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Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem[3 Mar. 2011, 13:23:23]
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Negara AsalItalia


Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem | | Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem | Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem | Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem | Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem | Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem | Varem Pressure Tank | Pressure Tank Varem

The membrane water tank represents a necessary element for a long lasting and regularly working potable water distribution system. Its function is to increase the pressure with which the aqueduct water reaches the end-user.
Especially in flat areas and in periods when the water networks are brought to the limit ( e.g. during summer) , the pressure from local water systems could be insufficient for reaching the demand made by high and/ or distant buildings.
To guarantee water flow to the end-user, even when the pressure falls below the minimum required for normal water usage, a pump should be installed near the main feed.
Considering the irregular demands, the installation of a water tank that would compensate the difference between how much is supplied by the pump and the amount requested, limits the number of pump startups.
VAREM water tanks are suited for all types of water systems: industrial, home, and agricultural. VAREM membranes are balloon-shaped and are directly attached to the flange, avoiding any contact between the water and metal surfaces of the tank. Furthermore, the introduction of the membrane after tank painting preserves its elasticity, impermeability and non-toxicity.
VAREM not only produces its metal tanks, but also the rubber membranes, therefore supervising the heart of a trustworthy membrane tank.

Water booster system
Residential and commercial well water
Irrigation systems
Fire-fighting systems

The membrane tank is suitable for all types of water, even corrosive water with high levels of calcium
the water only comes into contact with the membrane, therefore eliminating the possibility of corrosion
the membrane is easy to replace.
the membrane - made of butyl or EPDM rubber - is suitable for drinking water
the draw down volume of the membrane tank is much greater than that of a normal tank without a membrane
lower cost and more compact installation
eliminates the risks of polluting drinking water - eliminates the requirement for an air feeder - economic and rapid assembly - low maintenance
the membrane, which does not rub against the wall, will have a longer life
a pump and accessories can be fitted directly to the tank on horizontal models

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