Slide Stainer, Microtome Cryostat, Ultra-Thin Microtome, Paraffin Embedding System, Wax Trimmer, Vacuum Tissue Processor....
We offer On-Line Water Analyzer, On-Line Gas Analyzer. On-Line Water Analyzer can measure by UV spectroscopy several parameters such as : organic matters, nitrates, ammonia, hydrocarbons, H2S, ....
We offer AUTOCLAVE ALP - Japan, New Model Autoclave with function : Quick Lock Lid, Double interlock, Combined control by temperature and pressure for saturated steam, Display : microprocessor 10....
We offer SOLARBOX xenon test chambers, CORROSIONBOX, Salt Spray chambers, DAMP HEAT CHAMBER, Etching machine for ZINC and MAGNESIUM plates, Color Reflection Densitometers Lowest Price and Best....
We offer Portable Photosynthesis System, Soil Respiration Chamber, CO2 Gas Analyzer and Soil Respiration Chamber, Porometer, Environmental Gas Monitor for CO2, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Chlorophyll....
We offer Ultrasonic Homogenizer, Homogenizer System, Tissue Homogenizer, High Power Homogenizer, Programmable Multi-Probe Homogenizer, High Power Homogenizer, Prep Multi-Sample Homogenizer, ....
We offer Multiparameter Water Quality Analyzer, Submersible Water Quality Analyzer, Real Time Water Quality Sensor Best Quality Product
We offer Digital Sieve Shaker, Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker, Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker
We offer Water Still, Water Bath, Tissue Float Bath, Shaking Water Bath, Shaking Incubator, Hybridization Incubator, Mini Incubator, Mini Tube Roller Incubator, Shakers, Test Tube Rotator, Rotating....
We offer Centrifuge, Refrigerated Centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge, Medical Centrifuge, Micro Centrifuge from Hermle - Germany We offer best price from our stock : Refrigerated Centrifuge, ....
We offer Polarimeter, Saccharomat, Refractometer, Automatic Refractometer, Purity Meter, Coloromat, Sacharoflex, Universal Dosage System, Density Meter
We offer Laboratory Scale Spray Dryer. Best quality products with lowest price
We offer Muffle Furnace, Preheating Furnace, Ashing Furnace, Tube Furnace, Ovens, Air circulation Furnace, Chamber Furnace, High-Temperature Furnace, Sintering Furnace of Zirconia, Vacuum Furnace, ....